hi! would like to introduce you for a team i built for tournament purposes. can't say it was very sucesfull, but it made me a place around 400# on the ladder which isn't exactly bad. i have made this rmt post a bit longer that i usually do, so you can see what i was thinking about when i made this team. the title was just made to make people interested and click on this link. this is not a gangster paradise at all, just a plain old RMT. anyway, i hope you will take your time to look at it and come with your suggestions :D
strategy and goals: set up SR, sweep with scizor, kill every rotom w in my way and late game sweep with kyurem.
thy process: the original is very long, and goes through 70 mons or something, but i have a shorter version here, with only the last additions
well, sciz was a pokemon i hadn't tested out yet, so i wanted to try it out

i needed a good breaker to take care of these common genesects and talons. guess heatran was a good choice -> flash fire, flamethrower, ancient power O.s.v….

i found out that i was able to take down talonflames and charizards too. with stealth rock! i started with mental herb deoxys-d but everyone kept bitching: l"ol u sakk, ur a nub lol u use legends lol, fakk u lol" so i added excdrill instead. he can spin too, however at that time, my synergy started to heat really worse and i became x-tremely weak to both ground, fire and fighting, but exca isn't there for synergy purposes. his main mission is to set up SR, spin and kill rotoms that can't take care of mold breaker

i still had some problems with mega char x´ though, earthquake and if i didn't had set up swords dance. rotom-w isn't the best choice but it works for other pokés too.

kyurem B saved me. it OHKO´ed le´char outrage and killed annoying clefables late game. it also has kick-ass 670 BS or something.
look at this guy. my problems too now had been status, rotom and need for a good lead. well celebi fixed everything. rotom-W dies after 2 giga drains, celebi has stealth rock and taunt leads isn't that common anymore. well, common but not That common, it carries heal bell and has good bulk. that means i can drop exca and florges for this one. it also meant one free space, and i had seriously problems with mega luke, so np:
in depth:

100% not a scizor (Scizor-Mega) @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 202 Def / 252 HP / 4 Spd / 50 SDef
Serious Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Protect
- Roost
. with awesome 150 attack boosted by technician can scizor be an awesome sweeper with +2 attack. whats great is that scizor isn't dead if he stops attacking for a second thanks to its great defensive stats. i use protect just in case someone use a hp.fire i wasn't aware of. then i either switch too heatran or start setting up with swords dance . if i manage to get it up in +4 scizor can really sweep, but +6! he runs through offensive teams lacking heatran and genesect. yeah, believe me. the next pokemon was added mainly to stop those two threats.

200% not a heatran (heatran) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 50 SAtk / 252 HP / 20 Def / 8 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Earth Power
- Flamethrower
- Ancient Power
- Flash Cannon/ stealth rock/ protect
as is said. this one is made mainly to stop threats that can take scizzz. it will easily absorbs wil-o-wisp´s , hp.fire and mainly all fire moves i can predict. with 8 speed EVs can i also outspeed other heatrans if i come in a battle with them. if scizor mannage to set up before a charizard or talonflame comes in play, i make a solid dent in them too, with ancient power. focus blast and earthquake on char y is scary though, but thats what rotom is for:
to be continued below due to maxim 8000 characters