Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

Yes, I am a Potterhead.

So I was scrolling through the list of OU Pokemon, and one which caught my eye was Celebi. The standard Smogon set seemed to fit my needs for a support Pokemon, and I decided to build a team around the Time Travelling fairy.

Team Building:


Celebi's main weaknesses are the Fire-, Bug- and Ice-type. I needed a Pokemon to resist all three of them, so what better choice than Azumarill? He even comes with some priority in the form of Aqua Jet, so that's a mean to bypass Trick Room, paralysis etc.


Then I realise both my Pokemon are weak to the Poison-type. I considered Bisharp, who came with an immunity to the Poison-type as well as some more priority. But he was slow like Azumarill and I needed one of my physical sweepers to be fast. Metagross was my choice in the end. He was fast and immune to my main weakness, and served as a good Mega.


After realizing that Gengar was an amazing counter to two of my Pokemon, I decided to get a counter for it, and what better thing to do than fight fire with fire?


Now that I had covered my team's weaknesses, I needed some extra support. Skarmory was a blessing in disguise. He had the ability to Defog hazards away, as well as phase out Stallers. He also provided an important Psychic resistance, aiding Gengar.


For the last member I decided to get another special attacker, since my team consisted of only one. Raikou seemed like a Pokemon that was reliable, and since I had never used it before, I allowed myself to use it.

CelebiAzumarillMetagrossGengarSkarmoryenter image description here

So that completes the team building process.

Continued in first answer.

edited by
Why was this downvoted :P
Haters gonna hate
I'll upvote this back; anyways this is a great question because you actually put sprites and your team building phase.

1 Answer

0 votes

Continued here

Pokemon in Detail

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Time Turner (Celebi) @ Leftovers

Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 84 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
- Giga Drain
- Recover
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock

The star of the team. Celebi provides a great support Pokemon. It has 3 methods of recovering health - Giga Drain, Recover(when Giga Drain doesn't provide enough recovery) and Leftovers(for passive recovery throughout the match). Thunder Wave is a great move which hinders any Pokemon hit by it and has a 100% accuracy. Stealth Rock is a great move to break sashes and to destroy Dragonite's Multiscale. Also, my Ability Natural Cure allows me to remove any status conditions that would otherwise be a pain.

The EVs allow me to do the following:

  • Avoid the 2HKO from Adamant Mega Lopunny's Return after Stealth Rock
  • Outspeed Adamant Bisharp.

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Pixie (Azumarill) (M) @ Sitrus Berry

Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Knock Off

Azumarill covers Celebi's Fire- and Ice-type weaknesses. That's the main reason I included him on my team. He even comes with a bit of priority, and he can potentially 6-0 a team if played right against the appropriate team. Belly Drum maximizes Azumarill's Attack at the cost of half its HP, but 25% of his maximum is recovered immediately due to the Sitrus Berry. Aqua Jet is Azumarill's Water-type STAB move, and is usually the cause of a 6-0 win due to its +1 priority. Play Rough hits slower Pokemon MUCH harder than Aqua Jet, netting some important OHKOs. Knock Off hits everything that Aqua Jet and Play Rough can't.

The EVs allow me to:

  • Allows Azumarill to hit 177 Speed, is optimized to outspeed uninvested base 70 Speed Pokemon and below, which includes Skarmory, Tyranitar, and Clefable.
  • Hit as hard as possible
  • Ensure that the Sitrus Berry gets activated after the use of Belly Drum.

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Horcrux (Metagross) @ Metagrossite

Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Bullet Punch
- Hammer Arm

Meteor Mash is Mega Metagross's main STAB move, hitting the Fairy-types super effectively. Zen Headbutt is to take on the Fighting- and Poison-types, while also scoring a 2HKO against Rotom-W. Bullet Punch is to take out faster threats. Hammer arm is the last move and it 2HKOs Ferrothorn and zero Defense investment Mega Scizor.

