Pokémon Rate My Team
4 votes

Raikou @ Assault Vest

Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef)
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 Def

  • Volt Switch
  • Thunderbolt
  • Aura Sphere
  • Hidden Power [Ice]

The first doge is here - Raikou. Once one of the bigger threats in BWUU, its has dropped down to the depths of RU, but it is just as good as ever in UU. Its ability to Volt Switch out of any situation is the prime reason to use it. Even with a Rash Nature, which is unfortunately force onto Raikou, it can outspeed all positive base 100s by 1 point. An Assault Vest was given to bluff a Choice Item, as well as patching up that SDef that was lowered by Rash. Volt Switch and Thunderbolt are STAB, Aura Sphere hits Steel type Pokemon much harder and scores a 2HKO on standard Defensive Rhyperior. Hidden Power Ice forms a BoltBeam with its STAB moves and offers a reliable method of hitting Ground Pokemon.

Entei @ Choice Band

Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Sacred Fire
  • Iron Head
  • Extreme Speed
  • Stone Edge

This doge got a huge buff in this generation. Not only does it look more badass with that tail flowing, it has a more reliable STAB option in Sacred Fire. Not only does it not have the recoil Flare Blitz has, it has an incredible 50% chance to burn. Entei also has a handy resistance to Fairy, which is further strengthened by the usage of iron Head, which also hits Rock Pokemon fairly hard. Extreme Speed is my only form of prioritym but coming off a Choice Banded Entei does do a fair amount. Stone Edge hits opposing Fire Pokemon and is the only move Entei carries that can deal with Water Pokemon.

Suicune @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Scald
  • Calm Mind
  • Rest
  • Sleep Talk

CroCune is one of the best doges there is, mainly because of Suicunes great bulk. This allows Suicune to set up Calm Mind without too much trouble, and Rest off all the damage and still be active through Sleep Talk. Scald, although it seems poor, has the chance to burn, wearing down the opponents down a lot faster. In addition, Suicune's Pressure ability PP stalls fairly easily.

Mew @ Leftovers

Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 148 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

  • Knock Off
  • Stealth Rock
  • Defog
  • Soft-Boiled

Ohai, its me. Mew, being the versatile Pokemon it is, is the Defensive wall in my team. It provides hazard support through Stealth Rock, and Defogs opposing hazards away. Knock Off allows me to cripple Pokemon that rely on their items, as well as getting rid of annoying Leftovers. Finally, Soft-Boiled recovers half my health, and is used over Roost since Roost shares a Flying type with Defog.

Flygon (M) @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

  • U-turn
  • Fire Punch
  • Outrage
  • Earthquake

One of the best Scarfers in the tier in BWUU, and still is in XYUU. Its great typing forces switches, and its access to U-turn allows it to pivot easily. Fire Punch gets rid of Steel Pokemon. Outrage and Earthquake are my STAB moves, and are generally saved for use at the end of the battle, as U-turn is easily spammable an forms a VoltTurn combo with Raikou.

Florges @ Leftovers

Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Wish
  • Protect
  • Aromatherapy
  • Moonblast

The cleric for the team. As most of the team hates status and have no way of recovery, Florges heals up status using Aromatherapy, and Wishpasses health to them. Moonblast is my STAB of choice, as it lowers SAtk as well. Florges' base 147 SDef acts like a glue for the team, as it lets Florges take just about every Special move and heal off the damage easily.

I'm still confused about the mechanics of the legendary beasts with regards to nature and shiny-ness.

Would making Raikou (for example) not Shiny unlock your nature choices and allow you to make it modest/timid?
No, its because I have Aura Sphere, which is from an event Raikou that was shiny and had Rash
I like it. Your team is good, really, but 4 legendaries :/
You are perfect, as the dogs and I like how Flygon and Raikou VoltTurn together. I like Florges, too, but I'd try having Toxic on it for both cleric and Toxic Stall.
Thanks Mewderator.

I can't think of anything to do with the team. It seems pretty solid.
I think if you're going to run the rash raiku you should have extreme speed or another physical move on it. I also think you should run 24 evs in floges's spatk. Florges has massive special bulk it wouldn't miss those 24 evs but it will help put out some more damage.
Both are better off the way they are
My only question is why Raikou has 2 Atk IVs and 30 Def IVs, although it might have something to do with HP Ice...?
Yep that's for HP Ice.
And minimal Foul Play damage
/confusion damage :3
Great team, you can thank me later for showing you why Entei is superior to Victini. o3o

Anyways, you have an outstanding weakness to Gastrodon. With your 3 Doges not being to do anything significant to it, it pretty much gets a free switch in to all of them. Flygon can dent it with outrage or EQ, but loses to any Ice Beam variants. Mew (loldatsu) cant do crap to it, and Florges is for scrubs.

My suggestion would be to run HP Grass on Raikou, mainly because Suicune can tank 1 Banded Flygon's move, which, with your synergy, you can switch in your flygon in on an EQ, or your Florges in on an Outrage. Also, another reason to switch to HP Grass is because you wont even outspeed the more common Flygon variant; Scarf. The benefits to having Grass surpass the risks of not running Ice.

TL;DR Use HP Grass > HP Ice on Raikou.
A possible alternative could be Giga Drain > Softboiled on You. It will help You dealing with Gastrodon and healing Your HP. Yet, this might not always work, and Impish would have to be changed. HP Grass > HP Ice on Raikou is a good idea, although a bit risky, losing BoltBeam.
Yeah, Swampert, Quagsire, and Gastrodon wreck this team.

Other than those guys, good team as usual.
Swampert and non Water Absorb variants of Quagsire are actually non threatening to this team, due to Suicune's ability to set up all over them, and simply chip away some damage, although taking down Unaware Quagsire would definitely be more difficult than Swampert.

But yeah, that's really the only reason I pointed out Gastro; cause Suicune can't do jack crap to it, and other teammate reasons above in prior comment.

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