Seems PX gotcha before I did, but yeah: that's pretty much the gist of it. The Gligurr sympathies seem to have passed now, but a month or two ago it was quite an ordeal and very frustrating for us to deal with. We ended up handing out bans for it, among other things: the wash-up is still around on the bans thread.
I never quite understood the appeal myself, but it was apparent in the end that guys like ETN enjoyed using it to provoke us, and others on the site. For memory, it started when Gligurr began deleting his new wall posts on a regular basis, which created a whole conspiracy around his presence on this site. And the rest is history, as they say.
We might need to reach a consensus of whether Gligurr can stay on the server. As things have blown over now, and the crux of the issue is years old, I'm not sure it presents as much of an issue as it once did. But I don't use the server a whole ton, so you're very welcome to correct me on that.