Pokémon Rate My Team
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I always liked roserade for some reason. I looked at it some more and realized, "this guy is awesome!" So, I thought about a team around centered around roserade, and it seems quite good.

Roserade @ Big Root
Natural Cure
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Modest Nature
Giga Drain
Toxic Spikes

So roserade is cool and all, but it needs forced switch support. Otherwise you're screwed. I chose one of my favorite pokemon: Umbreon

Umbreon @ Lax Incense
252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Impish Nature
Double Team

Ok so I force switches on my spikes, badly poison, and that junk. But, roserade has bad defenses. So, to boost them, I chose my car keys.

Klefki @ Light Clay
252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 HP
Impish Nature
Foul Play
Light Screen

So my defenses are up, I can force switches, but I now just need speed to back it up. Who can do that well? I think latias.

Latias @ Latiasite
252 SpD / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Draco Meteor
Calm Mind

Whew. That is basically the strategy. But I need two more pokemon. I like this guy, but if you have a better idea, tell me.

Pachirisu @ Sitrus Berry
Volt Absorb
252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
Follow Me
Super Fang

One. More. Pokemon. Umm... this guy was just a thought, so it could go many ways. I chose on...

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Speed Boost
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Flare Blitz
High Jump Kick
Brave Bird

Blaziken is my taunt counter basically. Since my team hates taunt, he takes out the Pokemon who uses it. My sleep poison strategy gets walled by steel types, so blaziken wreaks HP out of them. It is kind of gimmicky, but I think it will work and nobody will see it coming. Hope you like it and wish me luck!

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How do the last 2 pokemon sound?
Thundrus @ Zap Plate
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Modest Nature
Nasty Plot

Feraligatr @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Sheer Force
252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
Aqua Jet
Ice Punch
Waterfall / Earthquake / Outrage
Dragon Dance
If you're talking about replacing Pachi and Umbreon for Thundy and Feraligatr, these changes could be decent. Your sets just need a bit of adjustment.

Thundurus@ Sitrus Berry
Prankster | Modest/Bold/Timid
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def (or a bulkier spread, if that's your thing)
- Thunderbolt
- Taunt
- Thunder Wave
- Protect

Sitrus Berry keeps you alive longer. Thunder Wave offers valuable speed control against the likes of Blaziken, Mega Metagross, and Mega Kangaskhan. Protect is a must in VGC.

Feraligatr@ Life Orb
Sheer Force | Adamant
252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Def (would recommend a custom EV spread)
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Punch
- Waterfall
- Protect

Waterfall > everything else imo. You could potentially run Earthquake, but Blaziken and Klefki are already weak to it, so it's risky. Protect is a must, and you definitely want Life Orb over Choice band to allow you to utilize Protect.
I might rate this later, although I'm no expert in VGC.
Use commented suggestions as well in ur answer
I'm about to rate this :)
But as a personal rule, I'll avoid replacing more than two pokemon, so that the team retains originality. Hopefully that doesn't cause problems...

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Nah so what if my suggestion seems a little un-original. The reason I didn't answer before was that my thoughts looked like a complete rip off from Se jun Park's team, but ehh I still think that it's the best I could come up with.

The team looks a lot like it has been pulled out of singles and slapped into VGC (or so I think, with Umbreon and hazards on it). Sadly many strategies that may be extremely successful in singles may not show cause in VGC, due to double targeting, 4 pokemon only, faster pace etc.

A thing about teams though, if you make them overly sophisticated to setting up, you would lose out on a lot of team slots, that could have been utilized better. For example almost every good team has a counter for Trick Room, which this one lacks.

As I begin with the 'mon analysis, I'll replace two pokemon that I felt didn't really work out for this team, and unnecessarily clogged up a slot. Hope you like it :)

1 Roserade:

Roserade @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm / Magical Leaf
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power Fire
- Protect

Ok hazards really don't work out in VGC. Matches that get over in about eight turns demand more immediate means of damage, and Roserade's role in VGC is supposed to be all about that. Life Orb Roserade is all about hitting hard and fast, with the support of Tailwind (or T-Wave, I'll get to it in a sec).
The spread for this one is fairly simple as under Light Screen, it (along with most of it's partners) can take some pretty obscene hits without investment. Outside of this it's not recommended to leave out on any of Roserade's offenses, because without them it's just your usual rose.
HP Fire works well with Technician, now that it's power is stabilized to 60, while the choice between Leaf Storm and Magical Leaf is yours. Sludge Bomb outright KOs many unsuspecting Fairies as well.

2 Klefki:

Klefki @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 132 SpD
Impish Nature
- Safeguard
- Light Screen
- Foul Play
- Thunder Wave

I made a few changes in Klefki, which was otherwise good to go. I changed it to a mono-screen set, as I wanted to accommodate a slot for Safeguard. It's an amazing support move against status, which can single-handedly stop pokemon that are used for their ability to spread it. For example Smeargle (Dark Void), Amoonguss (Spore), Thundurus (Priority T-Wave), and the endless count of pokemon that burn.
As now you have just one screen, Light Clay becomes more redundant. So to ward off the ill intentions of physical attackers, I've attached to it a Rocky Helmet.

