With X and Y looming around the corner, and the fact that it will significantly change the metagame, I decided to post a final RMT to say goodbye to the first metagame I've experienced, BW. In this UU team, I've decided to try out a NU pokemon to great success. Tauros!!!
I love using Pokemon from NU because of the element of surprise it has, and Tauros is no different. It actually is one of the best Pokemon and I don't even know why it's not UU yet.
As I was making this team, I also found a great core: Made up of Zapdos, Chandelure, and Cobalion. They cover each other's weaknesses perfectly.
Tauros (M) @ 

[ Sheer Force ][ 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 2pe ][ Naive ]
- Earthquake
- Zen Headbutt
- Rock Slide
- Ice Beam
The main reason Tauros get's so many KO's is that people underestimate it. Tauros is the ultimate wall breaker in UU, taking down stuff from the specially defensive pro Roserade to Gligar, from the physical wonder Virizion to Chandelure. Now for those of you wondering why I chose over Return/Double-Edge, it's because of Gligar. For eons Gligar has been the bane of physical attackers, lol not anymore.
4- SpA Life Orb Tauros Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Gligar: 151-182 (45.2 - 54.49%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
That is a 2HKO after SR! Even HP Ice Mienshao can't do that :)
Earthquake, while it doesn't get a LO boost, can still dent steel types which is something my other type's can't do.
Zen Headbutt knocks out poison types and fighting types like Roserade and Virizion.
Rock Slide can hit Fire Types and get that LO boost :3
Ice Beam as explained above hits Gligar
Roserade @ 

[ Natural Cure ][ 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef ][ Calm ]
- Spikes
- Rest
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
I needed some hazards on the field, and a specially defensive Roserade came to mind. Roserade actually has proven to be extremely helpful, countering stuff like blastoise easily all the while setting up hazards. There's not much to say about this guy, really.
Spikes is the crux of this set, since it can dent a lot of stuff and since I have two ghost types the opponent will find it hard to spin away dem hazards.
Rest + Natural Cure is one of the best healing combos out there, getting full health and then no sleep on the switch-in is extremely nice
Giga Drain is my main STAB and it can really help in taking out some of the water types
Sludge Bomb is my alternate STAB move that can hit anything that resists Giga Drain, with the exception of steel's of course.
Zapdos @ 

[ Pressure ][ 200 HP / 252 Def / 56 Spd ][ Bold ]
- Roost
- Toxic
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Physicall defensive Zapdos is a great partner for Roserade. It can counter stuff like Heracross easily, and retaliate with a powerful T-bolt. The moveset is pretty self explanatory, having the oh so popular BoltBeam combo with Toxic to stall Dusclops and Porygon's. Roost is so i have some recovery. Zapdos is also part on of my ZapDeLion core (I love the name, Zap De Lion xP and in case you don't get it: ZAPdos, chanDElure, and cobaLION) and provides some excellent coverage, taking dem ground moves like a baws.
Roost is excellent healing and even thought makes my weak to ground it's hard to predict most of the time so I'm usually safe
Toxic can stall out a lot of stuff including Pokemon that make this team cry like Dusclops and Porygon2
Thunderbolt is really obvious, so I shouldn't be even typing this
Hidden Power [Ice] makes up a Electric and Ice core that can take care of most Pokemon
Spiritomb @ 

[ Pressure ][ 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd ][ Adamant ]
- Pursuit
- Shadow Sneak
- Sucker Punch
- Trick
Kudos to Kyron for providing me with this amazing set that I love. I love the sheer randomness of it, trapping Meloetta's and Tricking a Band to some unsuspecting Pokemon. A banded Pursuit to a max specially defensive Meloetta can do a ton of damage. Spiritomb is also part one of my 2 ghost core. Spiritomb is also part 1 of my two ghost + hazards core that is really important to this team.
Pursuit can trap stuff like Meloetta really well and hopefully OHKO them on the switchout, if not they still take a chunk of damage
Shadow Sneak is my only priority on this team and can really do some damage being STAB and banded
Sucker Punch works really well to be able to do a lot of damage to Pokemon like Victini who think they can tank a Shadow Sneak
Trick Really screws over a lot of stuff in UU because most UU teams have atleast one bulkymon
Chandelure @ 

[ Flash Fire ][ 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd ][ Timid ]
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Chandelure is my main fire absorber, as well as my scarfer. While not the faster scarfer around, it does it's job well. I chose fire blast over flamethrower for the pure power of it, since a scarfed flamethrower can't do as much damage as fire blast can. HP Ice can hit Gligar's and banded Flygons, and Energy Ball covers Swampys. It's also part 2 of my zapdelion core
Energy Ball can take care of Swampert's that like to mess around a little :)
Shadow Ball is ghost STAB that can do a ton of damage that doesn't resist
Fire Blast > Flamethrower for preferred damage and being able to hit really hard
Hidden Power [Ice] > Rock just so I can hit banded Flygons and nail them hard and take them out in one hit
Cobalion @ 

[ Justified ][ 148 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def / 100 Spd ][ Impish ]
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock
- Volt Switch
- Close Combat
A support Cobalion is so much better than a Banded one. Thunder Wave can cripple a Pokemon easily, while SR provides some hazards. Volt Switch can gain some momentum as well as doing a little damage. The final part of my core as well, Cobalion provides me with some excellent resists
Thunder wave can really screw over Pokemon that depend on their speed, for example a Heracross on the switchin trying to tank a CC
Stealth Rock is really important in UU as it can hit many of the things such as zapdos and Houndoom
Volt Switch provides me with momentum as well as hitting Blastoise for some minor damage
Close Combat is STAB and can hit really hard even being resisted
Now I usually won't post this but my team has good synergy so I think I'll post it :P