Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Since the last major RMT thread ( by Ferrari) seems to be abandoned for a while AND my idea of revamping Teambuilding 101 is actually popular somehow, imma trust myself for a second and use my personal experience to try and rework RMT or at least suggest some changes.

RMT's biggest issue is that we are not Smogon. Most of the information in this site are geared towards playthroughs, with knowledge on routes, growth rates, and all that hidden information. As a result, our Q&A Movesets are...lackluster to say the least, and basically any moveset on this site is worse/a sidegrade to a Smogon alternative. The only benefit is that anyone can post a moveset, but I doubt attention is being brought to that since the most upvoted movesets overshadow the other ones, especially new movesets at the bottom of the page.

In the same vein, we don't have any comprehensive competitive guides. I did elaborate on this in my previous Meta post, but I kind of left out the impact a little bit. See, PokeBase has, in my opinion, the cleanest formatting out of all Pokemon sites. Sure, Bulbapedia is more popular, but I distinctly remember past me hating the crammed words and irrelevant anime yap. We have more concise information that reaches a broad audience; if I am not mistaken, this is not replicated to the same extent anywhere else. Moreover, we have an active (although dwindling, though that's what happens when school starts) community that is always helpful. Our relatively small size actually allows us to filter out "bad" users, making the environment even more beginner friendly as they won't be roasted as much. What all of this boils down to (basically the TLDR) is that we should capitalize on our conciseness and our community. If we are aiming to be distinct from other sites, competitive information serves as something different compared to Bulbapedia.

With all that being said, I'll list my suggestions/reworks from changing the least to changing the most.
(These may not be changes to RMT, but they will try and make RMT more viable)

  1. Making RMT more like suggestions. As my good friend Anchor9 stated in the last thread, the biggest reason nobody is responding to most RMTs is because of our lack of competitive metagame knowledge. For example, I am hyper obsessed with National Dex and a little bit of VGC this generation, definitely not because of Zard-Y to Top 100. However, this is in contrast to last generation, where I had knowledge in OU, UU, NU, PU, Monotype, LC, Ubers, NatDex, NDUU, NDMono, NDAG, and VGC. Yes, this is a lot of tiers, and yes, I hit mid ladder at least in basically all of them. Other competitive players like Rising and Anchor also have the same issue; they aren't very knowledgable in foreign formats, and they even have IRL stuff disrupting them, like Anchor being in college. With that being said, I feel like the RMT Answer rules can be dropped a bit. They should still permit long essays like the ones I write, but it should also allow a suggestion feed of sorts (maybe in a seperate section away from the actual ratings). Responses here can talk about overall team synergy, brief recommendations, and potential issues without having to write an entire rating. This would promote both more activity, since it would take less time to write a suggestion, and more questions in general, as most people can definitely improve even with a small suggestion. Source: Experience

  2. Hosting more tournaments in DB. To my knowledge, there aren't many tournaments hosted on this site, probably because we don't have many active users. However, I'm not talking about sweatier tournaments like Draft League (I love DL but newbies have no idea wtf to do). I saw a tournament suggestment the other day, and it basically pitches "amateurs" against "pros" or something like that. I love that idea because not only it pushes competitive Pokemon, it also brings our community aspect: this is by no means a competitive tourney, just something to let the amateurs get better and to let the pros think around their limitations. If we want to go this route, we can steal a page from Smogon's book and add Badges of sorts to tourney winners (I'm pretty sure there is a hall of fame but I have no idea where it is). The biggest limitation to this suggestion would be the lack of truly active users, and it would be even more difficult to sync up our time zones (like I live 12 hours apart from most of everyone). However, this is something that could maybe attract more amateur players to just play and not be stressed about being bad.

