Pokémon Rate My Team
0 votes

Hello everyone this is my first attempt at competitive team...I have been watching many youtube videos of battles and I decided to go with something different from what I have seen..so many people use the same pokemon and it becomes predictable and boring so I went a little different route. If you can rate the team it would be great..willing to sub anyone except for mega-tyranitar. I feel like he is such a strong mega pokemon and he looks pretty cool when he mega evolves.


Item: Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
Nature: Jolly
252 atk / 252 speed / 4 spa
- Dark Pulse
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake

Item: Shell Bell
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Modest
252 SPA / 252HP /4 ATK
- Frost Breath
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Freeze-Dry

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Trace
Nature: Quiet
252 SPA / 252 HP / 4 SPD
- Psyshock
- Will-o-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Moonblast

Item: Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: quiet
252 HP / 252 SDEF / 4 DEF
- Wide Guard
- King's Shield
- Flash Cannon
- Shadow Ball

Item: Light Ball
Ability: Motor Drive
Nature: Hasty
252 Speed / 252 HP / 4 DEF
- Substitute
- Discharge
- Volt Switch
- Encore

Item: Sitrus Berry
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature: Timid
252 Speed / 252 HP/ 4 DEF
- Stealth Rock
- Dark Void
- Magic Coat
- Sticky Web

edited by
Aegislash is banned in OU if you're using smogon rules
for smeargle switch dark void for spore imo ;)

1 Answer

1 vote

Welcome to the site!

Your team, as an overview

After studying your team's synergy, I remark a harsh fighting weakness concerning half your team, while the other half is resistant to this type. I dislike that, because if one Pokemon is out, your fighting weakness starts intensifying. Doing the whole average of your Pokemon stats, none of them is over 100. This is very dangerous, it means your team is slow overall, don't hit very hard and neither is particularly bulky. This is due to your strange Pokemon choices. I am fully with the fact you're avoiding to use the most popular Pokemons, but some Pokemons are just not good at all. Lapras and Emolga aren't very good. You're also using some silly moves, you'll need to ditch them.

Team Changes

If you can afford it, Zapdos/Thundurus are stronger than Emolga on all the line, whether to sweep or to SubSweep. One of the two should replace Emolga. If you're extremely consistent on the mamonga, you can keep it but do a Tailwind set because Emolga is not particularly bulky to do a Sub set, and Light Ball only works on Pikachu.

Lapras is a silly Pokemon by itself, since its typing is not top notch, neither are its stats particularly shiny. This HP stat is out of the roof, though, you can use that stat along a very good Special Defense to pull off a great Assault Vest set, although Goodra does that much better.

Gardevoir can be rather interesting, but you're using it wrong.
You need help on the movesets.


Dark Pulse? Really? I hope this is a joke of second degree, Tyranitar with Dark Pulse sucks, especially that you're using Dragon Dance. For me, Dark Pulse is not a move Tyranitar should be using, at all.

Drop Dark Pulse and teach Ice Punch to it. Drop the 4 Special Attack EVs and attribute them to Defense.


If you don't mind changing Lapras, chose Goodra.

Goodra @ Assault Vest
Trait: Hydration / Gooey (Gooey if you can afford it)
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SAtk / 16 Speed
Modest Nature

  • Thunderbolt
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Fire Blast
  • Ice Beam

The huge array of coverage moves is important here. Goodra is extremely bulky and can hit very, very hard. If Assault Vest's a concern, Choice Specs works equally good.

If you're consistent on Lapras, use Assault Vest on it. You can drop Frost Breath for Ice Shard although this isn't necessary.


You'll need Timid nature to make the best use of Gardevoir's new typing and moves, allowing her to OHKO Latios. I'm very nay on Will-O-Wisp since you're using an offensive Gardevoir, so ditch it and ditch Lefties. Use Choice Scarf instead, and replace Will-O-Wisp for Focus Blast.


Wide Guard? lol, no.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Trait: Stance Change
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SAtk / 8 Speed
Quiet Nature

  • King's Shield
  • Substitute
  • Flash Canon
  • Shadow Ball

This set is less dependant on King's Shield than any other set. SubAegislash is my favorite set for this reason. When hiding behind a Substitute, Aegislash can attack on multiple turns in succession without using King's Shield every other turn. The attacking moves on this set are Aegislash's two main special STAB options, Flash Canon and Shadow Ball.


Zapdos/Thundurus please.

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Defense / 24 Speed / 60 SAtk
Bold Nature

  • Thunderbolt
  • Roost
  • Defog
  • U-Turn

This defensive set packs respectable power, can eliminate hazards of your side of the field, is very bulky and can scout. What do you want more?

Thundurus-Therian @ Life Orb
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 156 HP / 252 Speed / 100 SAtk
Modest Nature

  • Nasty Plot
  • Agility
  • Thunderbolt
  • Hidden Power {ICE}

Double Booster set. HP investment allows setting up 2 moves at once. Thundurus will like Smeargle's support, too. By doubling Thundurus' special attack and speed, you've got a real sweeper. Hidden Power provides Bolt-Beam coverage.

Thundurus @ Life Orb
Trait: Defiant
EVs: 252 Speed / 184 SAtk / 72 Atk
Naive Nature

  • Thunderbolt
  • Knock Off
  • Hidden Power {ICE}
  • U-Turn / Superpower

Mixed attacker set. Defiant trumps Defog and double your attack, which makes it choice. Now the choice between U-Turn and Superpower is hard. The former allows scouting and escaping from checks, like Mega-Venusaur or Conkeldurr, while Superpower give supplementary coverage. Psychic can dispatch the two checks I mentioned above.
Defiant is not worth obtaining if you're running Knock Off as your only physical move.



Hope I helped!

~Sincerely, RecreativeReshiram.

Nice answer. +1