Pokémon Rate My Team
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I created a doubles team and was just curious what people who truly understand battling think of it and will take any suggestions to fix it. Thank you! P.S. I also tried to be as detailed as possible for you guys, but let me know if there's any I left out.

Quick lowdown of what I'm thinking is that Togekiss is there to slow the opponents down and to make them only follow her so that Magmortar can setup Substitute or so Sigilyph can use his Cosmic Powers in peace to build up the Stored Power. Then, if I went with the Sigilyph route, I switch in Mega Mewtwo Y and use Psych up so that all the defense boosts and any Ancient Power effects are copied over from Sigilyph. Mega Mewtwo Y will then be a super fast special sweeper with high defenses. Also the substitute on the Magmortar route will let him use Focus Blast without flinching. Let me know if there's a large gap in type coverages or something just wont work. Final note is that Sigilyph has a Life Orb because his ability stops it from sapping his health away while also powering up moves.

Togekiss (F) @Sitrus Berry
Trait: Serene Grace (Super Luck)
EVs: 252 HP / 152 Sp Def / 104 Def
Calm Nature (+Sp Def, -Atk)
-Follow Me
-Thunder Wave
-Dazzling Gleam

Sigilyph (M) @Life Orb
Trait: Magic Guard (Tinted Lens)
EVs: 124 HP / 132 Sp Atk / 252 Speed
Timid Nature (+Speed, -Atk)
-Cosmic Power
-Ancient Power
-Stored Power

Mewtwo @Mewtwonite Y
Trait: Insomnia
EVs: 252 Sp Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
Modest Nature (+Sp Atk, -Atk)
-Psych Up
-Ice Beam

Magmortar (M) @Leftovers or Expert Belt
Trait: Flame Body (Vital Spirit)
EVs: 252 Sp Atk / 124 HP / 132 Sp Def
Modest Nature (+Sp Atk, -Atk)
-Focus Blast

Focus blast is 0 priority and can only flinch from moves that say they will cause flinching...
Also, this is for wifi, right?

1 Answer

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Nice team!
Sigilyph with life orb and magic guard creates a nice sweeper with togekiss slowing things down but sigilyph have known to be frail at times so I think that you should have a light screen and protect and/or a sticky webber. I think I covered most or some of it but overall nice team :D
