Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Well, it's about that time to reveal another team, so yeah, enjoy the definition of OU's most boring type of team... a Standard team. Let's begin, shall we?

The Team

Team Synergy

Bug - Scizor, Heatran, Salamence, Terrakion
Ice - Scizor, Heatran, Starmie
Fire - Salamence, Terrakion, Starmie, Heatran
Ghost - Scizor, Heatran
Flying - Heatran
Dark - Terrakion, Scizor, Heatran
Poison - Scizor, Heatran

Ground - Celebi, Salamence
Fighting - Starmie, Celebi
Water - Celebi, Starmie, Salamence

Fire - Heatran, Salamence, Starmie, Terrakion

Bug - Heatran, Scizor, Terrakion, Salamence
Electric - Celebi
Grass - Celebi, Scizor, Heatran, Salamence
Ghost - Scizor, Heatran
Dark - Scizor, Heatran, Terrakion

Ice - Scizor, Heatran, Starmie
Dragon - Heatran, Scizor
Rock - Terrakion

Fighting - Salamence, Starmie, Celebi
Steel - Scizor, Heatran, Starmie
Water - Celebi, Starmie
Ground - Salamence, Celebi
Psychic - Celebi, Starmie, Scizor, Heatran
Grass - Celebi, Scizor, Heatran

Teambuilding Session 101 with Lenub~

Alright, so i was building this team like 2-3 weeks ago, just trying to do some full out HO. Apperently, i suck at HO cause i always pick pokemons that die to like Scizor and Mamo, the top tier priority users.


Yeah, i decided that it was time to stop using weird OU teams that involved rain or sand, and to stop with HO completely. So i started out with one of the sturdiest cores around; CeleTran. Outside the fact that it's actually a good core, it's more overused than Shuckle in NU. So obviously, it's gonna be good, but everyone and their mother is gonna know a way or two around it, which is where the rest of the team comes into play.

Mamoswine. Jeebuz, CeleTran fears the living hell out of that pig elephant thing, and for a good reason, since it can KO both of them with a STAB move respectively. Seeing Mamo isn't AS common as it used to be. Turns out, i have been using Scizor basically in all of my past (current) teams, so i was like, yolo, lets throw one in here. So yeah, Standard Band set to rid of Mamoswine, and other top threat pokemons, like Scarfed Terrakion and LO Alakazam, who can deal some heavy damage to the CeleTran, the latter being more scary than the former, due to the fact that it has LO to help it and can switch moves. But yeah, I'm running 56 Spd EVs to outspeed all Politoed's not running 12 Spd EVs or higher, allowing me to gain the momentum off the bat with U-Turn.

Well, at this point, synergy was well and all, but if you look carefully, i need Spin support. So yeah, whatevs, nothing is weak to Rocks yet, but knowing me, i usually can't resist the urge to slap a dragon onto the team later because dragons are good and i liek dragons :]. But yeah, i also have been adding Starmie as my spinner for most teams, and it can beat almost all common Stealth Rock setters alone (barring Chansey, Celebi, and Tyranitar with SDef investment, just to name a few of the few). And since this isn't Rain Starmie, i went Psyshock > Thunder, just for the sake of the Muskateer Trio always ruining my day, specially the rare Virizion and the commonly seen Rain Scarf Keldeo. But yeah, after Starmie, the only pokemon i had that can hit SDef pokemons for great ammount of damage was Scizor, so i added a couple of my favorite pokes to finish the team...

Scarfed Salamence. If you've ever lost your Steel type and/or scarf and you dont have Priority, then you might as well say gg (and maybe act like the other 10 year old on Showdown who just got off of COD). Literally, Salamence (after Keldeo - that things needs to get banned already :c) is arguably the best Scarf user in OU, and it's easy to see why. With a tremendously scary Base 135 Atk stat and Moxie, Outrage spams makes a weakened team see the real beauty of Dragon Spam in OU. But that isn't all... Salamence also has a decent base 110 SAtk stat, and with little invesment, can take out pokemons who are rather Defensive, like Skarmory, with a good ol Fire Blast. And with Starmie being the most prominent Spinner in OU as of now, Hazard damage doesn't worry me at all. If hazards are to remain, Salamence still has a chance to switch in 5 times max, if he takes no damage from the opponent. So really, Salamence is the King of all things Scarfed, but has an apprentice who plans to rule OU by his side...

Terrakion is here, and there is nothing you or your dead Scizor can do about it. Usually, in OU, it's appropriate to stop at one Scarf, if you have enough confidence in it. But, if you can risk the extra pokemon moveslot to act as a revenge killer as well, then it's encouraged to go for it. And seriously, Terrakion is the man or lion, whatever, for the job. Bragging an amazing 108 Base speed, it outspeed all but Scarfed Lat@s and the never-in-my-life-seen Scarfed Tornadus. But regardless of that, i rely on Speed tie wins against opposing Keldeo and Terrakions, who the former needs to get banned (Keldeo gone = every scarfer gets over 9000x better) and is walled decently by Starmie and Celebi, while the latter is easily disposed of by Scizor, which is what makes Terrakion so good, because you can't really counter it (inb4 Lando-T and Gliscor wall it).

Replay Section :]

Dont be THAT guy pls...

Or THAT guy...

