Pokémon Rate My Team
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Pokepaste: https://pokepast.es/c11de13dc97230f9

*Also, this is gen8 Battle Stadium Ranked Battles

Marowak-Alola @ Thick Club
Ability: Lightning Rod
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 52 SpD / 132 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Poltergeist
- Protect
- Earthquake

Gyarados @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
Level: 50
EVs: 140 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Spe
- Waterfall
- Bounce
- Power Whip
- Protect

Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tailwind
- Encore
- Protect
- Dazzling Gleam

Dracozolt @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 236 HP / 252 Atk / 20 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Dragon Claw
- High Horsepower
- Iron Tail

Tyranitar @ Mago Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 104 HP / 200 Atk / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Slide
- Lash Out
- Protect
- Fire Punch

Tapu Lele @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 216 HP / 252 SpA / 40 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Expanding Force
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect
- Taunt

Series 7! This time, I see some great potential in Gyarados and Marowak, both being absurdly strong physical attackers and can deal some serious damage in the early game. I am aware that Incineroar will be relatively hard to counter, and so please help list some ideas as to how I can change some mons in my team to better suit Series 7!

Marowak - Thick Club is a no brainer, and the EVs allow it to be 2HKO from specs Lele? (I believe, but I'm not too sure and I can't be bothered to check it) but it definitely puts it out of range from OHKO from the Tapus except for Fini. 132 speed to outspeed Tapu Koko (uninvested) in tailwind. Trick room would be too hard to set up, due to taunt and fake out being everywhere, hence, tailwind is probably the optimal solution. Rest is in special defense.

Speaking of tailwind, Gyarados significantly reaps from it. 116 speed to outspeed non-invested speed Lele without Tailwind, and is the fastest thing alive in tailwind (Assuming that the opponent doesn't use tailwind). It's an Adamant nature and rest goes in HP. The reason I chose gyarados was because it can be protected from Tapu Koko/Electrics due to Marowak, who completely shuts them down.

Whimsicott is a no brainer setting up trick room and maybe encore can be debatable, but any suggestions to improve it, please list it. Otherwise, I think it's really basic and simple. Protect is to make sure Incineroar doesn't fake out and KO Whimsicott with teammate.

Sand rush... Has gained a new participant this year. With hidden ability capsules being released, we can finally see Sand Rush Dracovish/Dracozolt in action. I chose Dracozolt because I already have water coverage. However, if you believe Dracovish is still better, feel free to tell me as I will consider it. Additionally, Tyranitar is just to set the sand and I'm considering using weakness policy, but again, depends on what you think. 204 speed outspeed Jolly dragapult in TW.

Last, but not least, I realised my 4-1 ratio of physical attackers and special attackers. Without a doubt, my last slot had to be a special attacker and expanding force Tapu Lele really stuck out to me. 40 speed outspeeds other Lele, as long as they don't invest 252 speed, and rest goes into HP.

I'll state that the spreads are not finished yet, and that I will find better ones as soon as I see the usage rankings of each mon. Please list any suggestions!

2 possible leads:
Whimsicott + Gyarados with Marowak in the back.
Ttar + Dracozolt.

And maybe a few others I'm not aware of.

edited by
Why? Removing Protect from a doubles set is not something to take lightly, and OP went out of their way to explain how they're using it too.
Mhm, I don’t want say, incineroar to fake out Whimsicott, then Zapdos Max Airstreaming it. Otherwise, my tailwind setter is completely gone and I’ll be struggling for the rest of the match.
Stray thoughts that have no buisness being an answer:
Bonerang on Marowak-Alola
I'd recommend Dracovish over Dracozolt, mainly because fishous rend is super effective against both Landorus-T and Incineroar. Choice band probably, but Mystic water otherwise.
T-Tar and weakness policy is yes, also I'd run ice punch for all of the grass, flying, and dragon types running amok.
There is no way Lele is bulky enough to run Aguav Berry, but whatever. Also I'd run thunderbolt over taunt mainly because Celesteela is the worst pokemon in existence

Also pikalytics has already updated, wdym

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