The EVs allow me to:

  • Hit as fast and hard as possible.

enter image description here

Avada Kadavera (Gengar) (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 29 HP
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Wave
- Focus Blast
- Taunt

Shadow Ball is Gengar's main STAB attack, as its neutral coverage is fantastic. Sludge Wave is Gengar's secondary STAB attack, giving it the ability to hit Fairy-types and Grass-types for super effective damage. Focus Blast allows Gengar to hit Dark-types super effectively, dealing loads of damage or even KOing them. Taunt drives out Chansey useless as Seismic Toss doesn't affect Gengar.

The EVs(and IVs) allow me to:

  • Again, hit as fast and hard as possible.
  • Take minimal Life Orb recoil.

Chibi Alert

Diggory (Skarmory) @ Leftovers

Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Defog
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind

Roost allows Skarmory to stay healthy for the duration of the match and helps it switch in on physical attackers and use Defog. Brave Bird is Skarmory's most reliable way of checking attackers weak to Flying-type moves, such as Mega Lopunny, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Gallade. Whirlwind prevents Pokemon such as Swords Dance Bisharp and Dragon Dance Gyarados from sweeping by phazing them out and racks up entry hazard damage on the opponent.

The EVs allow me to:

  • Maximize Physical bulk.

enter image description here

Expelliarmus (Raikou) @ Choice Specs

Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 32 HP / 252 SpA / 224 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Extrasensory

Thunderbolt provides strong, reliable STAB. Volt Switch is decently strong with Choice Specs and allows Raikou to pivot out of an unfavourable matchup. Hidden Power Ice hits crucial Ground- and Dragon-types for super effective damage, especially Landorus-T, Garchomp, Gliscor, and any Hippowdon without more than the standard 140 Special Defense EVs. Extrasensory covers Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss

The EVs allow me to:

  • Outrun Thundurus
  • Hit hard
  • Provide some bulk

Through battling, I have found out that my team cannot handle Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Magnezone and is very weak to Fire-types. I would like to find a way around those weaknesses without changing my Pokemon.

[Dark Star] Greninja


I have replaced the Skarmory for a standard Tormentran. It is serving it's purpose very well, and completely shuts down stallers that rely on Protect for HP recovery through Leftovers.

M-Metagross has been failing me as a Mega, and I have replaced it with M-Charizard Y (Fire Blast, Solarbeam, Dragon Pulse and Air Slash). It has saved me from various situations, and thanks to it, I am at 1200 in around 7 battles with no losses.

edited by
why is this BA?

Changing Skarmory for a Specially Defensive set. You currently have nothing for Mega Alakazam, and little switch ins for Mega Gardevoir (Metagross takes about 40% iirc). You can run the same set, although IMO Iron Head is much more valuable than Brave Bird, sonce the majority of things you wish to hit with BB, you have counters to.

Second, just give Raikou max speed. The bulk does nothing. Offensive starmie is a huge threat for your team, so you need all the help you can to deal with it. Also, Serperior HURTS your team badly. Once again: RUN MAX SPEED ON RAIKOU.


How in the world do you deal with Bulky SD Mega Scizor?
@Unstoppable: So that this answer stays on the top of the page no matter what, but I'll unselect it until an answer appears
@Lusty: Would running Talonflame on this team help? Or maybe swapping M Meta for M Char X?
I find it a bit weird that you're building a team around a Support Pokemon, but w/e.

Anyways, I'm a bit surprised that you're building a team around Celebi, but you don't have a Fire-type. Like what you said earlier on your comment above, Talonflame is a good option on this team. Heatran is especially notable as a good Fire-type partner because it also checks most / all of Celebi's weaknesses, while providing valuable SR support (which you really need on this team and it frees up a slot for Celebi).

Set-up sweepers are great partners with Celebi and I see that you have Azumarill. But to better support your major sweeper, you'd want Healing Wish. So replace SR (cuz you have Heatran) with Healing Wish.

Your sets are very good, so I don't have much improvements on that.

I'll probably post more suggestions later.
K thanks. Could you tell me which Pokémon to replace for Heatran or Talonflame.
I feel that Skarmory is your weakest link in this team, so you could replace Skarmory for Heatran.

Your other team members are mandatory to have, so only replace the other members if you feel that it is deadweight.