But anyways, here's some real replays :)

Replay 1 (long battle, better be comfy)

Replay 2 (Ben make me so angry ;-;)

Replay 3(i liek torturing ppl)

Replay 4

Replay 5

Replay 6

Replay 7 & Replay 8
(fought that guy twice on the ladder in half an hour. Dem crits on Amoongus tho)

Replay 9 (Hail so pro)

Replay 10

Replay 11

Replay 6-0 :)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND the team is down below, thanks for checking out all of this useless writing i did so you wouldn't read it :)

K, so, if you plan on upvoting, be good nub and upvote the Q only, not the answer. If not, well.... die c:

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I would upvote if the title was correct.
He ripped off my team ;~;
Kay. Leboss has a team that has 5 of my Pokemon. If he posts it, I will jump out the window to my right.
Lol, pokemons are same, but no way in hell are my sets as nubby as yours
Imean, as similar as yours.
Rofl Ben xD

1 Answer

0 votes

Hey look, a wild team has appeared! Loljk, just the continuation c:

Sweg and still laddering (Still need to pass that dude above me, whose Amoongus i critted twice :/)

The team and sets and the mainstream

The mainstream is a nice team compsed of many pokemons/cores that get a lot of hate because they are good, thus making them popular, cause y'know, why settle for less? So yeah, all this team is just a bunch of popular threats that everyone hates :)

Celebi @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SDef
Bold Nature
- Baton Pass
- Recover
- Giga Drain
- Thunder Wave

Whoa, ok, let me get something straight; yes this a defensive Celebi. I mean, CeleTran is oftenly seen as a SDef core, so i thought it'd be nice to make Celebi a defensive one, since it would be the one taking an EQ or a Close Combat, the main moves aimed at Heatran. But anyways, Baton Pass secures the best and most effective way to make sure Celebi isnt Pursuit bait for Tyranitar and Scizor. It's also nice for when Celebi gets paralyzed and/or outsped, seeing that i can switch into a more formidable counter and the switch-in pokemon doesnt get hurt by the opponent. Recover is quite the move that makes people rage, since you know, Celebi is a pain to deal with. Giga Drain serves as my only attacking move, and compliments very well with Thunder Wave. Giga Drain allows to do some small but sure damage to stuff like Lati@s, Conk, and Gyarados, while Thunder Wave stops booster, and then allows me to bring in anything that can ko the opponent.

Heatran @ Leftovers

Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 24 SAtk / 232 SDef
Calm Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
- Protect

A pretty common Heatran tbh, although EVs are a courtesy of thy silly nub. Anyways, this Heatran mainly scouts and spam Fire Blast at Ferro / Scizor. But yeah, nothing except bulky water types appreciate a nice, strong Fire Blast, which even with slight investment, is quite powerful. Earth Power is a mainly for Fire types and opposing Trans, while still netting Rain Jolteon and Rachi for some heavy damage. Stealth Rock is my only necessary form of hazards, as i dont usually have time to set up Spikes in a match, nor do i have a Spikes setter. Protect scouts Choiced pokemons, and thus making all that predicting a bit easier.

Scizor @ Choice Band

Trait: Technician
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spd
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Pursuit
- Bullet Punch

Oh boy, the king of all things Priority (screw you Mamo and Lucario). Welps, standard Band set on a standard team. U-Turn serves as my bug STAB, and is mainly spammed to keep the momentum on my side. Superpower is just a back up move i always carry, just in case Ferro gives me a bad case of raging issues, and that allows me to net opposing Heatrans, if i can lure it to switch in. Pursuit just ensures that Scarfed Lati@s doesn't stay around too long to scare and beat my 2 scarfers. Bullet Punch is the selling point of the set, not just making Scizor a powerhouse, but a formidable revenge killer.

Starmie @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 40 HP / 252 SAtk / 216 Spd
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin

Yep, another one of my rebellious EV spreads. Just enough to outspeed any base 110, which all non-rain variants of Starmie ought to run imo. Anyways, like i previously mentioned, Psyshock > Thunder because i dont need or can fully abuse Thunder outside of rain. Also lets me slap Gengar and the Water Pony around like nothing. Hydro Pump serves as the prefered STAB move over Surf, since after SR, Starmie has something like a 80% chance to OHKO Scizor with it, which is always nice. Ice Beam helps deal with dragons, especially Sash lead Chomp, who i can KO with a combo of Ice Beam + Rapid Spin. And speaking of Rapid Spin, it helps this star clear up the hazardous field (lol, a pun, omg) of battle.

Salamence @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Moxie
EVs: 216 Atk / 40 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- Fire Blast
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Draco Meteor

Hello scarf #1. Anyways, you're probably getting tired of seeing that almost half (maybe more) of my OU RMT's have a Saladmence. But hey, i love this guy, and for good reasons too. Fire Blast is pretty much a must on almost all Salad's, since it relies on it to win vs Ferrothorn and Skarmory. Outrage is beautiful, allowing to clean and tear teams that have taken previous damage, apart. Earthquake is for certain pokemons, mainly Jirachi , Heatran, and Tyranitar, as it can OHKO the first 2 after rocks, and the latter is 2hko'd. Also lets me form the unresisted DracoFireQuake combo, which is always nice. Draco Meteor is only there for when i need to take a specific dragon down, like Naive Kyurem-B, and can't risk a Outrage sweep in that match yet. Also lets me hammer Breloom in the rain where Fire Blast is weakened.

Terrakion @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake

If you've never seen this before, you have my permission to finally begin competitive battling and/or die. This thing is everywhere, and for a darn good reason. Close Combat paired with Salad's Outrage just means there's only Skarmory left, who dies to Tran. Stone Edge is my response to +1 Volcarona, as well as other Scarfed Sally's. X-Scissor is death to all opposing Psychic types who like to be big and skawwy to Terrakion. Earthquake, although redundant with Terrakion's 3 previous moves, is great for manhandling the lights out of Jirachi, and lets me hit Toxicroak, who is scary if you give it a Bulk Up or 2.

Well, hope you enjoyed the team!
You're next c:

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