Pokémon Rate My Team
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Necrozma-Dusk-Mane @ Weakness Policy/ UltraNecroziumZ
Tera: Psychic
Evs: 252 Atk 152 Def 100 Spdef 54 HP
Nature: +Atk -Spd
Ability: Prism Armor
-Sunsteel Strike
-Photon Geyser
-Knock Off
-Morning Sun

This is my main Wallbreaker and can decimate teams while lasting with good defenses and a recovery move that is boosted by Groudons Harsh sunlight! Covers fighting and fairy types for Darkrai, fighting and poison types for Alolan Ninetales, poison types for Ogerpon, ghost and fairy and ice for Giratina, and ice types for Groudon. Has +Atk -Spd so that it can take advantage of opposing teams trick room and so if attack is debuffed enough Photon Geyser uses Sp Attack. Weakness policy works well with ability and if available UltraNecroziumZ can turn him into Ultra Necrozma. Psychic tera is to increase the power of Photon Geyser and gets rid of ground and fire weakness. Knock Off covers Marshadow.

Groudon @ Kings Rock/Red Orb
Tera: Ground
Evs: 252 Atk 56 Def 200 Spdef
Nature: +Atk -Spd
Ability: Drought
-Precipice Blades
-Fire Punch
-Stealth Rock
-Fling/Stone Edge

Another wallbreaker with some utility moves, sets up harsh sun with Drought which increases the power of Fire Punch, Kings Rock + Fling = Auto-Flinch, Red Orb if available, increases stats dramatically and gives a better ability and typing Ground/Fire. Drought gets rid of its water weakness by reducing the power of water type moves by half. Stealth Rock is our only entry hazard but the best one as it also cripples Ho-oh for Dusk Mane. Precipice Blades is our main STAB option that deals damage and hits both enemies in doubles. Ground tera for extra STAB. Fire Punch has a chance to burn!

Porygon-2 @ Eviolite
Tera: Flying
Evs: 252 Spatk 252 Spdef 4 Def
Nature: +Spatk -Spd
Ability: Download
-Trick Room
-Solar Beam
-Tera Blast

This has good coverage with its tera type, high bulk, good Spatk, and synergizes well with the other Pokemon on my team especially the slow ones. Thunderbolt for coverage and solar Beam to take advantage of Groudon's sun. Eviolite increases defenses dramatically. Download increases the stat that would do more damage.

Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb
Tera: Electric
Evs: 252 Atk 252 Def 4 HP
Nature: +Atk -Spatk
Ability: Levitate
-Shadow Force
-Dragon Tail
-Skitter Smack/Trick Room

Utility/Wall Breaker Mon, Griseous Orb to increase STAB moves power and to change Giratina's forms. Tera electric to give Giratina no weakness through levitate. Three immunities is very good, Shadow Force for STAB, Defog to clear terrains, clear enemy screens, lowers enemy evasiveness, clear all entry hazards, and also clears effects of moves like Fire Spin. Dragon tail for STAB and to help switch out annoying enemies. Skitter Smack for coverage and to lower enemies Spatk.

Darkrai @ Choice Scarf
Tera: Fighting
Evs: 252 Spatk 252 Spd 4 Def
Nature: + Spatk -Atk
Ability: Bad Dreams
-Dark Void
-Dark Pulse
-Focus Blast

Tera Fighting to increase damage of Focus Blast and give better Defensive typing. Choice Scarf plus Trick can trap pokemon in an encore effect that is better than Encore, may not use Trick. Can keep choice Scarf and outspeed almost all enemies and hit them with Focus Blast and Dark Pulse which are our main coverage moves, Dark Pulse has STAB and both of these moves can lower stats. Main status Pokemon with Dark Void. This Pokemon is my special sweeper.

Ninetales-Alola @ Light Clay
Tera: Ghost
Evs: 252 Spatk 252 Spd 4 Def
Nature: +Spatk -Atk
Ability: Snow Warning
-Aurora Veil
-Chilling Water

Alolan Ninetales has tera ghost for good defensive coverage, Snow Warning and Light Clay for Aurora Veil, Blizzard for high damage, freeze chance, and hitting both enemies. Moonblast with chance to lower stats and high STAB power. Chilling Water to lower attack and hit both enemies. Snow increases Blizzard's accuracy, increases power of ice type moves, and increases ice types defense by 50%.

Please rate my team!

edited by
oh my bad
So how do you rate this team?
Are you going to rate my team or not!
Sorry to stuff you around and then leave you a comment like this, but ND Doubles Ubers doesn't have a playerbase (anywhere, not just on this site) and that's going to limit the amount/quality of feedback we can give you. It doesn't even have a ladder on Showdown which is why I asked that question.
I don't know if it was your specific intention to build a team for that format, but if it wasn't, that is probably the most functional feedback we can give you. Pick the specific format you want to play before teambuilding, and then you (or whoever you ask for a rate) don't have to untangle that afterward.
I can "try" (emphasis on try) because I have experience in both NDOU and NDUbers, and give you a theoretical rating based on how I think it can fare. However, yes, NDDUbers has a really small playerbase, if at all (it isn't even a thing in National Dex Premier League iirc) so the closest alternatives are NDUbers (single), NDDOU (doubles OU), and DUbers (not ND, although I'm not sure if that format is active or not either)
Also sry for not responding earlier, but yeah I can't rate it since I don't want to go off of my nonexistent knowledge

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