Pokémon Rate My Team
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Most of my team is just “kill the enemy.” Here it is!

Jolteon @ Focus Sash / Normal Gem
Ability: Volt Absorb
Tera Type : Flying
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 HP
Nature: Timid
Shadow Ball
HP Ice
Hyper Beam/T- Wave

Thunderbolt: Great Power + Very Reliable. Primary STAB.
Shadow Ball: NECESSARY as Jolteon has very limited coverage options that aren’t physical.
HP Ice: To check Dragon-Flying/Ground types (cough DD dragonite / Garchomp cough)
Hyper Beam/T-Wave: Who the hell is going to expect a Hyper Beam Jolteon? Use it to put your opponent off guard. T-Wave for threats like Dragapult, the Gen 9 legends, etc..

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Cursed Body
Tera Type : Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
Destiny Bond
Focus Blast
Perish Song
Shadow Ball

This thing is one of my sweepers that will basically always take out a mom or two if sent out and used correctly at the right moments.
Now the Moves:
Destiny Bond: Easy way to off a big threat that has only attacking moves.
Focus Blast : Most Coverage Gengar gets in 1 Move. Necessary asset.
Perish Song: Perish song + Shadow Tag is a NASTY combo w/o U-Turn, Eject Button, or Golisopid’s Ability.
Shadow Ball: A Staple. Main STAB and nice 20% Chance to SpD drop.

Barraskewda @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Propeller Tail
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 ATK/ 252 Spe/ 4SpD
Nature: Adamant
Throat Chop
Close Combat
Ice Fang
Explanation: A mom made for sweeping. No flip turn because it’s weak and barraskewda either OHKO’s or gets OHKO’d.
Waterfall: Very solid Physical STAB that’s reliable. Waterfall > Liquidation because flinching is much better than a Def drop.
Close combat: Steel types are really bulky and annoying. Also Ferrothorn takes a big chunk from CC.
Ice Fang: For the Grass Types and Flying Types and Dragon Types that are literally everywhere.
Throat Chop: Needed to fill a move slot. Could be useful for Alakazam/Gengar but not very likely at all.

Swellow @ Choice Band/ Flame Orb
Ability: Scrappy
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 AtK/ 252 Spe/ 4HP
Nature: Jolly
Double-Edge / Return
Brave Bird
Quick Attack / Steel Wing
This thing is Meant to Sweep. If you Encounter a Rock Type though.. U-Turn Out. Unless you have steel wing. Then hit it.
Double-Edge/Return: Main Move to use. Take return if you don’t want recoil, but use Double-Edge if you want as much raw power as you can.
Brave bird: You don’t really get a better move. The only other flying moves it really has that are reliable are Wing Attack and Aerial Ace.
U-Turn: good coverage and useful to scout the opponents next move.
Quick Attack/Steel Wing: Quick attack if you want priority (priority is always useful.) Or use Steel Wing if you don’t want to switch every time you see a Garganacl or something.

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet / Occa Berry
Ability: Iron Barbs
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Def/ 248 HP/ 8 SpD
Nature: Bold/ Relaxed / Sassy
Stealth Rock
Leech Seed
Body Press

This thing is Bulky as hell. It basically won’t die unless there’s a flamethrower or fire blast careening towards it. Tera Dragon is Much better then Tera Fairy of Psychic because fire types are usually the counter to Ferrothorn.
Spikes: Basic Staple. One of the Best entry hazards.
Stealth Rock: The best entry hazard. Destroys Charizard as a Ferrothorn Check.
Leech Seed: Gradual recovery to stall even longer.
Body Press: We can’t be using struggle because of taunt. Body Press does really good damage against opposing Ferrothorn and Aggrons and in general bulky rock and steel Pokémon.

Rhyperior @ Assault Vest
Ability: Solid Rock
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 ATK / 252 HP / 4 SpD
Nature: Adamant
Stone Edge
Thunder Punch
Heat Crash

Tera Dragon is for Water And Grass Types. Don’t need the Reckless ability B/C no head smash. Rhyperior Needs all the Attack it can get and Assault Vest is nice for Ice moves coming it’s way because of Tera Dragon.
EQ: Ol’ Reliable STAB.
Stone Edge: not nearly as reliable, but millennias bettter than Rock Slide.
Thunder Punch: Weak, but can handle annoying Water types.
Heat Crash: Incredibly Strong most of the time (Rhyperior is T H I C C) and Takes down pesky Grass Types.

Now that you’ve read through, Leave your opinions and recommendations in the comments or through an answer. Thanks, and goodbye!

One of the reasons I closed this the first time was I agreed based on the Pokemon included that it's not a very competitive team for NDOU. I won't be a dick and close it again, but be receptive when you're told to replace most of this.
Most of your pokemon are going to have to be replaced. As much as I like Jolteon, it has virtually nothing to offer compared to other electrics like Tapu Koko, Zapdos etc. Barraskewda in my opinion should not be used outside of rain teams as it's really weak outside rain(especially without CB) .

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