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Wall for Lorna Shore (page 4)

Thanks mate :D
Jul 30, 2017 by Toucanadian
No, I think that's useful. It isn't spam at all, feel free to make a post about it.
In a few of the threads I've posted recently I've tried to draw attention to this myself, though I think it is equally deserving of its own thread also. I think a while back there was already a reminder posted, but it was months ago and Pokemaster isn't going to see it at this point. Might as well try to bring it to his attention again.
Jul 25, 2017 by Fizz
Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable that people considered Untermenschen get so deep into nazism.
May 5, 2017 by JarJar
I'm not sure where it came from but it's been posted on 4chan for the past couple years or so. Obviously it's satire, but neo-nazis in black metal, especially slavs are really something to behold.
May 3, 2017 by JarJar
To clarify, Runemark is my PS! account. It isn't Jojo or someone else running it :) Felt bad messing with you that much though <3
Jan 31, 2017 by Ion
Nice! I use Carbon Fibre D.Va and Skullyatta, although to switch things up I'm using Zen's Water skin for now. I can get either silver/gold elims about 60% of the time with Zen and even higher with D.Va (before the nerf… I haven't tried her out with the changes yet). I play mostly Quick Play because I don't have a mic and I'm not confident enough to go into competitive.
Jan 27, 2017 by Toucanadian
I tried McCree once. It was a good game. Followed by four bad games. I realized his ammo is too small to accommodate my mediocre aim. Maybe I'll go back to him someday. What skin do you use for Zen/McCree/Winston?
Jan 26, 2017 by Toucanadian
I main Zenyatta and D.Va. I also play a lot of Lucio. With the recent D.Va nerfs I've been trying out Reinhardt a bit more. I'm also trying to learn Ana, Bastion, Junkrat, Genji, McCree, and Winston to become a little more well-rounded. But Zenyatta is my bro.

What about you?
Jan 25, 2017 by Toucanadian
Add me on Xbox :p
Nov 15, 2016 by PsychicX1
Nov 13, 2016 by PsychicX1