Pokémon Rate My Team
0 votes

22 Pokemon

Vaniluxe X1 http://www.serebii.net/card/plasmafreeze/029.shtml
(Chillimax goes well with deluge)
Vanilish X3 http://www.serebii.net/card/noblevictories/028.shtml
(Needed for evolution)
Vanilite X3 http://www.serebii.net/card/plasmastorm/035.shtml
(Needed for evolution)
Milotic X2 http://www.serebii.net/card/dragonsexalted/028.shtml
(Used to get cards I need plus energy later)

Feebas X3 http://www.serebii.net/card/dragonsexalted/027.shtml
(Needed for evolution)
Beartic X2 or froslass http://www.serebii.net/card/plasmastorm/041.shtml
(great cards)

Cubcho X3 or snorunt http://www.serebii.net/card/plasmastorm/040.shtml
( Evolve into Great Cards)
Blastoise X1 http://www.serebii.net/card/boundariescrossed/031.shtml
(Combined with vanililuxe)
Wartortle X2 http://www.serebii.net/card/boundariescrossed/030.shtml
(Need for evolution)
Squirtle X3 http://www.serebii.net/card/boundariescrossed/029.shtml
(Need for Evolution)

20 Trainers
Plasma Ball X1 (Gets a plasma pokemon In case my vaniluxe comes late or I need beartic/froslass)
Cheren X2 (I cannot build a deck without these)
Coltress X3 (Sweet card drawing power)
Pokémon Communication X3 (To get pokemon like milotic)
Gold Potion X1 (To heal the vaniluxe)
Hard Charm X2 (Just to good to include)
Startling Megaphone X1 (Required for most decks)
Silver mirror X1 (Always a good idea)
Crushing Hammer X1 (In case im in a tight spot)
Cilan X2 (More energies)
Revive X1 (If blastoise/vaniluxe faints then I got support)
Superior Energy revival x1 ( Because if vaniluxe faints then...)

18 Energy If you say you need a link for energies I don't trust you to rate a deck!
3 Double colorless
15 Water energy

Beartic it is

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