Hahaha! >:D My first standard deck.
So far, I've battled about 6 times w/ this deck. I've won every time, so thats nice. <3 I'm able to pull out Emboar very quick and sweep w/ the rest. I really like how this deck is made, but here it is, trachy. ;P
Pokemon: 17
x4 Tepig (BW #15)- Needed for Evolution.
x4 Pignite (BW #17)- Fame Charge powers up the field. Needed for Evolution.
x2 Emboar (BW #20)- Ability power ACTIVATE! Inferno Fandango (xD) makes this deck what it is. This card doesn't need much of another description.
x1 Emboar (BW #19)- A great match for Emboar is emboar. This guy is a heavy hitter. 4 for 150 not only does a lot of damage, especially to EXs, and w/ 150 HP, this guy can take a hit or to from said EXs, and then knocks them out w/ Heat Crash.
x4 Reshiram (BW Next Destinies #21)- This thing is the other half of reshiboar. Hitting heavy and hard w/ Outrage and Blue Flare.
x2 Mewtwo EX** (Next Destinies)- This guy again? Haha! Pretty sure youre tired of these Mewtwos popping up in every deck, trach. ;P This guy fits in pretty well actually, getting a lot of energies down pretty quick.
Trainers: 20
x1 Pokedex- Might as well, right? Can rearrange my next 5 cards and pull what I want.
x1 Revive- Why not? I can revive Reshiram or Mewtwo back on the field.
x2 Catchers- Every deck needs a few Catchers. ;P They can turn the game around. This card needs no formal introduction.
x2 Poke-Comm- This also needs no formal introduction. Subing out one useless card (atm) for one I can put into play.
x2 Prof. Juniper- Discards my hand for a brand new one. As a wise man once said, "It lets me get through my deck and finds the card I want". That wise man kinda scares me.
x2 N- Switches out my and my opponents hand for something new. Both good and bad, I'll take my chances.
x2 Heavy Ball- Pignite and Emboar both need to be on the field ASAP. These work great as a search power.
x4 Cilan- Gets 3 energies out and I can put them down right away. If I drew Reshiram that turn, I get him fully stocked and ready to attack in one turn.
x4 Energy Retrieval- With 4 Reshirams comes 4 responsibilities. With each Blue Flare, I have to discard energy, not to mention from knock outs. So now I can get some of those into my hand.
Energies: 23
x2 Double Colorless Energy- Needed to power up Mewtwo, Emboar, and Reshiram in the beginning. Thats all of 'em. ;P Nice power-up.
x21 Fire Energies- Do I need to say anything?
Haha! So here it is. Its worked pretty well so far, any suggestions?