Pokémon Rate My Team
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Here's what I have:

Noivern @ Life Orb
252 Spe/252 SpAtk/4 Def
-Draco Meteor
I always lead with Noivern because he's pretty much just used for slamming something with Draco Meteor or Hurricane.

Sylveon @ Pixie Plate
Serious (Not ideal but I was too lazy to try to get Modest)
252 Hp/252 SpAtk/ 4 SpDef
-Hyper Voice
-Shadow Ball
-Hyper Beam
Same as Noivern, I usually just Hyper Beam everything in it's path.

Garchomp @ Groundium-Z
Rough Skin
252 Spe/252 Atk/4 SpDef
-Dragon Claw
-Poison Jab
-Swords Dance

Gyarados @ Waterium-Z
Jolly Nature
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpDef
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge
-Ice Fang
Hopefully Gyarados lasts longer than Noivern lol.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Stance Change
-King's Shield
-Swords Dance
-Shadow Claw
-Sacred Sword

Not sure about the last slot, I usually just put in a Primeape that I never use to make people think I might use it lol. I've been thinking about a Mega Venesaur though.

Thanks! :)

Yay? Umm ok

1 Answer

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NAGANADEL (NOIVERN) - Noivern is completely outclassed by Naganadel as a special dragon sweeper. Here’s the set I’d recommend for Naganadel (the smogon suggested set)

Naganadel @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/4 SpD
Level: 50
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Wave
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
Description: Dragonium Z as an item for this set would be ideal, but you already have 2 Z-Users, so I decided a Life Orb would be better. If you’d like, you could replace Draco Meteor with Dragon Pulse so you don’t have to deal with the reprocussions of Draco Meteor. Another option is to make its nature Modest instead of Timid to raise special attack from Beast Boost. Finally, you could give Naganadel a Focus Sash to garuntee at least 1 successful Nasty Plot unless hazards are set up, or something of the kind. 0 Attack IVs is to minimize confusion damage.

SYLVEON - Doesn’t really fit on your team, but I don’t want to change too many Pokémon so I’ll leave Sylveon be. If you want to use Sylveon, I’m afraid it’s a necessessity that you breed for a modest one if you want to win. 10% is a lot of a boost and can make a difference in a battle quite often. While you’re at it, breed for a 0 attack IV one to minimize confusion damage. Pixie Plate only works for Hyper Voice and Hyper Beam, so I think the Choice Specs would be better because it boosts all your moves by 50%, except you’re forced to use the same move over and over. Hyper Beam is absolutely horrible in competitive except for when used with a Normalium Z; replace it with Hidden Power Fire to stop many Steel type threats in the metagame in their tracks. (Example: Scizor, Metagross, Ferrothorn, or Skarmory). I literally have no idea what you were thinking in putting a two turn 90 base power physical move on a bulky special sweeper that’s a fairy type; use Psychshock instead (Psyshock is far from ideal but Sylveon’ movepool is more shallow than Kim Kardatian so...)

GARCHOMP - While Groundium Z is OK on a physical sweeper Garchomp, a much better Z-Move option would be to replace Dragon Claw with Outrage and use Dragonium Z so you don’t have to deal with the negative effects of Outrage. Poison Jab offers little to no coverage, except maybe against fairies. A much better coverage move would be Fire Fang, but a better move in general would be Stealth Rocks because Garchomp forces so many switches. However, you already have Swords Dance as a switch punisher, so you might want to go with Fire Fang.

GYARADOS - First of all, replace Stone Edge for Substitute. The reason for this is that it allows Gyarados to use Substitute when you think you’re opponent will switch, and then you get a free Dragon Dance behind your sub (unless your opponent has Infiltrator). A much better Z-Move option on Gyarados would be to replace Ice Fang (which has a terrible base power and doesn’t even offer any coverage) with Bounce for STAB. Bounce is a god awful move because it takes 2 turns to charge, but if you replace Waterium Z with Flyinium Z, you basically get a one-time nuke. Actually, a two-time nuke because you can use Bounce on your opponent’s last Pokémon if you outspeed it.

AEGISLASH - I don’t understand what the purpose of this Aegislash is. It has no EVs for some reason, and it has a tanky nature and King’s Shield, but is also a SD sweeper? Here’s a reliable, much less confused Aegislash set. I think you were looking for a SD Sweeper that can also effectively use King’s Shield, so here’s a set I use myself quite often:

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
Brave Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/252 HP/4 Def
IVs: 0 Spe
- Swords Dance
- King’s Shield
- Shadow Sneak
- Gyro Ball
Description: Not really much to describe here. This actually wasn’t the smogon suggested set, I sort of invented it.

BLAZIKEN-MEGA (EMPTY SLOT) - The 3 things that you’re missing on this team (actually you’re missing way more than 3 but these are the 3 ones I’m about to solve) is a Fire Type, a Fighting Type, and a mega. Mega Venasaur is best used on stall teams, but yours is Hyper Offense so it would just be out of place and not optimal on your team. Here’s the smogon suggested set for a Mega Blaziken:

Blaziken-Mega @ Blakizenite
Ability: Speed Boost
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 Atk/4 Def
- Protect
- Flare Blitz
- High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge
Description: Stone Edge is sort of a filler move, you could use almost any other move that isn’t completely useless instead of SE. (Example: Swords Dance, Earthquake, Baton Pass, Brave Bird, etc.) Blaziken-Mega is boosting its speed with speed Boost so much, that you’re fine just using Protect with an Adamant Nature rather than running a Jolly Nature. HJK is risky because ghost types (especially Mimikyu), Protect, and it missing makes you lose 1/2 your health. Other fighting STAB options are Superpower, Low Kick, Sky Uppercut. (The last two I wouldn’t recommend but they’re usable I guess)

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