Hai der! There are so many tiers to play, and so many so unique. And the first tier i'd play in is... Tier shift? I do play OU, but Tier Shift seems interesting, too. What caught my eye about tier shift is that the lower tiered pokemon can finally get a chance to battle with pokemon in the higher tiers. Here is how Tier Shift works, if you are unfamiliar with it.
>Pokemon in UU get a boost of 5 to each stat.
Pokemon in RU get a boost of 10 to each stat.
Pokemon in NU get a boost of 15 to each stat.
Pokemon that were previously restricted to 1 HP are no longer restricted if they got a boost to base HP (in other words, Shedinja's boost is intentional)
Teambuilding Process
This is completely useless to read. Expect:
>Magikarp is good at tier shift so that's why I added him to the team. Next..
I was in the mood to do something gimmicky today. Later on that day, I was scrolling through the tiers to search for a battle on showdown. I saw OU Tier shift, and I thought about shuckle and how good it would be. Now here he is ;D
Gurdurr is a prevo which means that he can use eviolite. Gurdurr also hits very hard, so if I can get it some defense, it can become a great tank.
Xatu can inflict status, which can improve gurdurr's sweep and shuckle's stall. It also has magic bounce, which reflects hazards and other status. I really need this because taunt screws my entire team over.
Cresselia has AMAZING defensive stats. It is one of the best walls in tier shift.
Zoroark is a great sweeper, and this team lacks offensive power. It has the element of surprise. I like that.
Lastly I added another gimmick, Cincinno. Cincinno is fast and balances out the offensive part of the team. Kings Rock and Skill Link are a hilarious combo, similar to paraflinch jirachi.
I told you so..
Shuckie Nostalgia (Shuckle) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Rest
- Power Split
- Toxic
- Shell Smash
Oh, my. Shuckle. Is. Amazing. I'll show you just how good his stats are, now.
35 / 25 / 245 / 25 / 245 / 20
How do you like them defenses? Imagine shuckle in sand. 490 base special defense. No please. Or, maybe increase those defenses even MORE with contrary shell smash. If you aren't liking that terrible defense, power split it over to someone else!
Rest is the only way shuckle can get healed, and wish passing won't work once the wish passer dies. Power Split can pretty much guarantee that Shuckle isn't dying anytime soon. Toxic WILL kill eventually. Shell Smash makes Shuckie more bulkier than it already is.
Everyday I'm shucklin.
Conkelderp (Gurdurr) (M) @ Eviolite.
Trait: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Mach Punch
Although the GIF looks decieving, Conkeldurr sucks in Tier Shift. Gurdurr gets that +15 stat boost. (Hehe I couldn't find a Gurdurr GIF) Let's compare their stats, shall we?
> -> Means the eviolite boost.
105 / 140 / 95 / 55 / 65 / 45 = 505
Hurrdurr Gurrdurr
100 / 130 / 100 -> 200 / 55 / 65 -> 130 / 55 = 505 -> 670
With eviolite, Gurdurr's defense goes to a whopping 200, and special defense isn't terrible anymore and it peaks at 130. It's HP is also pretty decent. Gurdurr is super bulky and packs a punch as well. It may still not hit as hard as conkeldurr, but with it being such a good tank now, it shouldn't even matter.
Bulk Up is to boost Gurdurr's power even more. 'Nuff said. Since Gurdurr doesn't have any other forms of recovery that don't inflict status -cough- REST -cough- so I added Drain Punch. It has a mediocre base power but if it gets the HP back then it's good enough for me. Also, it has STAB boosts which make it semi-decent. Ice Punch provides coverage and maybe I can get some freeze hax :b. Since Gurdurr is very slow, Mach Punch gets it priority. You can't have a team without priority.
Zatu? Exatu? (Xatu) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Def
Careful Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Roost
- U-turn
- Night Shade
I already prefer using Xatu over Espeon in OU anyways, but now that it gets boosts...
65 / 65 / 60 / 130 / 95 / 110
70 / 80 / 75 / 100 / 75 / 100
Espeon has better attacking stats but I wasn't looking for a sweeper anyways. I was looking for someone with magic bounce that could possible wear down enemies so I can sweep easier and block taunts aimed at shuckle, as well as hazards, etc. Xatu has better stats defense wise and a better defensive movepool so Xatu it is.
Thunder Wave is annoying and makes people slow, and that means I can roost before them. Roost is reliable recovery. U-Turn scouts. I don't know why but I put it on all my Xatu. Night Shade does damage. I was thinking of Psychic but Night Shade has fixed damage, so Night Shade > Psychic. Xatu has a pretty short explanation, but what more is there to explain?
inb4Lunar Dance (Cresselia) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 242 HP / 242 SDef / 24 SAtk
Calm Nature
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Moonlight
>125 / 75 / 125 / 60 / 135 / 90
Obviously, this team is assembled with the bulkiest pokemon of the tier. But there is nothing wrong with that. 125 / 125 / 130 defensive stats. Oh lordie xD! The only reason I didn't have calm mind was because I wanted to try out something new, and it works well.
Psychic is stab, and special defense drops are great =D. Ice beam is coverage. Thunder Wave makes the opponent slower and they can't attack. Moonlight is recovery. Another short explanation here, but what more could you want from me? Now, for the sweepers...