Pokémon Rate My Team
8 votes


Credit to Bummer


hello ladies and gentlemen, kids of all ages (actually eleven for over here on the database), it's me, jcm, with my comeback showcase rmt. most of you know me already, but i'll present myself: i'm an arrogant, egotistical french dude that plays nu who has been banned, thus ending his reign of tyranny on the db. you may know me as that ''dude who got banned for being a dick''. not that i give a damn rofl. somehow, for some reason, someone unbanned me a couple of weeks ago, so i'm taking the occasion to present this.

indeed, i do play neverused. i've played it ever since the first edition of the db league, where Danny (Genga) was my first challenge and his tier was nu (like 2 years ago). it's a really great tier, and is really fun (except when Jynx and Scoli were in). unfortunately, the life cycle of BW NU is almost done, now that SPL is almost finished. XY NU is coming....

so for those who don't know, even before getting banned, i was planning to the cesspool of noobs that was called the DB. i managed to leave with a bang, getting banned by my own brother, Mike. i exiled myself to Smogon University for two years, where i got acquainted with some of the best players in the world, literally. i got tutored by Annoyer and EBeast, two of the best in the nu business.

nevertheless, i never got to shine. i was known as a noob, as the guy who had a lot of ambitions, but never went far. i was a ''kid''. numerous times, i tried to contribute.... i never finished what i started. big tournaments passed, and i had won nothing. SPL came, and even there, my chance flew away for stupid reasons. my big breakthrough came a couple of weeks ago, when my best friend, cbt, got drafted by the Indie Scooters. i engaged myself to build all of his teams for his battles.

the Scooters now being eliminated, my BW NU career is done. this has been a great experience for me, and i think i have flourished as a battler. im now waiting for XY NU to prove myself even more, and inch'allah, i will achieve my Smogon Dream: Getting into an SPL team.

without further ado, i present to you: my teams.


Week 5:

cbt vs Plus

Skunk Gur Gard Lurk Rock Ludi


to start SPL, we decided to play safe, so we could start with a positive record instead of a negative one. a good start always helps, and it applies here too. i built the most cookie-cutter team i could think of: a psychic + dark + fighting core, with a late-game cleaner, paired with a stealth rock setter and a hole-puncher that can also double as a late-game cleaner.

y'all may have used many different items on skunk: dread plate, life orb, blackglasses, hell, even choiced items. but im pretty sure none of you ever used air balloon. there should be no reason to ever use this with mandibuzz in the tier, but balloon skunk filled a lot of my needs: pursuit trapper + golurk check. indeed, my team is pretty weak to golurk, so i can switch into it without taking much, and from there on, trapping it is very easy (all it can do if i switch into eq with an intact balloon is ice punch / dpunch lol).

here i use a variant of the standard bu gurdurr, i run bare-minimum speed (i added 4 spd to creep minimum speed gurdurrs) to underspeed most of the meta, including musharna (it might expect a switch and cm, while you move after it and donk it with payback).

scarf gard is very standard, and is much more viable now that jynx is out of the tier. not much to say here.

golurk here uses a very under-appreciated set: rock polish. i can switch into choiced electrics / fighting types, and set up. it allows me to clean up nicely late-game.

regirock is the defensive presence on the team, rocky helmet is used to play with normal types such as zangoose, kanga and birds such as brav and swellow, who could otherwise be enormous threats to the team. it's the obligatory sr user.

ludicolo is a really amazing mon, rd is really good and it can deal a lot of damage, it's the hole-puncher of the team, and leaves a mess that can be cleaned by golurk.

so yea this is the team that had been used week 1 by cbt, he played really well during the entirety of the game except for that turn where he choked and left gurdurr take fake out from kanga, if he hadn't crit it would've cost him the game. air balloon skunk had its uses at the very beginning of the game, taking out specs eggy for virtually the rest of the game.

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If he didn't want people taking them he wouldn't have provided an importable :p
Ok, finally got the time to read all four teams, good stuff JCM, your tutors should be proud. Good luck in XY NU, and may all the nooby luck go with you.
bumping this for rates i guess?
Good lord all these memories..
Good to see ya man. I still need to use Wynaut in NU.

2 Answers

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Week 6

cbt vs zebraiken

Zeb Mush Frost Lurk Rott Garbage


the first real test for cbt. zebraiken is the former neverused tier leader, and one of the all-time best players in the tier. i didn't want to go safe this time, so i decided to go a bit more creative. i only had one obligation in teambuilding: garbodor, since spikes looked like they destroyed zeb's previous teams.

zebstrika is the first mon on the team. this slot was previously lo electrode, but i needed a scarfer that could outspeed scarf zard which was a big threat to the team. the set is standard, and modest is used for more power (it still outspeeds scarf zard).

musharna is a really cool mon, one of the best mons since the beginning of the tier. it's the key to winning: cm pass to rotom-f / zeb / rott could seal the deal once their checks / counters are weakened or gone.

rotom-f is a really good pokemon, and if you're not prepared for it you'll insta-lose to its combination of power, bulk and good speed. chestorest is used to counter mandibuzz and check eggy, and blizzard is used over hp ice for more power, and missing doesn't cost you as much since you can just rest up later.

