Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

Been a while since i posted a Team here.. Well here i am with my first successful XY competitive Team. Took a long time to get it to be this good, but it was worth the time. This Team features Crawdaunt, a Pokemon that has been shadowed and ignored all throughout its existance.. Crawdaunt has gotten new toys in the form of Dragon Dance and Adaptability, but it wasn't enough to gain everyone's attention. Now Crawdaunt gained two things it can ever ask for: the strongest Aqua Jet, and the strongest Knock Off, courtesy of Adaptability. Crawdaunt will definitely move up from RU this Generation. People will love it's menacing looks and stats. While still not beating Sharpedo... It has enough tool to survive in OU like its other Water Type and Dark Type Bretheren. Onward to the Team

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Spd / 180 SAtk / 76 Atk
Hasty Nature
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- U-turn
- Energy Ball

Genesect plays the pivot role of the Team, using boosted U-Turn to demolish others in its path. Flamethrower is a total stop to Steels barring Heatran. Ice Beam stops Flyings and Dragons from destroying the Team with their boosted Moves. Energy Ball, although a very weird choice on a Genesect, has helped me so much in OHKOing Rotom-W and Gastrodon after a U-Turn. It's basically best served coverage over Thunderbolt. The EVs allow it to do at least 40% to bulky Max def Rotom-W, allowing it to OHKO with Energy Ball without any doubts. Since Genesect usually never uses it's coverage Moves until the end of the Battle, figured I'd buff the damage of U-Turn as well.

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 80 Def / 176 Spd
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Superpower

Another pivoter Pokemon in Landorus-T. People mostly expect the Defensive variant of Lando-T, but I run Choice Band. The Moveset is basically standard, no need for explaining. But the EVs allow it to act as a bulky Arcanine if you will. Attack hard and fast while having a tankish side to it. Adamant nature maxes its Attack with Choice Band, as. Jolly limits power. Landorus-T and Genesect form a psuedo VolTurn Core, as they don't really cover all their weaknesses, but still do the job well.

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SAtk
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Roar
- Lava Plume
- Ancient Power

Heatran is the Stealth Rock setter of the. Team, and the Physical wall. The reason Heatran is Physical is because it serves as a massive counter to. Talonflame, a Pokemon that can destroy my entire team whole when Heatran is down. Heatran cores really well with my buddy Mega Venusaur down there, with Latios serving as the Ground check. The Moveset is fairly simple, bar Ancient Power. Ancient Power, allows for Heatran to OHKO standard Talonflame along with the 16 SAtk EVs (does 91% to 192 HP variants @Mew ;P) while still covering Dragonite on the switch and over Flying Types that are ballsy. The only thing bad about using Ancient Power over HP Ice, is the fact that i cannot OHkO Landorus on the switch. A huge let down, but eh.

Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Draco Meteor
- Defog
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Latios, as said above, serves as my Ground check and main SAtker of the team. People always think this is a Scarf Variant and switch in their Scizors and Ferrothorns, only to be OHKOed by Hidden Power Fire. Psyshock allows me to bypass all SDef Mons and bulky Poison Types. Basically a KO to Mega Venusaur. Draco Meteor allows for an immediate OHKO to all Rotom-Ws and Dragons bar Mega Ampharos and Bulky Dragonite. Defog is my surprise factor in Latios, no one ever expects it. Allows for an immediate removal of hazards, more importantly, Sticky Web and Spikes. Latios is basically a Ferrothorn counter that laughs at all the effort it has put in to set up. Ferrothorn and other setters bar Tyranitar.

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 188 SDef / 220 HP / 100 Def
Sassy Nature
- Synthesis
- Sludge Bomb
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Mega Venusaur, oh how i love thee... By far the bulkiest Mega i've used and my favorite of all. Mega Venusaur is nothing to scoff at. He turns games from 25 turns to 75-100. Alone. Venusaur serves the "Annoyer" role, just without the status. This variant is something i wanted to use, as Leech Seed was really sucking in this Team. Synthesis serves as it's only form of recovery, not exactly good due to it being Weather prone. Sludge Bomb is my absolute stop to those annoying Fairies bar Mega Mawile and Klefki. Sludge Bomb is my strongest STAB, and only good means of attacking Flying Types on the switch. Earthquake stops all Rocks and Steels that think they are all boss being neutral to Grass. Also stops Mega Mawile and Klefki on their tracks. Since people see those two moves, they expect for Mega Venu to carry Giga Drain or Leech Seed. But no. This Venu carries Hidden Power Fire to roast Genesects and Scizors who think they are so tough with their U-Turn when they switch in. EVs provide mixed bulk. As i found Venu used as setup up fodder on the Physical side when running the standard Max SDef.