The said spread allows it to live some crazy hits, including but not restricted to:

>252+ Atk Landorus-T Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 124+ Def Klefki: 132-156 (80.4 - 95.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

>252+ SpA Heatran Heat Wave vs. 252 HP / 132 SpD Klefki: 132-156 (80.4 - 95.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

>252 SpA Mega Salamence Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 132 SpD Klefki: 116-138 (70.7 - 84.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

And that's before the screen comes up.

4 Pachirisu:

Pachirisu @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Calm Nature
- Protect
- Follow Me
- Super Fang
- Nuzzle

Pach seemed good to go really. I just tweaked the spread a little, changing it to more HP investment over SpD, while removing the useless attack investments. I've also put in Nuzzle, a move that can paralyze without being blocked by Taunt. Combined with Klefki's T-Wave, this provides a means of speed management for you.

3 / 5 Latias:

Latias @ Latiasite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 180 HP / 124 Def / 84 SpA / 120 SpD
Bold Nature
- Protect
- Tailwind / Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Dragon Pulse

Alternative to Mega Latias is using a normal Latias with Leftovers, but this set works too. Given spread I've tried here gives it the bulk to live an Adamant Life Orb Mamo's Icicle Crash, while the SpA investments ensure that without any boosts, you are able to deal only a little below half to a usual Rotom-W.
Also, since you two paralyzing pokemon in your team, it's dependent on your discretion if you want a
third* means of speed management in Tailwind. If you do, by all means go for it. If not, then run Protect for safe plays.

(*NOTE: Rotom-W tend to carry Sitrus Berry. If the damage dealt is not a huge deal over half, like in this case, then it would just heal a lot of it's health back from Sitrus. So to deal max damage, under half is usually safer.)

57 / 8 Gyarados:

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect / Substitute
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Waterfall

Another problem with having too many pokemon that set-up and have no other use is that you lose out on a lot of offensive pressure. As your team was earlier, only two pokemon were really meant for offense. So I picked out the least productive one (sadly Umbreon has to go ;~;) to show off some big guns. Enter the Dragon.

Although not a Dragon, Gyarados is a terrifying pokemon if it's doing what it wants to. Intimidate support is welcome on most teams, despite the introduction of Milotics and Bisharps. It's mega is one of the few pokemon that has known to successfully pull off Dragon Dance sets in VGC, so you might as well use it. To further help it, you already use a Pachirisu that can soak up Electric type attacks for HP. The spread is very simple yet helpful; hit as hard as possible and as quickly.

Substitute is so that you don't have to deal with status in those times you don't have Safeguard up, and to aid D-Dance set ups. However, Protect can also come here. At the same time, you could scrap D-Dance altogether and run a bulkier Protect / Substitute / Earthquake / Waterfall set here. Preferable to run a custom spread if you're choosing this option for more bulk.

910 Talonflame:

Talonflame @ Charcoal
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 164 SpA / 92 Spe
Naive Nature
- Brave Bird
- Overheat
- Taunt / Protect
- Quick Guard

Taunt counter is now no longer needed, as you have enough of it by now. Talonflame doubles up as your priority and your Trick Room counter. This particular set though; it actually wanders a little further to run Overheat to KO the several pesky Intimidate pokemon and Aegislash. Quick Guard helps against priority moves, which is mostly useful, while Taunt can be run to shut down many pokemon that set up as well.
Taunt can also be forgone for Protect, again for safer plays.

Here's a link to the team's synergy.
I hope this helped!

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Prolly Latios > Latias? It's more offensive, the team has Light Screen so Latios' power may be needed?
Hydreigon is probably the best Dragon this year, but he shares too many weaknesses with Mega Gyarados and Roserade (although Bug weakness is barely relevant).

EDIT: Mega Salamence is pretty deadly, too.
Great answer btw! Thanks for the support and adjustments my team needed!
Latias mega has better stat distribution and bulk than Latios mega. IMO, there's some merit running it instead.
and dang scil gj
Dude Mega salamence is banned
^ Yep. Latias is actually meant to be the bulk behind the team, alongside Klefki (a defensive Fantasy core, leaving all the offense to the FWG core). People tend to forget about the handy resistances a dragon can have ;)

But yeah, Latios as a non-mega does indeed deserve a mention for more offense, although I'm not sure where that's heading. I might have given it a thought when I drafted this, but I'd never severe off more than 2 pokemon from someone's team, so after Gyara and T-flame I decided to stop replacing.
btw I'm glad you found this helpful in any way :D.

PS.- Mega Salamence will never be banned from VGC. Only certain legendary 'mons have that honour.