Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote


4 of these in the deck. Powerful basic, used as a stepping stone.


3 of these in the deck. Still being used as a stepping stone, but still powerful. Double heads coin makes him really nice to use. ^^


2 of these in the deck. We've made it past the stepping stones. This guy gets to pack 100 Hp, I get a fire energy back, and I can hit with a 50 power attack ( meh ), and potentially do 10 damage to something on my opponents bench, then take the energy used and equip it to a benched pokemon the next turn.


4 of these fellas.

A deck without coin flips isn't a deck at all.... basic, stepping stone, and can potentially dish out 30 damage.


3 of these fellas.

I can pull any card from my deck I want ( Sweet! ) at the cost of a turn. While I can potentially one hit any pokemon in the game with continueous headbutt. Like Belly Drum Linoone in the video games, risky but potentially amazing.


2 of these.

Mainly a benched pokemon waiting for big daddy to come into my hand and take over their position. I normally am evolving these on the bench.


2 of these.

Considering Numel is nearly worthless unless he's evolved, I keep equal numbers. Hopefully if my strategy sets up right, I can have Blaziken feeding this guy energies until he dies, then bring in big daddy clean up anything in his path. ( Big daddy is Camerupt.. )


3 of these. Super useful when using Camerupt who can potentially waste 2 energies every turn, eh?


2 of these. Just a standard way to piss off my opponent.


2 of these. Good for fishing out energies if I'm not drawing well.


3 of these. My reliable healing. 2 damage counters ain't much, but it's useful all the same.


3 of these! Man, I love this card. Amazingly useful for not having to wait to draw just the right card. I normally use it to fish out Camerupt is I have numel on my bench. Or any other evolution card to match my cards in play.


1 of these. Just useful and fun to pull at weird situations. I can also slightly butcher my next draw and get one of the 3 cards at the top of my deck in my hand early.


3 of these. Amazing for when I'm burning basics into the bench and trying to use up every energy I have on my pokes. Gets my hand back in order to start beastin' again.


23 of these.

And that's my deck!
[1]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/26/TorchicEXRubySapphire73.jpg
[2]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/32/CombuskenEXRubySapphire28.jpg
[3]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/b/b0/PowerBlaziken.jpg/180px-PowerBlaziken.jpg
[4]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/2/29/ZigzagoonRubySapphire.jpg/180px-ZigzagoonRubySapphire.jpg
[5]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/5/57/LinooneRubySapphire.jpg/180px-LinooneRubySapphire.jpg
[6]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/8/83/RubyNumel.jpg/180px-RubyNumel.jpg
[7]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/1/1c/CameruptEXRS4.jpg
[8]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/81.jpg
[9]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/80.jpg
[10]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/83.jpg
[11]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/91.jpg
[12]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/86.jpg
[13]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/88.jpg
[14]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/89.jpg
[15]: http://www.serebii.net/card/exrubyandsapphire/108.jpg

Where the heck are the EXs?
Was wondering myself.
No suggestions seeing as this is only R/S. There are no discarding trainers, which I would have suggested to quickly charge Delcatty (who I would have suggested adding to your deck.)
All I can suggest as such is replacing a card for Magmar Ex or two. Seeing as the coin flip of Energy Removal 2 is just unreliable, I would get rid of those. Also, maybe use the other Combusken. A little less bulky but a lot more powerful.
It just seems like your flipping coins a lot, which is, like you said, risky but had its rewards. But do you have any modern-day cards? 'Cause 4 Victory-Star Victinis on your bench giving your bad coin-tosses a second chance, this'll be a really good deck.
This is ( as clearly stated ) just from the R/S EX series.
Note for other people. While the Linoone line and Blaziken are from different sets as shown from their set symbols, they are the same as those found within R/S. The Linoone line looks to be from a deck. The Blaziken is from a different set, yet it only differs from the R/S Blaziken in its picture.

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