Pokémon Rate My Team
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Only cards up to Neo 3 are allowed, because otherwise I have too few cards from future sets to do much. For the sake of ease, we'll just say I have four of every card (it isn't too far off from the truth). I have more than sixty of every type of basic energy. Also, for promos, you probably won't need to worry yourselves about them, as plenty of them aren't all too great. So I'll just say the ones that matter. I have two Promo Mewtwo and three Promo Mew.

Pokemon: 20

x4 Electabuzz (Base)-One of the best Pokemon from this era. 70 HP, a one for 10 with a chance of paralysis, and a two for a chance of 40.
x2 Team Rocket's Zapdos (Gym)-Another one of the best Pokemon. 70 HP, no weakness, and Fighting resistance. A one for 20 attack that can grab energies from the discard pile. And an incredibly powerful four for 70 attack.
x1 Zapdos (Fossil)-An 80 HP basic with no weakness and Fighting resistance. Its attack can do huge damage to the foes bench.
x1 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz (Lv 28) (Gym)-A 70 HP basic that can easily do a ton of damage after only a few turns.
x4 Eevee (Neo 2)-Can just stay on the bench and use its ability to evolve.
x3 Dark Jolteon (Rocket)-A one for 20 attack with a Smokescreen ability. Also a nice three for 30 with a chance of paralysis. Also only one retreat cost.
x2 Voltorb (Rocket)-A one for 20 attack.
x1 Electrode (Jungle)-90 HP, one retreat cost, and can do good damage to the foes bench.
x1 Dark Electrode (Rocket)-A Dark that helps set up your bench.
x1 Sneasel (Neo 1)-Can do up to 140 damage with just two energy or up to 40 damage (with a darkness Energy attached) with just one energy. 60 HP, no weakness, Psychic resistance, and no retreat cost make this an incredible Pokemon. It also takes down any Woopers I face.

Trainers: 19

x4 Gold Berry (Neo 1)-Heals my team. Electric types take damage quickly.
x2 Brock (Gym)-Heals my team.
x4 Super Energy Removal (Base)-Just an incredible card. Can be used with Zapdos or Lt Surge's Electabuzz as well as wih Recycle Energy.
x3 Professor Oak (Base)-Gets me more cards. Any energies discarded can be used to charge up TR Zapdos and LtS Electabuzz.
x2 Pokemon Center (Base)-Heals my team. Energies can be recovered by TR Zapdos and LtS Electabuzz. Dark Electrode can pass its energies to an undamaged Pokemon before being healed.
x1 Rocket's Hideout (Neo 3)-Brings Dark Jolteon to 70 HP and Dark Electrode to 80 HP. Also removes other gyms.
x2 Super Potion (Base)-Mainly used to heal TR Zapdos, who can just use Plasma to recover lost energies.
x1 Mr. Fuji (Fossil)-If TR Zapdos has a lot of energies on it, you can use Mr. Fuji to put those energies back into your deck to help other Pokemon. This also can give you a few more turns to protect against decking. It is also a last ditch effort to save TR Zapdos.

Energy: 21

x4 Darkness Energy-Makes your Pokemon do a ton of damage. Also needed for Sneasel.
x2 Recycle Energy (Neo 1)-Works well with retreating, Pokemon Center, and SER.
x2 Full Heal Energy (Rocket)-Can get me out of a tough situation.
x13 Electric Energy-Needed.

Is doing a lot of damage a strategy? Electric hits hard, but it usually does a lot of damage to itself. The trainers are built around healing my team and supporting TR Zapdos and LtS Electabuzz. The Pokemon do a lot of damage to both the defending Pokemon and a few do damage to the bench to take down weak basics, weaken bulky Pokemon before they get sent in, and finish off damaged Pokemon who retreated.

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I know you said only cards up to Neo 3 (wich is why I put this in the comment section and not answers section), but in an Electric Deck I would use Zekrom with Evolite and maybe Eelektross line. But Tynamo would stay in the bench until it evolves becuase its HP is horrible.

I'm sorry I don't really know any of the old cards.

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