Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm just a narcissist who'd like to know.

Luxray( all-out attacker and counter for status inflicters)

Evs: 252 atk, 126 def, 126 sdef, 6 hp
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Guts
Item: Flame Orb


Ice Fang
Magnet Rise

Spark is pretty powerful with the Guts boost, and has good chance to paralyze; Crunch is for coverage, Ice Fang to deal with Ground types, and Magnet Rise for reasons you already know.

Emboar( Physical Tank)

Evs: 120 hp, 148 atk, 116 sptk, 126 sdef
Nature: Brave
Ability: Reckless
Item: Assualt Vest


Sucker Punch
Wild Charge
Hammer Arm
Burn Up

Sucker punch is used to deal with Psychic types, Wild Charge for Water-types, Hammer Arm for Stab and counter for trick room users, and Burn Up for stab as well. I chose to use Burn Up because I don't like the hefty recoil from Flare Blitz. Besides, with my Ev distribution, I can OHKO a Mega- Metagross with this move. It can also be used to troll my opponent who decides to switch in a Water or Ground Type.

Lucario( Mixed Sweeper)

Evs: 148 atk, 108 sptk, 252 spd, 2 hp
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Life Orb


Meteor Mash
Aura Sphere

Meteor Mash is to deal with Fairies, Psychic to deal with Fighting-types, and Agility to become an effective sweeper. I chose Aura Sphere because Emboar already has a physical Fighting-type move.

Gastrodon( staller and mediocre special tank)

Evs: 252 hp, 126 def, 126 sdef, 6 sptk
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Sticky Hold
Item: Rocky Helm


Earth Power
Ice Beam

Amnesia is used to force players to use physical moves, Earth Power to cover Fire-Types and Electric-Types, Ice Beam for Landarus and those pesky dragons, and Recover to troll the opposition effectively.

Yanmega( special sweeper)

Evs: 252 spd, 252 sptk, 6 hp
Nature: Timid
Ability: Speed Boost
Item: Life Orb


Bug Buzz
Air Slash
Giga Drain

Bug Buzz for Stab and last resort against Psychic-types if Emboar and Luxray fail me, Air Slash for Fighting-types, Giga Drain to deal with Rock-types, and Roost to recover and get rid of its garbage typing.

Sableye( Staller, Hazard Control)

Evs: 252 def, 252 sdef, 6 hp
Nature: Careful
Ability: Prankster
Item: Sablenite


Shadow Sneak
Fake Out
Ally Switch

I picked Shadow Sneak because I already have pokemon with Dark-type moves. Fake-Out is used to stop Pranksters and heavy hitters from OHKOing my pokes. Ally Switch is used to stop status inflicters from hitting its teammates and to help Emboar and Lucario survive OHKOs from Psychic/Fighting attacks. Snatch, is used to steal barriers, and stat boosts.

You guys can suggest new pokemon, ev distributions, items, and etc.

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I think your main problem is that the Pokemon you're using aren't the best. Why are you using Emboar when you could be using Scrafty? Why are you using Yanmega when you could be using Charizard? Another thing is that in doubles, your opponent can hit you twice in one turn, so defensive Pokemon like Gastrodon and Sableye won't be able to do much in doubles.

2 Answers

0 votes

All of the move sets are fine. Well, not Sableye.
But the natures are mostly bad. Luxray is fine. Emboar needs Adamant. Lucario: if it is a mix sweeper, go for Serious. Gastrodon is just bad for double battles. Try this!!

Toxapex @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 116 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Baneful Bunker
- Recover
- Haze
- Infestation

[But be careful about Steel.]

Yanmega needs Modest. Because of the Speed Boost, it's already fast.
But the Sableye... is um, very interesting to say the least. But try this:

Sableye-Mega @ Sablenite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 133 Def / 252 SpA / 123 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Dark Pulse

So hope I helped. Good luck.

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Some advice, maybe explain why certain choices are inadequate instead of listing off everything that should be changed? It's not going to help much if they don't even know why they are changing their team.
Your answer is fine but next time please answer eligibly. Only hellfire taco can save us now lol
What do you mean by eligibility?
Xtreme is suggesting to explain why these changes are better.
Toxapex is just as bad as Gastrodon in doubles.
No, I think we're talking about legibility, not eligibility lol. Will edit.
0 votes

As always, you make good points, but the reason why I chose Emboar cause he can do things that Scrafty and other Fighting types can't do. How many Fighting-types do you know that can learn Burn Up? How many fighting types do you know that learn Sucker Punch? There are a few like Toxicroak and Marshadow; but since they're sweepers most of the time, they can't hit as effectively as Emboar. How many Fire types do you know that can use Wild Charge effectively instead of using Solar Beam with Power Herb. With my Ev spread and item, he can withstand super effective special attacks better than a Careful Scrafty( without Assault Vest) with maxed out special defence. Yes, I know Emboar can be OHKOd by Psyshock, but Scrafty can get obliterated by a Fairy-type move. People are able to look past Scrafty's flaws, so why can't they do the same with Emboar?

Now about my other pokemon....

I have been noticing how Sableye doesn't take as much hits as I'd like it to. Perhaps one thing I can do is replace Sableye with Cofagrigus. Not only is he a better wall, but it can learn Crafty Shield, which can block status moves like Magic Bounce; but he can't learn fakeout. I agree with you that Sableye isn't the best wall, but he's decent; that's why I made it learn Snatch so it can get some nice defence boosts from my opponents. Now the reason I picked Yanmega is because it can cover fighting, dark, psychic, like no other flying type. Those types are important for me to cover because I need a pokemon that can help lucario defeat fighting types, and I need a pokemon that can help Emboar defeat psychic types. I could just use Eviolite Scyther, but it can't learn Giga Drain like Yanmega. Maybe I could replace Gastrodon with Mamoswine since I want a pokemon with ice/ground type moves, and replace Luxray with some other Electric type. The only Pokemon I can assume that everyone's ok with is Lucario. Making it a mixed sweeper is a little unorthodox, but it works.

Thanks for the help.

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People can look past Scrafty's flaws because its advantages make it worth using. What advantages does Emboar have? Which Pokemon can be defeated by burn up and no other move? Which Pokemon will attack often enough for sucker punch to be reliable? How does it use wild charge reliably when it's so slow?
(most of the next paragraph was copied from Smogon)
Scrafty is a useful support Pokemon because it has access to Fake Out, which can allow teammates to set up, and Intimidate to support physically frail Pokemon such as Hoopa-U and Mega Gardevoir. It also has good natural bulk and an offensive presence with Knock Off, which can make it hard to switch into. Scrafty has a low Speed stat that leaves it outsped by a majority of the metagame, but this allows it to operate well under Trick Room.
As I said earlier, not every wall works in doubles because you can be attacked by two opponents at once. Out of the few good walls, each of them either has ridiculously good stats (like Snorlax) or can learn moves that are both useful and rare (like Amoongus).
> it can cover FIGHTING, dark, psychic, like no other FLYING type
Anyway, if you want something that covers both fighting and psychic, then use unbound Hoopa. It has much better stats and moves than Yanmega does.
Also, Lucario should be replaced with Metagross because Metagross has better defensive stats and can switch into more of the common attacks (especially fairy attacks).