Pokémon Rate My Team
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So some of you may know us some of you may not.
>You can call me JarJar, Jar Jar, Jar, JJ, Superior to Solumni, Higher IQ Than Solumni, or just whatever.

Call him 'Just Whatever' please. ^_^
> KoD is the abbreviated form, but if you want to mix me up with everyone else with my name call me Josh or after my Showdown Alt, Sempi

So Jarjar and I decided to make a Gen 6 OU team together, with the advent of the new generation, so we did just that. It took us a bit of time, and we had to make quite a few changes to it, So lets hope this works out?

Teambuilding Process

K so we decided to really start the team with a Gen 6 Pokemon. So Noivern, who's name sounded so cool, and seemed like a potential threat with good special attack and speed as well as 2 decent abilities was our choice. With it's decent bulk that is about Arcanine's level, which is a pretty nice thing. It's movepool and coverage allows it to function as an effective special attacker for our team

So then, knowing how much Noivern would hate Stealth Rocks, and the fact that with the addition of Sticky Web, hazards are even more dangerous we decided that we needed a Defogger or Spinner. We decided to use a spinner, so why not abuse one of the premium uber spinners who got thrown back down into OU? I'm talking about Excadrill of course. Once an excellent pokemon in Ubers to use as an offensive spinner under sandstorm, or other weathers, now it functions as our team's rapid spinner and as it turned out, stealth rocker. It's pretty good typing allows it to cover most of Noivern's weaknesses and vice versa.

So, Excadrill and Noivern had a pretty good synergy together but we still didn't hold a resistance to Ice, and more importantly, we probably needed something to take on Aegislash, one of the greatest gifts or curses (Depending on wether you're on the receiving end of it :P) from Gen 6. So we went with Rotom-W, who could nullify Aegislash with some nice burn, as well as covering our Ice problem. Rotom's good bulk and special attack makes it a bulky pokemon who can still dish out damage for our team, and as well as Aegislash it is able to shut down alot of the new generation of Physical Attackers.

We followed this up with Mega-Scizor, who's only weakness being fire is covered fine with Rotom-W and Noivern. With his offensive capabilities, he's able to form an effective kinda-offensive-bulky-thing core with Rotom-W. Already being one of the premium OU threats in Gen 5, Gen 6 decided to give it a mega evolution, delivering a massive base 150 Atack, 140 Defense and 100 Special Defense. It's access to Technician Bullet Punch also kills fairies with ease so cya newcomer type!

So originally we had Choice Scarf Terrakion. It's dual STABs giving it awesome coverage would make it as deadly as ever, and it's good speed would still give it excellent revenge killing capabilities- something which would benefit our team enormously.
In addition to everyone's favourite Terrakion we had the new prankster, Klefki in our 6th slot. Klefki provided us with paralysis support, allowing our slower pokemon like Excadrill to outspeed as well. It also provided Spike Support, adding to our hazard list and it's pretty decent Fairy/Steel typing allows it to function as a good wall.
Anyway a little while after, we decided to scrap Scizor, Terrakion and Klefki and restart that part. We brought back Scizor after a little while just because it's too awesome to throw away, but Terrakion and Klefki never came back :<. We managed to find suitable replacement for them still;

Greninja, one of the starters from Gen6. Without a doubt the best of the New Starters, with it's DW ability being Protean, effectively giving it STAB on all it's moves and having the ability to switch to a different type to resist a hit with it's high speed. Given this, Greninja gets more ability to stay in as it cna't be threatened out by supereffective attacks as much since it can just switch it's typing now. Good special attack backs this up, allowing it to switch out when neccesary.

So nevertheless, even though we threw out poor Terrakion we wanted a revengekiller still. So we settled on Talonflame, another of the new Pokemon from Gen 6. With it's passable attack and ability Gale Wings, giving it priority to flying type moves, it becomes a more effective revengekiller than just slapping a scarf. Additionally his high base 126 speed, makes him one of the fastest pokemon and allows his other moves to hit fast as well.

Anyway so yeah. Our final team in a nutshell?


