Pokémon Rate My Team
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Serperior (f) @ shell bell
Ability: contrary
Evs: 250 sp atk / 250 speed
- tuant
- giga drain
- leaf storm
- defog

Mew @ Mewnium Z
Ability: synchronize
Evs: 250 sp atk / 250 speed
- psychic
- dazzling gleam
- dark pulse
- flash cannon

Darkrai @ Sitrus berry
Ability: bad dreams
Evs: 250 sp atk / 250 speed
- dream eater
- Dark pulse
- nightmare
- Hypnosis

Rayquaza @ life orb
Ability: air lock
Evs: 250 atk / 250 speed
- outrage
- Dragon Ascent
- Earthquake
- Extreme speed

Landorus (m) @ assault vest
Ability: intimidate
Evs: 250 hp / 250 def
- fissure
- Earthquake
- Hidden power (ice)
- Sludge bomb

The last Pokemon I don't know what to choose. I really need a tank Pokemon for my team. any suggestions?

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What are the format and natures?

1 Answer

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For a tank, I would recommend Toxapex.
Gender: male or female
Ability: Regenerator
Item: Black Sludge
Nature: Careful
Ev: 252 Hp, 200 Def, 56 Sp Def
-Toxic / Toxic Spikes
-Protect (Baneful Bunker) / Stockpile / Haze

You can play around with the Def. and Sp Def. EVs — I don’t remember what I was trying to survive when I came up with this EV spread.
