Pokémon Rate My Team
5 votes

Welcome, to my first gen 6 UU team! I made it as a VoltTurn that eventually transformed into a offenive team back when UU was brand new, and decided to finally post it since one of the team members was recently banned to OU. With that being said, here is the team:

Nidoking (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Earth Power
- Poison Jab
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass]
The first Pokemon i wanted to use was Nidoking, since it could deal with the ever so popular Florgron with its STAB+SF+LO. Ice Beam is general coverage whilst HP Grass deals with Quagsire, which was a rising star back when this team was new.

enter image description here

Absol @ Absolite
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Superpower
- Psycho Cut
- Sucker Punch
Next, i waned to try out MAbsol before it got banned. However, it wasnt, so I keept using it. Knock Off and Sucker Punch are powerful STABs whilst Superpower and Psycho Cut are good coverage.

Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Superpower
Now, for a old remain of the teams VoltTurn origins. Flygon was and still is a powerful Pokemon, and nothing really changed for it. With a Scarf it serves as my lategame sweeper and scout. EQ and Outrage are powerful STAB whilst Superpower is decent coverage. Fire Punch could have been used but SP simply had more coverage.

enter image description here

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 220 SpD / 36 Spe
Calm Nature
- Giga Drain
- Recover
- Thunder Wave
- U-turn
Moving on, i needed something with some bulk and resisances, so the old OU reject Celebi. With its great bulk and recovery it makes a outstanding annoyer with Thunder Wave. U-Turn is a leftover from the VoltTurn origins but provide great momentum. Giga drain is good STAB and healing.


Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Bold Nature
- Slack Off
- Scald
- Foul Play
- Thunder Wave
To complements Celebis SDef, I added the now banned Slowbro. Its excellent physical bulk complements Celebiand the rest of the team, and is still capable of creating a hassle with Scald, TW and Foul Play. Slack Off greatly extend its lifespan, as does Regenerator. TW on both my supports is there to aid Nidoking and Absol, which have trouble with faster threaths otherwise.


Entei @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Stone Edge
- Iron Head
- ExtremeSpeed
To finish things of, I wanted a Fire type to create a FWG core, and Entei became a perfect fit with its good bulk and new Sacred Fire. The rest of the moves gives good coverage over fairies and such, with ExtremeSpeed being used to pick of weakned foes.

So there you have it, a very old team, but hey, better late than never.

This team... Screw that Entei >_>
Few possible edits:

- Nidoking isnt really necessary, and you lack a mon with SR, meaning Fire Spam + MAero could come in at any given time. Since UU is now full of fat, mons (or frail mons), it suggest Nidoqueen > Nidoking, as it is almost as powerful as Nidoking  (only off by like less than 10), but with a TON  of more bulk., which is nice against threats like Lucario. Also, Quagsire gets 2hko'd by EP, so unless Stockpile variants are common in UU (which they arent; lol Celebi), you can just run a basic coverage set of...

Nidoqueen @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / (rest can be modified to speed ties and the sort)
Modest Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave
- Ice Beam

- it seems to me you dont have an answer to Kyurem, ScarfRachi, Banded Dugtrio, and Sharpedo. These are some rising threats in the higher metagame, and are very capable of wallbreaking. Surely, Dugtrio is easy to use and trap, but the rest are scary. Specs Kyurem can potentially 2hko every member of this team... at worst. Ice Beam is a spammable move, and Slowbro takes 40% + Rocks damage, meaning it is not a switch in unless at full health. For this reason, I suggest Assault Vest  > Leftovers on Entei. Being able to switch in on fairies for practically free is simply great, and AV allows you to  potentially stay in and  KO Hydreigon, the king of UU.

As for the Slowbro spot, Offensive Bulky Suicune could work as a  shaky check to  Fire Spam and MAero, so you can try that out. Im not really familiar with the EVs, but it surely runs Lefties, with Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Scald, and a filler.

Sexy team. Watch out for SR tho!
Thanks for the input man :D
Il be sure to try out both Queen and Suicune, as Florgron isnt nearly as common anymore. Ive been thinking about AV Entei as well, and a second input is greatly appreciated.
So here's the second input:

- Nidoqueen Speed Ties. While I am unfamiliar with the current spread, Nidoqueen is forced to run SOME speed, as it is a great candidate in beating Togekiss, a rising star in UU, due to its fall from OU. If you really wish to beat Toge, then keeping Nidoking would not be a bad idea, since Sludge Wave has around a 60% chance of OHkO'ing Mah Hp /max SpD toge. The change or keepig of Nidoking is a must, since Togekiss alone can beat half your team on its own.
- if necessary, you can always run Rotom-H > Entei. Since it is a 100% defined counter for Togekiss, Kyurem, ScarfRachi, and  a shaky check to Dugtrio (thanks Levitate!). If you feel these are ever a problem, Rotom's tour man, or oven, to go to.

- If rotom is added, add Swords Dance > Superpower  on your Absol. Since SD  + Magic Bounce forces a lot of attacks (get rekt Encore Kazam), it is quite easy to get a sweep. Of course, this will only work late game when all checks and counter have been weakened/removed, respectively.
Det Absolutely pic XD
when oras comes out, you could give slowbro the slowbroite (it isn't conformed what its called yet but its my best guess) so u could use the new mega slowbro
Slowbro is OU, meaning he cant even use slowbro in the UU tier.

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