The first thing I can tell you is switch out Manaphy's Lum berry for leftovers or damp rock, it just defeats the point of hydration+rain dance. Never, ever, use those moves that recharge after use unless your playing 1v1 with Porygon Z or you use Slaking.
The new move should be hyper voice. Your Wobuffer is cool, you can use it, but the other Psychic mon (names escapes me) outclasses him as a shadow tag user, so you should consider it. Knocked wobb from ubets to Nu matter o fact. Lastly, whilst undermined, you need an answer to things like ferrothorn n skarmory, so u need to carry possibly hp fire or something, because coverage is Slaking. Ok now life orb is better for the sweep Evs on bisharp so...yeah. Also please get rid of foul play for sucker punch. Bisharp is great and needs very little coverage to do the job. I hope I helped.