Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Talonflame (M) @ Sharp Beak

Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

  • Swords Dance
  • Brave Bird
  • Flare Blitz
  • Roost

Talonflame is part one of the BirdSpam core, possessing the ability to fire off priority Brave Birds everywhere. Combined with Staraptor, Talonflame is able to whittle down opposing Pokemon rather nicely. Talonflame is able to deal with steels a little more reliably because of the fact that it isn't locked into a move, taking pressure off Staraptor. My teammates generally will inflict enough residual damage for Talonflame to clean up the game, and especially when Swords Dance is used on a predicted switch or move. Talonflame is also one of the few reliable Keldeo checks that I have, making it necessary for me to keep Talonflame until the endgame for a majority of the time. Moveset is pretty standard: Swords Dance for boosting, Brave Bird to abuse Gale Wings, Flare Blitz for STAB and hitting Steels, and Roost to gain all that HP back.

Staraptor (F) @ Choice Band

Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature

  • Brave Bird
  • Double-Edge
  • Close Combat
  • U-turn

Staraptor's wallbreaking capabilities are incredible. It is able to dent so many defensive Pokemon, leaving holes so Talonflame and Sceptile can clean up the opposing team due to their naturally high speed stats. Common switchins to physical Pokemon, such as Garchomp, Ferrothorn, Rotom-Wash, Landorus-Therian, and Slowbro take over half from all of Staraptor's attacks. Heatran is usually 2HKOed on the switch, especially after Stealth Rocks have gone up. Although Pokemon such as Skarmory are still not hurt too badly by Staraptor, a safe U-turn or Close Combat will be helpful in the long run. However, I don't really find myself using U-turn too much, as useful as the move is. I was considering running Quick Attack in the slot in order to pick off weakened Pokemon without resorting to recoil too early on in the game. I know that Adamant is clearly superior, but sometimes I really feel like Jolly would be useful against those Charizard speed ties, but Adamant has so much more sheer power that I'd miss.

Sceptile (M) @ Sceptilite

Ability: Overgrow -> Lightning Rod
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature

  • Giga Drain
  • Earthquake
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Hidden Power [Fire]

If Talonflame and Staraptor don't hit something on the switch, they'll likely be forced out due to an incoming Pokemon, such as Raikou, Rotom-Wash, Garchomp, Heatran - all Pokemon that can prove themselves to be a nuisance against BirdSpam. Mega Sceptile solves quite a few of these problems because of its typing, as well as having Lightning Rod. Opponents will be wary of using Volt Switch because a boosted Sceptile is extremely dangerous to face, especially when the opponent isn't running anything that can deal with Sceptile's blistering Speed. Earthquake nails Heatran after a bit of residual damage and Stealth Rock damage. However, Heatran generally switches into Sceptile's anticipated STAB moves, making it easier for Sceptile to eliminate it. Hidden Power Fire is another asset this Sceptile can put into great use. Most Pokemon that are hurt by it, such as Ferrothorn, Scizor, and other Steel types, predict a switch out and set up hazards and Swords Dance / U-turn, respectively, allowing Sceptile to stay in to get a kill.
Since Sceptile is extremely fast, I've debated on shifting its EV spread around so that it would outspeed Mega Lopunny, the fastest Pokemon that most players in the OU metagame use: 80 Atk / 252 SpA / 176 Spe. However, the problem I have is that Sceptile before Mega Evolving needs all the speed it can get to outspeed Pokemon such as Starmie, as I'm not always going to get a free mega evolution off.

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Spe

  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Volt Switch
  • Hydro Pump
  • Pain Split

Rotom-Wash is one Pokemon that helps in dealing with opposing BirdSpam, and can deal with a myriad of other threats by neutralizing them with burns, providing additional residual damage for Talonflame to sweep. Rotom also provides a slow Volt Switch to be able to bring in Sceptile, Talonflame, or Staraptor in safely. 30 Speed IVs are run to "outslow" opposing Rotom-Washes when needed, and 0 Attack is obviously for minimization of confusion and Foul Play damage. Rotom-Wash also can survive most Attacks thrown at it and can Pain Split to regain a good amount of HP, weakening it further for Talonflame and Sceptile. Rotom-Wash is also important for dealing with Azumarill, as a majority of my team cannot switch into it, other than Mega Sceptile switching into Aqua Jet.

Heatran (F) @ Leftovers

Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 192 SpD / 68 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Lava Plume
  • Toxic
  • Protect
  • Stealth Rock

Heatran provides a secondary response to BirdSpam, as well as setting up Stealth Rock for the team. Stealth Rock is quite important for Staraptor in particular, as a few potential OHKOs and 2HKOs turn into OHKOs, such as standard defensive Rotom-Wash. Stealth Rock also punishes the switches that BirdSpam encourages. I've chosen to run Toxic over Earth Power because I do have Latios, Rotom-Wash, and Sceptile to deal with opposing Heatran, and Toxic helps in whittling down opposing Talonflames, a situation I find myself in far too many times. Toxic also punishes defensive walls better than a burn would, which also justifies why I use it. Combined with Protect, it'll stack.
Heatran is also one of the only ways that can deal with Mega Sableye on this team, which is a problem. I would need to switch into Heatran predicting the Will-O-Wisp, then predicting a Calm Mind or some other move, switch out into Staraptor to hopefully knock it out with a Choice Banded Brave Bird.

Latios @ Life Orb

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk

  • Defog
  • Recover
  • Draco Meteor
  • Psyshock

Because birds are hurt by rocks that they can't just fly out of and avoid, Latios is here to Defog them away. Latios gives me a decent check to Keldeo, which, if Specs, can deal a load of damage to my team. Scarf is manageable. It can also check Thundurus as well, as Sceptile cannot come into it directly before Mega Evolving. Sceptile can also not afford to take an Hidden Power Ice, while Latios can.
IVs allow me to take 29 HP from Life Orb recoil, giving me one extra Life Orb hit (if I choose never to use Recover, of course).
Latios is the Pokemon I'm most willing to replace, I really only chose it for the Defog. It just adds onto the Weavile weakness I have right now.

It doesn't help the Weavile weakness much, but Starmie+Ferrothorn instead of Latios+Heatran is a valid change of subs and might change up the team feel a little more.
Starmie carrying spin lets you not screw your own hazards every time you need to clear them, and Ferrothorn getting SR and Spikes support can help wear down for more late game sweeps.

1 Answer

0 votes

(I know this is really old but I'm answering it anyways)
Give Talonflame Flyinium Z so that he can have free priority 2 turns in a row, assuming you use Supersonic Skystrike the first turn. Will-O-Wisp over Toxic on Heatran to wall out physical tanks, which is especially useful considering you have no Defense EVs on Heatran. Choice Scarf Intimidate Staraptor is better than Banded Reckless because IntimaScarf serves as a better scout with the option of U-Turning into a tank like Ferrothorn or Toxapex, or going for the OHKO with Brave Bird and risking the recoil. Scarf also allows Staraptor to outspeed common threats/Scarfers like HP Ice Scarf Landorus, Scarf Kartana, and Ice Beam from a Protean Greninja. Priority Roost isn't a thing anymore, so that's useless, swap it out for Taunt to shut down Dragon Dance sweepers like Zygarde and Gyarados-Mega.

This was made before the Gale Wings Nerf. Technically, this is an ORAS set. But good Sun/Moon Adaption help. :P
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to give them advice for the format they said they were playing, not suggest changing formats.