  3. Making Competitive Pokemon more emphasized. If you scroll to the top of the screen, you'll see Pokemon Data, Game Mechanics, Pokemon Games, Community/Other, and the search bar. In my opinion, we should add a competitive section to it, along with all of our competitive guides. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who was here randomly clicking on links and stuff until I saw RMT and I had a neuron activation to make an account. Most non-users spend their time clicking around and learning things; for example, my random stumble into the type chart was a key factor in my eventual competitive knowledge. However, the guides from PX's thread are hidden inside of Meta, which most people wouldn't check anyway due to them not having an account. If they have an account, great; they now have to dig everywhere to try and find a guide, or alternatively, not even know of competitive's existence and only stay in Q&A. Yes, you could put the guides in "Useful Posts" on the right, but that's tiny compared to the huge bar at the top of the screen. This would allow people like 10 year old Banana to randomly stumble upon this easier and, alongside clearer and simply guides, get more interested in competitive Pokemon.

  4. Fusing RMT with Q&A (or moveset threads). This isn't my brightest idea, but if we gotta go doomsday mode, we can include an option in moveset threads to post a moveset about a Pokemon on their team, then have a link to go to their full team. This would have a similar affect to my first suggestion: because this is only one moveset, and the moveset threads are very popular, it is possible that more activity is achieved thanks to the simplicity of rating only one moveset. However, ignoring the issues of movesets being sunk to the bottom of the page, this would also be problematic for teams that use generic sets but have a different playstyle. For example, I have a more balance oriented Zard-Y team that lacks Chlorophyll and Protosynthesis users but has the same set; in this case, it will be very awkward to post a standard Zardy set in the Zard thread. If this is a major concern, then just merge RMT with Q&A and allow both types of questions, along with previously banned ones like playthrough teams. I do think this actively takes away from the identity of DB, though, and there are probably better method to deal with this (particularly my first three suggestions)

Yeah thats it feel free to continue discussing in the comments. I really want to revitalize RMT to some extent, but my brain is in a deceased state so this may just be another yap bomb. This ended up moreso of sitewide suggestions that affect RMT/competitive instead of just RMT just got clickbaited good job

There'll be another yap sesh from me later this week with my thoughts. Thanks again for all of this, it's really good to hear people's vision for what the platform should/could be.
Hello BananaBro! Ever since I got a computer I’ve realized how bad Smogon’s layout really is (It’s much better on mobile to me).

I’m going to give some thoughts on your points.

1. I think the really intimidating thing about RMT is it looks really dead with all the unanswered questions, but it’s not too different from Smogon. The amount of Smogon RMTs that just give little tidbits of advice far outnumber the ones with large writeups. Smogon also has a large of closed RMT threats just like DB. I think the rules on answering should be a little more lax. Although I don’t think Pokemaster would implement this, maybe reworking RMT to instead show “Not Commented On” instead of “Unanswered” would make RMT look better, as most RMT posts do get a comment.

2. Tours come on a seasonal notice. One for Winter, one for Spring, one for Fall, one for Summer. I actually hosted the last tour here: . The format is decided by voting through a Google Doc: . All it really needs is a willing host and people usually sign up. Maybe the current system could be adjusted for more tours or something.

3. I don’t think this is a bad idea, but it’s totally dependent on Pokemaster implementing it, and I think he has a lot of other things to do besides that.

4. I think this would be pretty confusing and really change how Q & A is supposed to work. I think maybe expanding RMT to include Rate my Moveset stuff would be a better move. Also, this too would be completely dependent on Pokemaster’s implementation.
Yeah 4 is really just a random thought. As for 1 and 3, I really hope that either Pokemaster gives Super Admin perms to one of the Mods or the code for the website is posted on github so one of us can fork and edit it. Idk maybe revamping Teambuilding 101 like I suggested last post will be enough for RMT

1 Answer

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As promised, the yap session.

RMT's biggest issue is that we are not Smogon.

I won't bang on about this because I've done that before (and Anchor has continued that discussion above), but I think RMT and Smogon have much more in common than not.

It's hard to think up a team advice platform that isn't just Smogon-lite, or becomes so broad in its appeal that there is no appeal. We can try some of X's ideas or moving moveset rates into separate threads, but I don't think you can solve the fundamental issue of there being more people wanting advice than people who have the time and knowledge needed to give advice.