This will be inserted later if we can be bothered, since replays havn't been working recently

Crappy Synergy

Type          Resists                                   Weaknesses
Normal      Excadrill, Scizor
Fire        Noivern, Rotom-W, Greninja,Talonflame      Excadrill, Scizor
Fighting    Noivern, Talonflame                        Greninja, Excadrill
Water       Rotom-W, Greninja, Noivern                 Talonflame, Excadrill
Flying      Rotom-W, Excadrill
Grass       Noivern, Talonflame, Scizor                Rotom-W, Greninja
Poison      Excadrill, Scizor
Electric    Excadrill                                  Greninja, Talonflame
Ground      Noivern, Rotom-W, Talonflame               Excadrill
Psychic     Greninja, Excadrill, Scizor
Rock        Excadrill                                  Talonflame, Noivern
Ice         Scizor, Rotom-W, Greninja                  Noivern
Bug         Noivern, Talonflame, Excadrill, Scizor     Greninja
Dragon      Excadrill, Scizor                          Noivern
Ghost       Greninja
Dark        Greninja
Steel       Rotom-W, Greninja, Scizor, Excadrill
Fairy       Scizor, Excadrill                          Noivern

Detailed descriptions of the movesets and stuff coming up in an answer by JarJar some time this century hopefully

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1 Answer

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The Team in Depth :D (I'll add the other descriptions later ;~;)

Noivern @ Life Orb

Trait: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Hurricane
- Flamethrower
- Roost

Noivern was the original Pokemon we built the team around. It sports a great 123 base speed stat, and decent special attack, as well as passable bulk about at the level of Arcanine (Not counting Intimidate). It also gets Infiltrator, which destroys Pokemon who like to hide behind a substitute or dual screens like a little baby. :3
Draco Meteor is Noivern's main STAB, and hits hard with Life Orb even with its only decent special attack. Hurricane is a secondary STAB which hits Fairies, and can also be used when the special attack drop from Draco is not desirable. Flamethrower is here to hit Steel types, which resist both it STABs. Roost gets lost health back from the Life Orb and other residual damage, and complements its good bulk. Spread and nature are pretty straightforward.

Excadrill @ Leftovers

Trait: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Atk / 204 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Slide

Excadrill has two jobs. To spin, and to set Stealth Rocks. Noivern and Talonflame are both weak to hazards, and since Sticky Web is so common and annoying (even though 3 members are immune lol), a spinner is very useful. Exca also smashes through the two most common Ghost types in OU, netting a OHKO on Gengar, courtesy of Mold Breaker, and a 2HKO on 252 HP / +252 Def Aegislash, letting it spin freely.
Rapid Spin is because we love hazards and hope they stay for a while and visit with us. Earthquake is STAB, and smashes through common spin blockers like said above. Stealth Rock provides some hazards for our team, weakening Pokemon, and breaking Sashes/Sturdy and Multiscale occasionally. Rock Slide gets EdgeQuake coverage with E-Quake. Spread has just enough attack to 2HKO 252 HP / +252 Def Aegislash, like said above. The rest was carelessly dumped into HP and special defense.

Rotom-W @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Say hello to our friend Rotom here. Rotom check/counters Talonflame, Blaziken and many other dangerous physical attackers that are threats to our team, as well as Heatran who does heavy damage to Exca and walls Noivern.
Hydro Pump is STAB, and deals damage to the aforementioned threats as a bonus. Volt Switch is STAB, and good for scouting or gaining momentum for the team. Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers, such as the annoying Aegislash and Azumarill. Pain Split is Rotom's form of recovery, also a secondary way to wear down stuffz. Spread is physically defensive to better handle Blaziken, Talonflame, ect.

Greninja @ Expert Belt

Trait: Protean
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- U-turn
- Dark Pulse

Scizor @ Scizorite

Trait: Technician
EVs: 176 SDef / 200 HP / 132 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- Roost

Talonflame @ Choice Band

Trait: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Steel Wing
- U-Turn

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stop being tired
IDK about noveirn, it gets outclassed