Hai, I'm not Mew, and this is definitely not a team, because I'm definitely not posting it in the RMT. Really. I'm really serious.
About joking, that is.
So this is a team I whipped up almost last second because Riles challenged me to a gym battle the other day, and it's been working really well. Obviously, I got swept a couple of times due to my noobiness (hence, the Nubderator :3), but it's doing fine overall. Currently, it's somewhere like 67-4, which is pretty good for such a fast team.
I made this team mainly because I wanted to use Sheer Force Landorus again and maybe because I almost got swept with it in a recent battle :P
Teambuilding Process:
I wanted to use Sheer Force Landorus, so in that went.

Terrakion and Landorus was a fearsome core that could rip apart lots of teams with their coverage, so I welcomed a Terrakion onboard. I used Choice Band, a set that I never used before.

Noticing that I was know amazingly weak to Water Pokemon, I opted for a Specially Defensive that would wall Water Pokemon. I added a Toxic Spikes Tentacruel to do just that.

Anyone heard of the Ferrocruel defensive core? I sure didn't. That's why I added a Defensive Ferrothorn into the team.

I needed a Special Pokemon that could hit extremely hard off the bat, with no boosts. Remembering that Latios formed an excellent offensive core with Terrakion, I slapped a Choice Specs Latios into the team.

Then, I realized I had no way to tank strong Fighting moves. Sure, Tentacruel, Landorus, and Latios can all take a hit, but there is no way that they would be table to take repeated ones. I still lacked a booster for my physical side, and I found my answer in Substitute and Dragon Dance Gyarados.

Tentcruel refused to cooperate with my team, and could not defeat spinblokers. I knew a Pokemon that was still pretty bulky and could defeat Gengar. That Pokemon is Starmie. And since my Physical side was so slow, I changed Terrakion's Choice Band for a Choice Scarf.

Landorus (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Rock Polish
So I decided to start off with this guy, only because I haven't used one in so darn long. It's good to have back, Sheer Force Landorus. I originally had the bulkier spread (with Modest and more HP EVs), but I decided some extra Speed was needed due to the number of Pokemon that Landorus screws over with Earth Power. Sheer Force and Life Orb work together to bring STAB Earth Power's power to a godly 228 base power. That hurts. Focus Blast also gets the Sheer Force + Life Orb boost, and hits many Pokemon that wall Earth Power, such as Rotom-W and Skarmory. Hidden Power Ice may not get the Sheer Force boost, but it is a necessity to run so I can screw over Pokemon like Breloom and Dragon Pokemon. Rock Polish is used to outspeed everyone on my opponent's team that doesn't run Rock Polish, and take a dump on the rest of their team with my coverage moves. This is only used when all threats to the sweep are gone, such as Celebi and Specially Defensive Rotom-W.
Latios (M) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Specs Latios is too damn strong. Unless you're a little annoyance called Jirachi or if you're one of those Pokemon they call a Steel type, you can guarantee a kill. Specs boosted 130 base Special Attack is nothing to play around with. Latios was added to the team due to its strong core with Terrakion, who could beat each other's counters handily. One of those ways Latios can beat the living crap out of everything unless you're on the list of annoyances is by spamming STAB Draco Meteor. Is a Specially Defensive Heatran bothering you? Never fear, just use a super effective Surf to save the day! Those annoying Pink blobs that every hates against their Special Attackers are getting screwed by my STAB Psyshock, which hits the defensive side of their defenses. Hidden Power Fire nails the rest of the list of annoyances, namely Steel Pokemon. Here are some damag calcs I stole from Smogon to show you the power...
>Draco Meteor vs. 248/0 Scizor: 59.47 - 69.97%, guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Draco Meteor vs. 0/0 HP Heatran: 50.15 - 59.44%
Draco Meteor vs. 180/0 HP Tyranitar in sand: 59.32 - 69.94%, guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Surf vs. 252/252+ Tyranitar in sand: 40.84 - 48.26%, 10.94% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Surf vs. 248/252+ Heatran: 55.58 - 65.97%, guaranteed 2HKO
Psyshock vs. 4/252 Blissey: 59.5 - 70.09%
Psyshock vs. 252/252+ Chansey: 37.07 - 43.6%
Hidden Power Fire vs. 252/0 Jirachi: 56.93 - 67.32%, guaranteed 2HKO
Starmie @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 32 Def / 4 SAtk / 224 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Recover
- Rapid Spin
Originally a Tentacruel, Starmie was chosen over it due to it's ability to defeat Gengar, one of OU's top Spinblockers, with STAB Psyshock, and it's two greatest aspects - having Recover and Natural Cure, meaning it can be a great status absorber for the team. EVs are there specifically to outspeed Gengar and to remain bulky. Ferrothorn's Power Whip and Terrakion's Banded Stone Edge will not OHKO Starmie at full health. 4 SAtk EVs always land the OHKO on Gengar with Psyshock. Speed EVs are there to outspeed Gengar and Tornadus, that are not Choice Scarfed, of course. I use STAB Scald and pray for the burn, to bolster my team's defenses. Recover recovers HP if I'm low on it, and Rapid Spin clears annoying hazards from my side of the field.
To be continued in answer.