Sorry but I'm rating it.
Kyogre - VGC us a doubles format so don't have Surg or Earthquake as they hit allies. Try running Origon Pulse and Water Spout instead. I prefer a bulky Kyogre.I would make EVs into HP and special attack as a focus, Modest Nature. You could also run some speed. Try 204 HP/204 Special Attack/100 Speed. Also, Protect over Thunder.
Mewtwo - Ice Beam over Flamethrower and also maybe Protect over Shadow Ball. Mewtwo is a pretty bad legendary in this format.
Lunala @ Lunalium Z
EVs: 4 HP/252 Special Attack/252 Speed.
Timid Nature.
Moongeist Beam
Wide Guard
Good support as well as offence and it sets up Tailwind.
Toxapex is a pretty bad Pokemon. You'll want to change it.
Tapu Koko @ Electrium Z
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpAtt/252 Speed.
Timid Nature.
Volt Switch
Dazzling Gleam
Tapu Koko goes well with your obviously rain team. Thunder was great accuracy in rain.
Gengar - I would run Mega Gengar. Have Energy Ball instead of Giga Drain maybe. It looks good.
Goodra - Looks great. I would have Rest in your moveset because you kind of clearly have a rain team and hydration goes well. Give it Rest instead of Flamethrower.
Togekiss - Really great. Have Folliw Me instead of Aura Sphere. I would run a Timid nature.
Hope I helped! But you still won't win to mine even with my improvements.