Pokémon Rate My Team
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OK, so the problem is this: I have 8 Pokémon that I want to use. I really don't know which ones to use. So could you, in your answers, only put suggestions for the 6 you think I should use? Thanks.

At a glance:



Primeape@ Expert Belt
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Def
Trait: Anger Point
Adamant/Jolly Nature

-Close Combat
-Ice Punch


Gardevoir@ Gardevoirite(Life Orb for now)
EV's: 252 SpAtk, 252 SpDef, 4 HP
Trait: Trace
Calm Nature

-Calm Mind
-Signal Beam
-Focus Blast/ Thunderbolt


Haunter@ Life Orb
EV's:252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Trait: Levitate
Timid Nature

-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Hidden Power {GROUND}
-Destiny Bond


Shiftry@ Life Orb
EV's: 252 SpAtk, 252 Atk, 4 HP
Trait: Early Bird
Rash Nature

-Leaf Storm
-Sucker Punch
-Dark Pulse
-Nature Power


Skuntank@ Black Sludge
EV's: 252 Atk, 128 HP, 128 Spd
Trait: Aftermath
Adamant Nature

-Sucker Punch
-Poison Jab


Lickilicky@ Leftovers
EV's:252 HP, 128 Def, 128 SpDef
Trait: Own Tempo
Careful Nature

-Body Slam
-Heal Bell


Altaria@ Leftovers
EV's: 248 Atk, 12 SpDef, 248 HP
Trait: Natural Cure
Careful Nature

-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw


Armaldo@ Lum Berry
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Def, 4 HP
Trait: Shell Armor
Adamant Nature

-Rapid Spin
-Stealth Rock
-Rock Blast

Again, please only recommend 6 Pokémon in your answers.

edited by
I see no point in using Haunter over Gengar, save Evolite (which you're not using anyway), but other than that, they all look good.
well, this is NU, and Gengar is OU. Haunter's defenses are terrible, 45/45/55. Even with Eviolite, that's only 45/67/82. Not exactly the best defense ever. I did plan on running a defensive set with Eviolite, Calm/Bold Nature, 4HP, 252 SpDef, 252 Def, Sludge Bomb/Shadow Ball/Toxic/Protect. And to quote Jack Sparrow, That's less than helpful.

1 Answer

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Best answer

I would use the following:

  • Primeape
  • Armaldo
  • Gardevoir
  • Altaria
  • Haunter
  • Lickilicky

for two reasons:

1 : Synergy is existant. You have 4 uncovered weaknesses:

  • Flying
  • Steel
  • Ice
  • Dragon


  • Flying is normally not an offensive typing, and you are not gonna see a lot flying moves attacking you. Flying is terrible offensively, and Armaldo and Gardevoir (if you run Thunderbolt) should care of it.

  • This doesn't look like a Gen6 team. Steel is terrible offensively. Its only advantage is to be supereffective on fairies offensive-wise. The advantage on Ice and Rock is generally done by Fighting. So, Steel is not a problem. Primeape covers it, and Gardevoir (if you run Focus Blast) should care of it.

  • Ice is offensively a problem. It hits Dragons, Grass, Flying and Ground. Altaria will not resist. But otherwise, you have Primeape to care of it. And Gardevoir should help a bit as well if you run Focus Blast > Thunderbolt, which I recommend.

  • It is not like Dragons are common in NU. Zweilous, Altaria and Gabite are the main one. Perhaps sometimes Dragonair appears. Mostly, Zweilous. Actually, you cannot cover properly Dragon, except if you run {Hidden Power ICE} on Haunter. Still, it is not enough. Altaria should defend well. Plus, with a Substitute, you should endure an extra hit.

2 : This team has found roles:

Armaldo is Support.
Primeape is Physical Sweeper.
Gardevoir is Special Attacker.
Altaria is Physical Attacker 2.
Haunter is Special Sweeper2.
Lickilicky is Support.

So yes, run on these six. Again, you learn quickly, you know ?
I am Arcarmon if you did not guessed.

selected by
yeah, I know you're Arcamon. Can I still call you that? Thanks for the help.
actually, because of swellow and braviary, flying can be a threat
You can still call me Arcamon if you want.
Tazzie: Isn't Braviary in RU ??
Flying is actually a big offensive type in NU. Like Tazzie said, Braviary and Swellow being the main Flying type offensive threats.
I perhaps thought much of OU rather than NU.
Uhhh Yeah Flyin is super common In NU & RU. Watch out for Dat Swellow especially :P
Mugget, I agree with you but gengar over haunter