Pokémon Rate My Team
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Okay now, I only have 3 pokemon, and they're not leaving, but suggest other three, Please?

Mixed Groudon@red orb
Ability: drought
Nature: quiet
EVs: 252 spa, 116 spd, 136 atk
- stone edge
- fire blast
- solar beam
- precipice blades

Coverage: 0 not very effective/no effect, 258 normal efficiency, 659 super effective
Damage calculations
252+ SpA Groudon-Primal Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Arceus in Harsh Sunshine: 282-333 (63.5 - 75%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Groudon-Primal Solar Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Arceus: 136-161 (30.6 - 36.2%) -- 55% chance to 3HKO
136 Atk Groudon-Primal Precipice Blades vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 202-238 (45.4 - 53.6%) -- 38.7% chance to 2HKO
136 Atk Groudon-Primal Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 112-132 (25.2 - 29.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Note: Should Work-up pass into, little healing method (healing wish best chance)

Full Support Jirachi@Agauv Berry
Ability: serene grace
EVs: 252 Def, 200 SpD, 56 Hp
- doom desire
- toxic
- healing wish
- stealth rock

0 SpA Jirachi Doom Desire vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Arceus: 129-153 (29 - 34.4%) -- 3.1% chance to 3HKO
Jirachi’s only purpose is to set up and heal Groudon. Setting up can help Groudon deal with more bulky/powerful threats.

Super Mew@Normalium Z
Ability: synchronize
Nature: quiet
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 SpA 4 SpD
- baton pass
- work up
- amnesia
- transform

252+ SpA Mew Psychic vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Arceus: 115-136 (25.9 - 30.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Mew has 3 uses, work-amnesia pass onto Groudon, taking out weaker threats, and z-transform to copy and heal onto a good Pokemon.

I did calculations on a Zero Def investment Arceus.
Source: https://pokemonshowdown.com/damagecalc/index.html

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Jirachi is so weak by AG standards that it would probably be better to have a second primal Groudon for using stealth rock. Mew isn't a good baton passer because it has no access to spore or moody. Did you really read the team building guide I gave you?
A: read the top, B: this team isn't supposed to follow AU standards, it is supposed to be a winning in the strangest, most surprising way, even if the win rate isn't 100%, I only like winning if it is fun or rewarding/emotional/against all odds. The point is to be different, as that is always my goal. I want others to suggest strange things that work for creativity and pure strangeness. This will make the team a work of art, because, of course, I'm not going to the top of the ladder. Heck, my Showdown! name is Trippsyouup, after all (this is probably why my favorite meta-game is Balanced Hackmons).
If you want to use an unexpected Mew set, then use this.
Mew @ leftovers
Ability: synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold nature
- thunder wave
- fissure
- horn drill
- roost

1 Answer

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Best answer

Mega-Rayquaza is always great in AG. A specs Xerneas always surprises people. You literally only run sleep talk and moonblast. You could try a really weird Arceus like bug or something. Mega-Audino is about as unorthodox as it gets.

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Mega kangaskhan works great. Last hour he swept out Reshiram, zekrom, Lugia and Stakataka with crunch, power up punch, drain punch and avalanche