skarmary:good,but fire and electric are too often special for rocky helmet.why not sharp beak? NEXT Moltres:not bad, but maybe you could focus more on strength than speed.If HP ground dont kill rocks, you wont get a chance to U Turn. life orb to help kill rock, while bold nature keeps rock moves down since there often contact moves. your 2 slow:Nothing too bad.Maybe sky drop over aerial ace, but thats up to you. salamence: not the best nature for a dragon. and stat drops with outrage locking you in make it more or less useless. life orb, meh, not that bad when you have stat drops. Gliscore: Ice fang not needed. good nature, but facade for power over ice fang,over protect to get poisond at first or heal. nothing bad other than that. Lugia: AMAZING. JUST AMAZING. (sorry for caps)