Pokémon Rate My Team
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Cloyster @ Leftovers
Ability: none
- Spikes
- Surf
- Explosion
- Ice Beam

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: none
IVs: 26 Def
- Thunder
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: none
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Fire Blast
- Rest

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: none
- Rock Slide
- Roar
- Pursuit
- Ice Beam

Marowak @ Thick Club
Ability: none
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Hidden Power [Bug]

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: none
- Surf
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Roar

  • Spikes are necessary on almost every GSC OU team, and what better Pokemon to set them than Cloyster? It can also go out with a boom once its job is done. I'm considering using Hidden Power Fire for Forretress.

  • Zapdos is a powerful offensive mon and can also use ResTalk for recovery or in case you come across Sleep Powder Grasses (Meganium, Venusaur, Exeggutor) and Lovely Kiss Snorlax, Jynx, and Nidoking.

  • A GSC OU team lacking Snorlax is pretty bad. It brings incredible defensive utility and great offensive power. Rest to heal off any damage, Curse to boost STAB Body Slam and to take less damage from Explosions from stuff like Cloyster, Exeggutor, etc. It also weakens Machamp's Cross Chop. Fire Blast may seem weird, but it destroys Whirlwind Skarmory and Roar Steelix, which are great ways of getting past Lax.

  • Tyranitar is support for Snorlax. It removes annoying Ghosts like Misdreavus and Gengar attempting to come in on its Body Slam.

  • Thick Club Marowak is one of the most vicious wallbreakers in GSC, and in OU history. Earthquake is the STAB and Rock Slide for Skarmory. HP Bug is mainly for Exeggutor.

  • Roar ResTalk Suicune is one of my phazers. Surf is STAB and hits Tyranitar and Marowak. The best part about this set is that Roar has normal priority when called by Sleep Talk. This is also the Generation where, if Rest is called by Sleep Talk, the user will have its HP restored back to full

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Side note: I am considering slapping on Misdreavus to spinblock Starmie

1 Answer

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I say your team is very good. Though it seems you rely on only physical attacks, which is not very good. You could maybe try and give your Pokemon some Status Moves like maybe, Misty Terrain, Thunderwave or Defense Curl, maybe even Sunny Day or Rain Dance. Using those with proper strategy will help you conquer any challenge thrown to you! A mix of 2 Status Moves and 2 Physical Moves really help, and you can have Zapdos also a hold a Chestoberry, so when its sleeping it'll wake up without you wasting a turn, can still attack (or change battle grounds/lower and/or raise stats/five status conditions) on the same turn. I would advise Sharp-Raising Defense and Attack moves, to increase strength an endurance, maybe set up Cloyster to a heavy HP Healing set like Aqua Ring in motion while having Leftovers. Gender Influenced Status moves are not advised for some Pokemon have no gender and those moves don't do much. So in concluaion, status moves are all you need to add a bit more of to create an even more effective team. I hoped this helped! Have a good day~! :D

Misty Terrain isn't in Gen 2, and the team has plenty of special attacks.
Thanks for answering. However, I don't think my team is overreliant on Physical moves, since I have Zapdos and, if I ever need backup, Suicune. I don't know what you mean by when Zapdos holds a Chesto Berry it'll wake up without wasting a turn, waking up in a turn after using Rest doesn't give you a chance to use another move.