Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey guys just wanted a little feedback on my OU team, need some pokemon replacement suggestions, as well as any other little fixes it may need. I encourage ALL criticism!! If you want to replace half my team I will definitely consider your opinions!! I also feel like I may have too many sweepers, and one wall might be able to set up on my team. Please address this issue.

Deoxys-Speed @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 104 Def / 96 Spd / 56 Spd
Calm Nature
- Taunt
- Trick
- Psychic
- Dark Pulse

This is pretty much my lead (obviously), I use him to taunt the opponent and then I'll switch out, only to bring him back in later to Trick a Choice Scarf onto some unsuspecting sweeper. I've considered changing my strategy a little bit to Stealth Rock instead of Taunt, but I'd like your feedback on that. Also, I know the EV spread is a little bit weird, but why invest more EVs in speed when he has 420 Spd with only 96? He can already outspeed MOST pokemon, and if a pesky Ninjask DOES show up they're probably just setting up for another pokemon, with which I can ruin with Taunt OR Trick. Psychic and Dark Pulse are good for using after Tricking a Alakazam or Gengar Sweeper.

Mega Charizard Y
Mega Charizard Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd / 4SpDef
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Air Slash
- Solarbeam
- Roost

Fire Blast, Air Slash, and Solarbeam are all obvious choices because they compliment Charizard's massive Special Attack, while also covering a fairly large pool of types. Roost is kind of a filler move, it won't do much considering Charizard never really had very high defenses, but if anyone could suggest a replacement move that would be great.

Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Sky Attack
- High Jump Kick
- Acrobatics
- Poison Jab / Steel Wing / Stone Edge

This is my prize and joy. The opposing Tyranitar has just taken out Charizard and I send out Hawlucha to use High Jump Kick to OHKO him. Very effective pokemon, however I've discovered that his defenses, especially against psychic and electric types, are terrible. I think the strategy here is pretty clear though; the Power Herb allows Sky Attack to go in one move, and then you can hit hard with Acrobatics and Unburden. It only works once though, and his movepool offers no real retaliation against pesky psychic and electric types. Since Sky Attack is pretty much rendered useless after the power herb is gone, I am also limited to only three moves to make the most of. High Jump Kick and Acrobatics offer STAB, but I am unsure about the last move. Please clear that up for me.

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Surf
- Shadow Sneak

This is a troll against fighting types: use Shadow Sneak to get priority and do damage while being immune to their STAB. Other than that its pretty self explanatory. Your guaranteed STAB plus the power of Life Orb = sure death for Dragons, Fires, and pesky Psychics or Ghosts.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 128 SpDef / 128 Def
Bold Nature
- Aromatherapy
- Counter
- Toxic
- Water Pulse

Water Pulse offers great side effects with 60% Confusion, and Counter is great for standing up against anything that offers damage. The only problem with this is Fighting types who can easily OHKO Blissey. Toxic puts a timer on your opponents life span, and aromatherapy comes in handy with healing the sweepers who may be paralyzed or burned.

Chesnaught @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 184 Def / 68 SpDef
Adament Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Brick Break
- Rock Slide
- Bulk Up

I am not very sure about this one, and if I would replace any pokemon it would him. Wood Hammer and Brick Break offer STAB and can be devastating after Bulk Up, however, most pokemon do not give him a chance to set up. Rock Slide is almost pointless against Flying types, as they will be MUCH faster and deal 4x damage for an almost guaranteed OHKO.

Please answer with some good suggestions!! Thanks everyone!!!

Lol choice scarf deoxys-speed.
I normally can't stand users that try gimmicky teams but I feel a little nice so I'll try to help :)
1. Ah, so your trick is for setup sweepers eh? I usually don't like trickscarfing because it gives the opponent a really fast (non-setup) sweeper.
2. Deo-S is also pretty weak to begin with in attacking, why not make the last two moves Psycho Boost and Stealth Rock.
3. Roost is actually deceptively good on Charizard. It scares off a lot of Pokemon and you can roost on the opponent's switch.
4. I would suggest Landorus-T, Bisharp, or a physical attacker + rapid spin user (Donphan seems to be the best here) as a replacement for Chesnaught.
5. Hawlucha's last move should probably be Stone Edge.

1 Answer

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Hi. Since I turned expert recently I think it's time I try helping out newer users. I'll try not to change your team too much

Lets begin shall we?

Ok I kind if see what you are trying to do here but while a scarf on deoxys may seem good because it makes it the fastest scarfer alive, deoxys is already extremely fast out speeding crap like scarfed thundurus which is already very fast on it's own and gets very fast with a scarf. Considering deoxys can outspeed that by itself without a speed boost means that putting a scarf on it is a big waste of an item. I kinda see where you are going though with this whole offensive doexys thing because I use it myself infact.

Deoxys-S@life orb
Evs: 100 atk 175 spa 235 spe
-knock off
-ice beam
-psycho boost

This set allows you to finish up almost everything in the late game and is a great asset with a balance of physical and special moves that will surprise your opponent because most deoxys are setter uppers. I've used this set to great success and I think if offensive deoxys is what your are looking for, this is it.


Ok this isn't gonna need much improvement. All I can say is while it may seem good, air slash is a useless move because it doesn't really do anything that fire blast and solarbeam can't. Therefore I suggest running focus blast because it's a must-need against heatran who will otherwise wall you. Other than that, ur charizard is good to go.


Hawlucha isn't something that's used in OU a lot but I think for your last move you should run swords dance. Makes you a pretty good sweeper if hawlucha has the potential to do that.


If you really wanna troll fighting types, run extrasensory. There aren't gonna be fighting types that can outspeed you anyways and playing shadow sneak mind games with mach punch users is too dangerous at your level.

Yeah. I've seen serene grace blissey before and it's absolute crap. Even this gen defensive blissey is outclassed by it's younger sister.

Ability-Natural cure
252 Hp 252 def 4 SDef
-Soft Boiled
-Seismic Toss
-Stealth rocks

Yeah this thing can wall even some of the most fearsome physical attackers like garchomp while special attackers aren't even a question. To sum it up offensive blobs suck. Run defensive like they were made for. In this set I gave you toxic to keep. Soft-Boiled is a must have so that chansey can live barrages of attacks. Seismic toss does a good amount of damage for a wall and makes sure Chansey isn't useless when taunted or after it's set up. I threw in stealth rocks because every team needs them and you don't have any.

At this point I'm tired and chesnaught looks ok and sice I don't wanna morph this team into my own....I'll let you keep it witha few changes.

Since chansey is backing you up specially, Chesnaught can back you up physically.

Evs: 252 hp 252 def 4 atk
-leech seed
-hammer arm

Yeah this is pretty much the best thing you can run on it. Synthesisj is for longevity while spikes allow you to set up. Leech seed is your own way of stalling. Hammer arm is so you can get in some damage. This is all chesnaught can do really.

Well there you have it. I worked hard on rating this team so please, give it some consideration.

Good luck learning how to play OU :)

Lol I am NOT a new user... been on Pokemon Database for almost 4 years now...

Thanks for your comments.
1. Deoxys-S as an attacker is bad.
2. Hawlucha Swords Dance set is usually with Focus Sash.
3. Shadow Sneak is specifically for Mach Punch/Vacuum Wave users that will one-shot Greninja before it can transform out of Dark type. A niche problem (Conkeldurr, Lucario, probably Infernape), but it's useful in some scenarios.
4. I would just be rid of Chesnaught because of Talonflame and Mega Pinsir.
I replaced Chesnaught with Donphan as suggested and he works great to check pesky electric types who threaten charizard, hawlucha, and greninja.

Thanks Malachite!!