Do we chuck it in and allow playthrough advice, even though people will get mad when we tell them Lucario is super inefficient for DPPt playthroughs? Don't know.

our Q&A Movesets are...lackluster to say the least, and basically any moveset on this site is worse/a sidegrade to a Smogon alternative.

I used to have the same view of the moveset threads, but I would now describe this view as pessimistic. As the person most responsible for the direction of those threads, I like to focus on positive aspects.

No doubt there's more work to be done tidying up the older threads, but I think there's plenty our threads can offer which Smogon does not:

  1. As you mention, anybody can contribute. It's a more conducive environment to creativity and originality (even if our "creatives" can be a little bit SigmaTyrunt321).
  2. We have strategies for new Pokemon and new metas well before Smogon gets through its QC and other formalities.
  3. This platform allows discussion, i.e. people can scrutinise the strategies and give their opinions. There is a human face to the advice that Smogon's dex doesn't have.
  4. Everything has a date attached to it, so you know if the advice is outdated.
  5. There is more opportunity for people to flesh an idea in the context of a set, as opposed to Smogon which tends to Do / This / In Each / Set or condemn "other options" to a sentence at the bottom of the page.

Even if we aren't matching Smogon's level of detail and command of the metagame, there is a niche for those threads if we keep putting work into them. As I'm sure you know very well, we have people like Volt leading by example on that front anyway, and the more his (and other people's) level of care sets into those threads, the better they will be.

I should preach this more: remember to upvote sets that are good/effortful and downvote ones that are bad.

What all of this boils down to (basically the TLDR) is that we should capitalize on our conciseness and our community. If we are aiming to be distinct from other sites, competitive information serves as something different compared to Bulbapedia.

Hard agree with this whole para.

With that being said, I feel like the RMT Answer rules can be dropped a bit. They should still permit long essays like the ones I write, but it should also allow a suggestion feed of sorts (maybe in a seperate section away from the actual ratings).

Agree with this also. The rules aren't intended to discourage shorter answers, so if that's what you took from them then let me know. I think this would be a good focus for us, since it decreases the burden on raters to address every little detail, test their own suggestions, or whatever other rigour.

I think the only way to reverse this culture is using the rules (or similar) and having people lead by example. I'll change the rules later to spell things out and sound more encouraging of short advice.

Hosting more tournaments in DB.

We'll host them as often as people want them and are able to host them. Anchor's already touched on our current process. Maybe that needs to be simplified to reduce the burden on hosts.

We have a culture of doing fun/experimental tours from our suggestions thread, which we can keep leaning into to be welcoming of newer players.

There is a hall of fame but you're right it's a bit buried. As for badges... good luck trying to get custom features for our software added.

Making Competitive Pokemon more emphasized. If you scroll to the top of the screen, you'll see Pokemon Data, Game Mechanics, Pokemon Games, Community/Other, and the search bar. In my opinion, we should add a competitive section to it, along with all of our competitive guides.

I think we'd struggle convincing Pokemaster to make changes to the nav bar (and that's assuming we can make him talk to us in the first place). I'd also want guides to live on PokeBase, so we can edit them instead of letting them rot like this.

As usual, there'll be ways we can improvise. We can make a tag like this with our guides, then advertise it everywhere so people can find it. Maybe that can be the substitute for the "teambuilding 101" link you spoke about.

Fusing RMT with Q&A (or moveset threads).

I would never mix Q&A with RMT, though moving the questions there is something I've thought about before. Ultimately, I don't think it would work because activity on moveset threads alone absolutely overwhelms activity on RMT.

we can include an option in moveset threads to post a moveset about a Pokemon on their team, then have a link to go to their full team.

Again, good luck having new features added here. I do like the idea of adding integrations with RMT to the main section though. There will be ways we can achieve that without having specific features for it.

Feel free to discuss more.

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Honestly, 2/3rds of my yap sesh was written with a lack of sleep and my head full of kinematics, but I felt like I should at least address the issue and provide some food for thought. I don't spend a lot of time on this site, but people like you have a better idea which implementations work and which don't.