Pokémon Rate My Team
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Currently im open to suggestions on my OU (Balanced?) Hyper Offense team. I built my team around a Latias, Aggron, and M-Gardevoir core. I battle for fun mostly (winning is, well, preferred), so i’m not looking for total OU domination. I battle for the “ha-HA!” Moments i can nuke a certain poke who thinks it can ruin my day (even though it usually does, hehe).

Here is the team (+short description of roles)

Emélline, the gothic lolita.
Gardevoir-Mega (f) @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Pixilate Shiny: HELL YESS (smogon only, unfortunately, usable shinies are hard to come by)
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk, 30 SpA, 30 Spe
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Will-O-Wisp/Hp fire/calm mind/Energy ball/thunderbolt
- Focus Blast

When i played my first pokemon game (an emulated ROM of Emerald on my nexus 2013 tablet), and saw gardevoir for the first time, (all lenny faces and jokes aside) and i knew i had found my favourite pokemon. Cool design (i thought she didnt have legs, ergo, was levitating), neat backstory, and she can make black holes when needed (for the love of god, please dont).

Ivs required for if i feel like running hp fire (death to ferrothorn/kartana), otherwise full Ivs for a very standard set. Psyshock helps wear down (and scare off) Chansey. Hyper Voice because no one likes it. I’ve not run it, but Energy ball or Thunderbolt could be surprising coverage moves. At one time i tried Icy wind for speed control and Glis-Dorus hunting. Soo many coverage moves. Fun fact, M-Gardevoir’s base SpA is identical to M-Alakazam.

Big Boi, the nukes specialist.
Aggron(m)@ Choice Band
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Head Smash
- Heavy Slam
- Brick Break
- Thunder Punch/?

Aggron is an Earthquake magnet and is tied with Arcanine and Gyarados IMHO as the coolest non-legendary pokemon (they also form a core....hmm). Choice banded Head Smash has netted me soo many wins (or been what turned the battle) i cant count. Even if it doesnt outright KO key threats, even after intimidate it still does 75% to Lando-T. ‘Nuff said. Oh, and did i mention that he repeatedly survives Tornadus-T’s superpower and nukes it with (even burned) Head Smash? Of course, choice items are tricky to play with, but Big Boi needs it to hold in all that Rocky-Steelish powwwah!

Knock off? Thanks for freeing the beast.

Brick break is Chansey nuke and a solid utility fighting move that doesn't drop any stats. Whenever i run a certain punch, the other ones seem better, so, open to options there. But i usually spam Head Smash because that damage is soo sweet.

On the subject of Gyarados...

Ryujin, the dancing dragon.
Gyarados @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bounce
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

My lead sweeper. My MVP. The only thing it fears is its direct competition, Slamence, and that little spark you feel after running on a carpet with socks on.
I’ve run moxie, but intimidate helps just that little bit extra on survivability. I actually laugh when Toxapex springs a toxic on ma’boi, keeps him from getting burned, and after 2 D’Dances (and a smug smile for correct prediction) it 1-2HKOS ‘Pex and sweeps pretty much anything that gets sent out to answer it ‘till the timer runs out. At +0 Waterfall also cleanly OHKO’s most Landoruses i’ve met. Also, paralyzing on a bounce is a nice bonus after you’ve nuked whatever that stain on the wall is with Skystrike.

Latias, the graceful dragon.
Latias (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Defog
- Grass Knot
- Psychic

At one time i tried a physically defensive Latias (no one expects it, its great), but it severely lacked in answering power. If opponent sends out Rotom against my lead, Latias soaks the burn. Latias is also my huntress. She’s key against Landorus-T, Gliscor, and pivotal in answering M-Swampert teams. Psychic also scares away M-Venusaur and Toxapex. I freaking love her. I know Latios has more offenses, but Latias holds on when i need her the most.

Speaking of pivotal...

Mage, are’na?

Maggie, the robo-bunny.
Magearna @ Assault Vest
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fleur Cannon
- Aura Sphere
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch

It took me a long time (a random clip of the movie) to pronounce Magearna correctly, my former way sounding close to the previous question. If i see a Greninja, Maggie is the one poke i keep alive at all costs. Screw you, battle bond. Also, she’s a very (surprising) efficient tapu-killer after Greninja is down. Barring no prior damage and that she doesnt switch into a jump kick, Magearna also counters M-Lopunny. Although, i remember that one time a M-Alakazam traced soul-heart.....

Dark times.

Now we get to my major headache. I needed a source of a fire-type move, something fast, and with enough bulk to tank a hit. Fire-fang Garchomp was my answer. Between Gyarados and Latias i wasn’t too worried about the 3xTeam weakness (i’m looking at you, excadrill). I borrowed this set from my NU Druddigon, the comfey-killing tank, wIth EVs rearranged for speed and max atk.

Headspace, Cynthia’s pet.
Garchomp @ Assault Vest (open to suggestions)
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fire Fang
- Poison Jab/Iron head/rock slide
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake/stealth rock/Swords Dance

First, i am NOT expecting to live any ice move. This is my Koko counter, and poison jab also nails Bulu hard on switch-in. Problem is, any decent Hyper Offense team needs stealth rock support. It is just peanut butter to strawberry jam, soo natural is stealth rock to sweeping strategies. Aggron isnt sashe’d so no suicide leading. Garchomp is a good setter, but i loose out on coverage. If a +1 Salamence or un-locked Landorus predicts my switch, they OHKO Latias and her ice beam. I personally love Swords Dance Garchomp, but Rocks and SD are shut down by assault vest, which i dont know what to replace it with.

So, there it is. My biggest problem is what to do with Garchomp. Everyone else plays their roles well. I am also open to replacing Garchomp if need be.
Thanks for any suggestions and/or comments.

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Suggestion for magearna : I would either replace Volt Switch or aura sphere with heart swap and here’s why. Battling competively I’m sure you’ve ran into quite a few xerneas. Nothing brings greater joy than watching your magearna steal that geomancy stat boost and wreck the rest of the team . I run the fighting type move for coverage, but it just depends on your preference.
That sounds like a great strategy. Grabbing a boost from someone is something i’ve not thought of. I find maggie to frail physically to try a setup sweeper (thus not shift gear), and her special bulk comes in handy. Nothing hurts from trying, however, thanks for the idea.

1 Answer

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My favorite OU Stealth Rocker is

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 44 Def / 68 SpD / 152 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Roost

It’s just a stock list taken from Smogon but I’ve been enjoying it. But you can also run U-Turn, in place of Toxic to help safely switch into your attackers. I would replace Garchomp, since his true potential lies in his Mega.

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I guess that if i run coverage fore something, it must be worth using, eh? Thanks for the answer! I also like stone edge gliscor, nice surprise instead of getting toxic’d.
Mega Garchomp > LO Garchomp is strange advice, especially on a team that already uses the mega slot. The Speed loss is very unideal. You should probably give some explanation.
I agree, the main reason i needed Garchomp was for his speed creep on some slower key threats. But i have been liking the extra ground immunity from Gliscor, helps in playing mind games with Aggron.