Pokémon Rate My Team
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Another rmt, here goes...

The core

Gengar @ black sludge
Trait: Levitate
Evs: Maxed out sp.atk and speed 4 sp.def
Nature: Timid (+spe -atk)
-Pain split
-Shadow ball
-Giga drain
Will give descriptions all together for the core.
Tyranitar-mega @ tyranitarite
Trait: Sand stream--->sand stream
Evs: 252 atk, 84 spe, the rest in hp
Nature: Adamant
-Dragon dance
-Stealth rock
Off to the magnetic steel...
Magnezone @ air balloon
Trait: Sturdy
Evs: 252 sp.atk 74 spe and the rest in def
Nature: Modest
-Flash cannon
-Tri attack
-Volt switch
Gengar helps to switch into ground, fighting and fairy type moves.
Tyranitar-mega helps to switch into fire, ghost, psychic and dark type moves.
Magnezone helps to switch into fairy, psychic, ground (air balloon), steel and water type moves. Gengar half stalls, half sweeps. Tyranitar-mega sweepes after d-dance and sets up SR. Magnezone vlt switches and is sorta a tank.


Starmie @ life orb
Trait: Natural cure
Evs: 248sp.atk, 252 spe, 4 def, 4 sp.def
Nature: Timid
-Rapid spin
-Recover/Ice beam
Wich to choose? Recover or ice beam?! Please answer this (at least in the comments?). Surf+psyshock=STAB. Spins away hazards. Type weaknesses get supported from teammates and helps teammates with their type weaknesses. Obviously, there's going to be a lot of switching, so I chose natural cure.

Wall+wish healer

Chansey @ eviolite
Trait: Natural cure
Evs: 252 hp 252 def 4sp.def
Nature: Bold
-Seismic toss
I know, major fighting weakness. I've got starmie and gengar so I have little problems with that. Nothing much to say here.

The guy I always wanted to try out.

Breloom @ leftovers
Trait: Technician
Evs: 252 atk 252 spe 4 hp
Nature: Adamant
-Mach punch
-Bullet seed
-Rock tomb
Always wanted to try out breloom. Almost all my RMTs included this guy, and I haven't found a team for him to stay in. Rock tomb>stone edge for accuracy and speed lowering. Spore rocks. Revenge kills with mach punch. Tried the set in showdown (just for testing, I don't usually play showdown.) along with the rest of the team. Won about 80% of the battles :)

I reccomend giving "spinner" recover over ice beam it maximizes his sweeping potential giving him more time to live. I also reccomend replacing psyshock for thunder
This isn't really long enough to be an answer, more like a coment. At least elaborate on why you suggest these changes.

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