Crawdaunt @ Focus Sash
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Aqua Jet
- Knock Off
- Superpower

The star of the Team. The true OG. The next thing that'll peak OU highs. My bro Crawdaunt. Everyone who has vsed this has been surprised somehow by it. Its damage output is so insane after a Swords Dance... People stare at it for a minute. Crawdaunt's low speed is bypassed by the WORLD'S STRONGEST AQUA JET!!!!!! IT ALSO CARRIES THE WORLD'S STRONGEST KNOCK OFF TOO. Knock Off destroying the likes of Bulky Ghosts, Steels, and well, basically anything without a Fighting sub type. Superpower is just there because i need a fourth move.. I never ever use it xD EVs allow it to surprise outspeed things like Skarmory and Jellicent, and can proceed to nail them hard with Knock Off. Crawdaunt outspeeds Scizor, Terrakion, Landorus, Tyranitar, Like it's no contest! Crawdaunt is seriously the Pokemon that got the biggest buff in the Gen VI.

Thanks for reading, and i hope you like my Team!!

With the choice scarf on Genesect, max speed Evs really dont seem necessary, and I would personally sacrafice some of those for some attack and sp. attack EVs instaed
Hey MiKe7, one thing I want to tell you, you are going to lose your Stealth Rocks after Latios has used Defog, and wouldn't Latias be a better Defogger than Latios since it has better things to do than to use Defog? Latias has the better bulk to be able to use Defog anyway :P
I am a fan of Mixed Bulk Pokemon :3
I have considered Latias, but thing is, it doesn't offer than sheer power im looking for in that slot. Latias can't do jack to Pokes in OU without a CM boost. And honestly, Latias would ruin my Team more as it'll end up as setup fodder. And ik about the SR, it's a double edge sword lol.
Max Speed on Genesect is necessary to outspeed Base 90-95s that run Scarf. Genesect has 98 Base Speed, not exactly a great speed tier for it.
So you're looking for an offensive Defogger? :o
Yes :3
wait, do you have pokebank or are you hacking? if you have pokebank, you are soo lucky. if you are hacking, may your system get destroyed in a wood chipper and you never get the data back. nice team, either way, but you need to watch for fast electric and flying moves, mostly..
Well, too bad I have no ideas x3
This is on Pokemon Showdown, no hacks or anything xP
Lol ok Zero x3
Well, the team seems Ok to me, except for the Stealth Rock + Defog thing xD
Stealth Rock + Defog is ok. Especially since Latios fits on this team better than any spinner.

Anyways, nice team! I like Crawdaunt a lot :3
Stuff happens xD
Thanks JarJar :D
Too bad I can't get many Pokemon with Defog on Pokemon Y :-: (Don't own B/W2 or Pokemon D/P/Pt)
Mandibuzz tho? :D
Oh yeah! Too bad I lost one person's FC that had a Vullaby Safari :-:
That sucks man :/
Ugh, when will my 3DS get here?! I guess I'll have to use Pokemon Showdown for my battles ;P
There's only a handful of good Offensive Defoggers and none would really fit in except Latias, but you've already explained why you're leaving that off. I'm sure you were going to keep Latios either which way. Glad to see out of all the Dark types who got buffed, you went with Crawdaunt :D

But by far the KEWLEST thing on here is Ancient Power Tran P;>
I accidentally put a comment into an answer, I hid it. Fail xD
:D And yes, yes it is xD
Yeah i saw, you fail too much Zero xD
I re-hid it xD
You hid the comment? Jesus .o.
Did you delete it? :D
I turned it into a comment xD
Never mind you turned it into a comment :D
It was a good answer though :3
No, it was a terrible answer :P
Jealousy much? JK xD
Yesh... it was really beautiful... :/
I've been using Life Orb Crawdaunt recently and that really does put in work.
Psshh... critics >;U
Zero, post in my Wall. I'll need your new FC.
Check your wall MiKe7

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