Pokémon Rate My Team
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So, here I was getting onto battle stadium when I saw the thumbnail was different. “Hmmm, that’s weird” said I. Little did I know regulation H had come. Anyways I started a team but I can’t figure out who would make good teammates. Here are my Pokémon so far

Adamant, Tera ghost, Lum berry.
Evs, 252hp/4 attack/ 252spdf

Bulk up
Drain punch
Rage fist

Jolly, Tera normal, focus sash.
Friend guard
Evs, 252hp/252spd/4def.

Hyper fang

Follow me
baby doll eyes

Ok here’s my strategy. First I’ll usually have Maushold use follow me and Annihilape use bulk up. Then I could use baby doll eyes to boost Annihilape attack. Encore is for annoying support Pokémon. And hyper fang is a good way to help Annihilape beat wall Pokémon.

Ok so I need Pokémon to help with my core. I’m also open to changes too.


closed with the note: full teams + explanation are required (rule 2.1)
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