Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've asked about this team before and didn't get much help. I went through some type coverage, resistance, and that stuff. I DO have 2 mega evolutions, for the sole purpose of power / speed. I have weaknesses of psychic and fighting already, so please keep that in mind when editing.

AuraMaster (Lucario) @ Lucarionite
Inner Focus -> Adaptability
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Jolly Nature
Close Combat
Thunder Punch
Ice Punch

My power mega evolution. He can cover 605 pokemon super effectively, so that's cool. I normally pair this guy with Thundrus (At bottom) for t-wave set-up and support.

Ghostbuster (Lopunny) @ Lopunnite
Limber -> Scrappy
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
High Jump Kick
Fake Out
Fire Punch

This guy really is a ghostbuster. Scrappy + Fake Out + STAB + Speed = AWWW YAAH. This one is the speedy mega. This one pairs with suicune to trick opponents in attacking the threat, while suicune can set-up.

Sweetcune (Suicune) @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 SpA
Calm Nature
Ice Beam
Calm Mind

I originally thought suicune was OP in attacking, not walling. So... I incorporated sub + CM for nice defense, shield, and special attack power. Paired with Lopunny, people will wanna kill lopunny first.

Mr. Microwave (Rotom-Heat) @ Heat Rock
252 SpA / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Modest Nature
Volt Switch
Sunny Day

This high power microwave bakes leafeon for chlorophyll support. This guy also can fend off for itself, with sunny day + overheat + STAB + high special attack = probable OHKO.

Chlorophyll (Leafeon) @ Sitrus Berry
252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
Leaf Blade
Swords Dance

When this guy soaks up the rays, he is faster than deoxys-speed form. Also with super reliable recovery, sub for shield, and SD for attack boost, this guy can kick some butt.

Zeus (Thundrus Incarnate) @ Zap Plate
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
Nasty Plot
Thunder Wave

Ah, the lightning god. Priority t-wave hits faster opponent so lucario can be faster. Sub for shielding, nasty plot for ultra powerful thunderbolt. Tbolt + Nasty Plot x 1, 2, or 3 times + Zap Plate + STAB = Probable OHKO.

Overall, the team is (in my opinion) really good, but is missing some coverage. If I could incorporate better sun support (replace rotom), better lucario support (replace thundrus) cover other major competitive threats that exist (greninja, talonflame, aegislash, azumarill, kangaskhan, etc.), please drop a comment or answer about it. Wish me luck!

Good luck XD

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