Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm just using this team against a few of my friends in a local competition, not for official tournaments or anything. Note that I can acquire any Pokemon up to Genesect in the National Pokedex and can hack most every move onto any Pokémon. The hacking gives me a little freedom with my options that would be lacking in any official tournament setting. This team is for Pokémon Black 2. It might also be important to note that one of my friends has a Munna and a Dewott, both Lv. 50 per competition rules.

Altaria Lv. 50
Dragon/Flying Type
Quiet Nature
Natural Cure Ability
Red Card Item
- Pluck
- Roost
- Spore
- Cotton Guard

Golurk Lv. 50
Ground/Ghost Type
Quirky Nature
Iron Fist Ability
Red Card Item
- Bullet Punch
- Shadow Ball
- Rest
- Snore

Crobat Lv. 50
Poison/Flying Type
Bashful Nature
Inner Focus Ability
Big Root Item
- Toxic
- Venoshock
- Leech Life
- Roost

Lucario Lv. 50
Fighting Type
Naughty Nature
Inner Focus Ability
Razor Claw Item
- Circle Throw
- Bulldoze
- Swords Dance
- Recover

Umbreon Lv. 50
Dark Type
Mild Nature
Synchronize Ability
BlackGlasses Item
- Dark Void
- Nightmare
- Barrier
- Heal Pulse

I'm open to suggestions on my sixth Pokémon. I'd like it to be a Pokémon that's in the Unova Pokedex, though I'm willing to use one from another region. I don't really bother with IVs/EVs since my friends don't and I'm open to some slightly illegitimate moves, though really outlandish moves such as a Snivy with Flamethrower is out of the question.

My strategy, as is obvious to anyone paying attention to my move choices, is to use status effects such as sleep and bad poison to keep my opponents off balance while alternating between healing my Pokémon and attacking (using Venoshock after Toxic). Held items are the only items allowed in this competition, and duplicates are not allowed, so I'd appreciate an alternative to one of my Red Cards. Since healing items are out of the question, I'd prefer to keep Roost, Rest, Recover, and Heal Pulse, just in case.

Local Competition Rules:
- Single Battle format
- Three to six Pokémon per team
- Held items (berries, etc.) allowed; bag items (e.g. Potions, X Attacks) not allowed
- No duplicate Pokémon or items
- No legendary, mythical, or event Pokémon
- No Wonder Launcher
- No Pass Powers
- All Pokémon temporarily Lv. 50 for duration of battle

I'm new to competitive battling, so I'm sure there's plenty I missed when I assembled these teams. I'd appreciate any tips you guys have on modifiying this team.

Why did you choose those 5 Pokemon instead of other things like Skarmory, Excadrill, Amoonguss, Blaziken, or Tyranitar?
You can remove Golduck and keep a Jolly/ Moxie Gyara with Earthquake// Waterfall// Ice Fang// Dragon Dance.
It's a sweeper with Mystic Water/ Leftovers
definitely lose heal pulse for singles
It's a Golurk, not a Golduck. They look similar but they play differently in battle.

1 Answer

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Well first off, you should definitely take out heal pulse on your Umbreon. One, it’s not really a support troop but most of all, your doing a single battle. The only thing you could use it on is your opponent. On Lucario, I would replace recover with ice punch or thunder punch. It’s a little unexpected and it deals with your flying type and ground type weaknesses (if you went with ice punch). Your Crobat, needs a lot of help. Crobat is not very strong and it’s prime goal is to hit and hope that it KO’s or the opponent goes for a status move for themselves. So in other words, take out toxic for a strong flying type move like, dragon ascent. Also, try to replace the moves you chose for your Crobat with same type moves, just a lot stronger like Attack Order to replace Leech Life.

Now I’ll talk about natures. First, never, and I mean NEVER use a nature that lowers either defenses. I say this because most of your Pokémon have those natures and or natures that don’t effect anything. I’ll let you figure out what that means because you clearly need a little teaching of that subject. I’ll stop there because I know this answer is starting to sound annoying and rude. Hope this helps in your tournament. Good luck.

Just so you know, dragon ascent doesn't exist in BW2. But I very much agree that defense-lowering natures are bad on defensive Pokemon. (sometimes they work on mixed sweepers, which you're obviously not using)
Oof, my bad.