Pokémon Rate My Team
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According to a lot of sources steel is the best type to run in Monotype as it has ten resistances and normally high defenses with decent attack

Metagross @ Weakness Policy
Evs : 252 Atk, 252 Def, 4 SpD
Ability : Clear body
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Meteor Mash
- Bullet Punch

Weakness policy for a stat boost should someone make the grave mistake of hitting him with a super-effective move doubling his attack while allowing him to hit hard back with either earthquake or ice punch boosted by the boost from weakness policy

Corviknight @ Leftovers
EV's : 4 HP, 252 Def, 252 SpD
Ability : Mirror Armor
Bold Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Roost
- Defog

Corviknight is here to cover the ground type weakness of metagross and also clear stealth rock and spikes making hazard setter redundant while healing and then dealing heavy damage right back to them or in other words kindly telling them to take a seat but U-turn will be needed if they have a ghost type.

Melmetal @ Leftovers
EV's : 244 Atk, 252 Def, 12 SpD
Ability : Iron Fist
Adamant Nature
- Iron Defense
- Double iron bash
- Body Press
- Rest

Another iron defense / body press abuser much like corviknight with iron fist hitting ghost types with increased power while breaking sturdy, substitute and focus sash and rest keeping it alive for longer

Aegislash @ Life orb
Evs 252 : Atk, 252 def, 4 SpD
Ability : Stance Change
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords dance
- Sacred Sword
- King's Shield

Aegislash is here to do big damage while also protecting themselves at the same time which is his whole purpose, so it is good as a secondary wall

Scizor @ Scizorite
Evs : 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Speed
Ability : Technician
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Night Slash
- X-scissor
- Swords Dance

Scizor like Aegislash has a lot to offer as well a good movepool an ability that helps his weaker moves a priority move, a diverse moveset and high damage output to boot

Lucario @ Life Orb
Evs : 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Ability : Justified
Modest Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Shadow Ball

Lucario is here for More coverage to be able to counter more enemies than i already can, including the infamous ghost type, which is a great thing for him to allow me to do along with Aegislash and Scizor

I'm not going to do a full rate right now, but one thing I noticed is you don't have Heatran.  Since this is for NatDex Monotype based on what you chose for your Pokemon, Heatran is a must have on steel teams so you can have a Fire immunity for your team.
Okay, noted, who should i replace for heatran?
The evs spreads here a bit strange. On defensive pokemon such as Corviknight, it's usually better to invest in HP and one of your defensive stats as opposed to no HP and both defensive stats.

1 Answer

1 vote
  • For your metagross i'd replace bullet punch with agility because weakness policy + agility is basically shell smash (minus the defense lowering)
  • For your Corviknight i'd replace iron defense for u-turn to gain some momentum
  • For your melmetal i'd replace rest with thunder punch and body press with eq (also change defense evs to attack evs).
  • For aegislash replace sacred sword with c(lose)c(ombat) or iron head (but probably cc for type coverage).
  • For scizor replace x-scissor with bug bite/pounce (also change it un evolved ability to technician if you haven't) and replace night slash for roost or cc or (stealth) rocks
  • And for lucario replace it with heatran: item is leftovers, moves are lava plume, flash cannon, earth power, and either magma storm/e(arth) p(ower) (ep is for type coverage and magma is for extra power in exchange for focus blast syndrome) or rocks if scizor doesn't have it

Hope I helped! (also the ev's for heatran are 252 hp, 252 spatk, and 4 in either defense, nature is modest)

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Good post, it's nice to see more activity on this section. As a sidenote, I feel like your post would be easier to read if it had bullet points instead of a big wall of text. Minor nitpick: The pre-mega ability for Scizor should be Light Metal as it helps in fringe situations versus Low Kick users. Scizor should instantly Mega evolve anyway.
There aren't many, if any Low Kick users in the metagame, so Technician can still be the pre ability.
It could still be useful in fringe situations though.