defensive lurk with a weird ev spread (i don't remember the purpose of this ev spread but i know it's the optimal one!), it's the glue of the team and lets me check a lot of stuff that would otherwise be threating to the team. yache berry is used to destroy rotom-f 1vs1, toxic is used to hit mandi / alo / other walls on the switch. stone edge + eq = edgequake, etc etc.

this is my all-time favorite rott set, max hp lets it survive a lot of crazy stuff such as cb sawk's cc. the moveset is p standard, taunt is taunt, megahorn lets me donk eggy and ludi on the switch.

garbodor is the last mon on the team sets up spikes and does a lot of other cool stuff such as tanking a lot of moves. gunk shot can also do a lot of damage surprisingly.

zebraiken was too much for cbt. we had a bad matchup (regice was one of the biggest defensive threats to the team) and he choked from the absolute beginning (he might've won if he played better).

Week 7

cbt vs FLCL

Garb Scraggles Costa Fan Swine Gard


ahabshjabsjhbshs! an enormous test for cbt, FLCL is the best neverused player of all-time. a calm, composed player, who builds almost flawlessly. i decided to go flat out creative on this team.

suicide garbo gives the tone to the team, getting up as many layers of spikes as possible, and then going out with a boom. seed bomb is for golem / golurk / costa. you can also switch this set to bulky garbo.

scraggles is the trump card of the team. literally no one uses it and it can cause a huge surprise. in the replay, cbt used the subpar dd set, but i prefer bulk up (you can go with any version they're both cool). bulk up can set up on a lot of stuff such as musharna, alomomola, etc.

carracosta is the late-game cleaner, i use the standard shell smash set. nothing else to say here

rotom-s is the expert belt set, hp grass is used to surprise stuff like seismitoad or golurk expecting a choiced tbolt / vswitch.

piloswine is the obligatory sr user and rotom-f check, it beats a lot of problematic stuff for this team.

gardevoir is the scarfer of the team, it uses the standard scarf set.

somehow, thanks to the based gods, cbt managed to win the game. he used a different variant of this team, but both variants are good. this is by far one of the funnest teams i have ever built.

Week X

Csoa Zard Rose Shelgon Mush Swine


as you can see, there are no replays for this team, and that is because they have not been used for reasons that i will say in the conclusion.

costa is the first member of the team, and it's the standard smash set with a twist: air balloon. it allows me to setup all over golurk / golem / other grounds not named stunfisk and torterra.

zard is the most threatening mon of the post-jynx era, and it leaves its mark on the team. scarf is BLAZEing fast (hue) and still hits hard.

rose uses the offensive pivot set with spikes > sleep powder to adjust to my needs. it's my water switch-in and the final member of the fwg core.

shelgon is a really really underrated mon that no one uses. bulky dd is *** phenomenal, it can tank so many physical attacks it's not even funny, it's the trump card of the team and definitely the mvp. if you select outrage via sleep talk, you're not locked in, and you don't get confused.

musharna is once again the key to winning, cm passing is really useful for this team. if you cm pass to zard late-game, you can literally say gg if its checks (rock / water types) are weakened, which happens a lot with rose and costa. speaking of rose, it also is a great receiver. another recipient of cm can be shelgon. it patches up its subpar sdef and lets you tank a lot of attacks that you couldn't tank before (ice beam from ludi, for example.) from there on, you can just dd away. mental herb looks like a weird choice for an item, but i find it cool because i can baton pass out of skunk (who might taunt) and beats taunters such as rott (which has been seen in the game vs zebraiken).

piloswine is the sr user, rotom-f check, etc etc.

this is a really fun team to use as well. while its kind of slow it's p good.

0 votes


>Using good grammar for the first time in this RMT

When I look back at all of this, all the things I have went through, all the trouble I went through... I shed a tear, I really do. Smogon really is a great place, this place may be a cesspool of noobs, but I like this place as well.. I'll try to tone down the jerkiness (I'll not stop though, I promise!). Feel free to leave a comment, feel free to upvote, feel free to rate. I'm open to constructive criticism. If you steal the team, please leave a comment or something on my wall saying so, because I don't want retards using these.

cbt didn't have the occasion to play the last two weeks because he had personal problems, and got benched twice. what a shame and what a stupid way to end such a great spl run. i smile when i look back at these weeks we spent teambuilding together, though. i regret nothing.

Shoutout to Annoyer for being the best tutor ever... I know you'll never read this, maybe you will, idk. Thanks for everything.

[15:35] [jcm] lol if you didnt tutor me i never would've done all this teambuilding and trying for spl
[15:35] [jcm] i dont think i ever thanked u
[15:35] [jcm] =)
[15:35] [Annoyer] u dont have to lol
[15:35] [Annoyer] but srsly
[15:35] [Annoyer] i want u in spl nxt yr
[15:35] [Annoyer] dont disappoint me!
[15:35] [jcm] ill make you proud i promise

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Annoyer's grammar is OP.
we dont use grammar with frens.
I loled at the nicknames. I understood them. French ? :D
yes french
I love the Garbodor and Musharna one. I loled high and loud.
You were like Lol lol
Oh yes. I loled because this was very lol.