Pokémon Rate My Team
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So far I have:
Tyranitar @Focus Sash EV: 4 Atk; 252 SpA; 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
Ability Sand Stream
-Stealth Rock
-Fire Blast
-Ice Beam

Garchomp @Choice Scarf EV: 252 Atk; 4 Def; 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
Ability Sand Veil
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang
-Stone Edge

Agislash @Air Baloon EV: 252 HP; 252 Atk; 4 Spd
Relaxed Nature
Ability Stand Change
-Shadow Sneak
-Seacred Sword
-King Shield
-Sword Dance

Scizor @Scizorite EV: 252 HP; 40 Atk; 216SpDef
Adamant Nature
Ability Technician
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance

Rotom-W @Leftovers EV: 232 HP; 56 SpA; 220 Spd
Modest Nature
Ability Levitate
-Hydro Pump
-Volt Switch
-Thunder Wave

I need one more pokemon to finish what do you sugest?


1 Answer

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You need something to switch into fire attacks as you have a mega scizor and nothing that can completely take fire attacks. Sure you have rotom but it isn't majorly bulky and switching in Tyranitar would break the sash. Your team also needs another special sweeper that also acts as a special wall. Enter Heatran
Item: Air balloon
Ability: Flash fire
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SpA/ 128 hp/ 128 SpD
-Fire blast
-Flash cannon
-Hidden power ice
-Earth power

As for general improvements go, give garchomp poison jab to counter fairies and give rotom thunderbolt > thunder wave. That's it really. Your only striking weakness now is ground but you have two air balloons, a sash and a levitator so I think you have it covered decently

It's a good idea in theory but i have no ways to get one in-game :/ And what move do you think i should replace with poison jab?
Either use pokebank or go on one of the trade communities. There's loads of them on Facebook