Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've made hyper offensive teams all this time, because that's just my style. But after my best team was stalled to death by an awsome stall team by some random online user, I decided to try my hand at stall.

First I made a UU team (Because the OU is full of offensive pokemon that can blow through walls). But it lost the vast majority of battles ( Only wins I got was from users quitting when they see they have 3-4 pokemon left while I have my entire team , while the reality was I had most of my team on low health.)

So I decided to throw in more obvious stall mons, and make an OU team. This team still loses more than half it's matches, so it can be improved a lot. So please suggest changes.

Skarmory@Rocky helmet
Adamant Nature
Brave Bird
Stealth Rock

This, along with Sableye(I choose depending on my opponents team), is my lead pokemon.
Whirlwind is great for trolling setup and substitute mons, and Brave Bird with Adamant nature for a great offensive move, and stealth rock over defog because I don't want my hazards cleared. Roost for recovery.

A problem with Skarmory is that I could use a stronger wall (Steelix, Aggron etc). But none of them have reliable recovery (apart from ChestoRest ) and none of them have Skarmory's awsome movepool.

Sableye@Focus Sash
Careful nature
Foul Play

Obvious Sableye set. But Will-O-Wisp and Foul Play is a bad combo, as the former halves the attack the latter uses. Focus Sash so I can come in on a strong physical sweeper, survive the first hit and use Will-O-Wisp.

I have no idea whether to use Mega Sableye or not. Losing prankster sucks, but the huge defenses are handy.

Blissey@Sitrus berry
Natural Cure
Bold nature

I choose Blissey over Chansey because I am tired of getting my eviolite knocked off. Blissey screams for a physical attacker to come in on it. It takes a hit, surives it(barring physical fighting moves), uses counter and kills the opponent(Apparently no one expects counter on Blissey).
Toxic for stalling, Wish+Protect for recovery.

Clefable@Sitrus berry
Bold nature

For trolling all setup mons that are not steel/poison. Manhandles weakness policy Dragonite and dragon dance Garchomp, Salamence and Mega Gyarados.

Tentacruel@Sitrus berry
Liquid Ooze
Bold nature
Rapid Spin
Toxic Spikes
Sludge Bomb

Rapid spinner. Toxic spikes are used sparingly for Sableye to spread Will-O-Wisp. Lack of recovery is a weakness.

Now I'm not sure what to have in my last slot. If i'm not using Mega Sableye (Currently I'm not.) this should obviously be a mega pokemon. I've tried Mega Tyranitar for a late game sweeper, but those weaknesses resulted in me removing him. (Really every_single_time I try TTar those weaknesses put me off. Always thought it was a cool pokemon...too bad.)

Currently I use Mega Venusaur, but I usually win or lose without him making any noticable impact in the game.

Chlorophyll --> Thick fat
Modest nature
Giga Drain
Leech Seed
Sludge Bomb

After all pokemon potentially carrying flying and psychic moves have been eliminated, I bring this out, Ingrain, leech seed and drain away at the opponents health.

So please give suggestions ti improve this team.

Here are few questions:
1)Should I use Mega Sableye?
2)Which pokemon best fits in the last slot?
3)Is there a better alternative to Skarmory?

Mega Sableye may work instead of Mega Venusaur, it's more popular right now. Also, Ferrothorn may replace Skarmory with Venusaur gone.
I really like the team! But there are two problems
1:Sableye: You don't need a Focus Sash on Sableye, predict what the opponent will do. If they are a sp.attacker, then use calm mind. If they are an attacker, go ahead and use Will-O-Wisp! Leftovers would be much better on it, trust me!
2:Blissey: Who said Blissey would actually take a Drain Punch/Close Combat and counter it? That's literally the only problem about it
Ewww no why ferrothorn? Ugh man you disgust me.
You can't have a stall team without this.
Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Careful Nature
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Substitute
- Encore
I still don't get why focus sash on sableye is getting so popular...
So it doesn't get Moonblasted before it does it's dirty work.
3 pokemon with same weakness is not good man, you have  3 pokemon that  share same weak, x2 fire and x2 electric, x2 psychic...

better than skarmory run Gliscor with defog, tentacruel  for Slowbro, sableye for heatran with SR. and you have better coverage,
chansey is 1000 time better than blissey, and you will use Mega-V
Thanks for the feedback. I started using mega Sableye and Cofagrigus over Venusaur with a few changes here and there. I've been able to get a much better winrate now, although it's still poor. I guess I'll just go back to hyper offence now :P

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