Pokémon Rate My Team
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Incineroar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 216 HP / 252 Atk / 40 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Parting Shot
- Flare Blitz
- Fake Out
- Knock Off

Parting shot for a free switch with atk and spA drop, Flare blitz for STAB, fake out for free chip damage, and knock off to get rid of opponents items and a bit of chip. tera fire so I can just go all in with Flare blitz and if I got against a ground or rock type i'll just use parting shot to switch out.

Porygon2 @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Download
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Trick Room
- Tera Blast
- Recover
- Tri Attack

Trick room to go first (you'll notice that most of my Pokemon I made rather slower to be faster in trick room except for Moltres and Ogerpon), Tera plastic to use against weakness to fighting types with Tera blast flying, recover to stay in longer, and tri attack for STAB and hopefully a status condition.

Slowking-Galar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 140 HP / 116 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Chilly Reception
- Slack Off
- Sludge Bomb
- Future Sight

Chilly reception for switch out, slack off to stay in longer, sludge bomb for STAB and Future sight (I would use this before chilly reception to get damage on any pokemon who takes the hit). Tera water to cover weakness to ground types and if opponent uses grass type I'll just hit them with sludge bomb.

Flutter Mane @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 200 HP / 112 SpA / 196 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Shadow Ball
- Moonblast
- Trick Room

Another trick room setter. Protect to stall, shadow ball and moonblast for STAB. Tera fairy to get rid of weakness to dark types.

Moltres-Galar @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Berserk
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 120 HP / 80 Def / 252 SpA / 56 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hurricane
- Fiery Wrath
- U-turn
- Nasty Plot

Hurricane and Fiery wrath for STAB, U-turn for pivot, and nasty plot to set up. Sitrus berry to stay alive longer and Tera steel against weakness to fairy types.

Ogerpon-Cornerstone @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 136 HP / 252 Atk / 120 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spiky Shield
- Ivy Cudgel
- Encore
- Stomping Tantrum

Ogerpon is a good sweeper for this set. Spiky shield for stall and chip, encore to hopefully trap an opponent in setting up, and Ivy cudgel and stomping tantrum for STAB

So I guess you can call this a trick room team. Idk. Format is double battles. Let me know any advice you have to give. Thanks

edited by
What format is this? I can guess VGC, but you don't have level 50 mons, so I'm not sure
Yeah this is VGC. Didn't know I had to make my pkmn level 50. My bad for the confusion
- What regulation?
- Have you tried using the validate button first (or laddering with the team first)?
yeah the most recent regulation this is legal in is Regulation G (because Flutter, Moltres, and Ogerpon are all banned in Regulation H) but this is nowhere near viable in Regulation G because there's no restricted. Anything further back isn't played that much (Reg G probably isn't played as well; people mostly play the most recent one)
I love how everything I need to say keeps slipping my mind. So to answer your question, yes, this is reg G. Made sure I had no copying held items and all pkmn were allowed before making my team. Any other critiques?
1. I guess this is legal for Regulation G, but where's your restricted legendary?
2. I don't think anyone plays Reg G on Showdown ladder, and official ladder on the Switch is now Reg H, so critiquing/adjusting this team may not be the best use of your time.
Yeah ok. I'll make a Reg H team soon. Thanks for helping me out.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

I think this team would be good with Calyrex-Ice since it seems like you want to build a trick room team. Calyrex can run Trick room itself but since you have Porygon2 which is pretty bulky this might not be necessary.

Incineroar-does not need to run boots since hazards are not common in vgc outside of a rare Glimmora stall team. I would suggest safety goggles or sitrus berry for better support. I think limited to none speed investment on Inceneroar would be better under trick room. A more defensive tera type like grass or ghost would be helpful to avoid fake out or spore/rage powder. Moves are good but Flare Blitz could be replaced by a support move like Will-O-Wisp depending on how defensive/offensive you want your Incineroar to be.

Porygon2-Porygon2 is useless without Eviolite since that doubles your defensive stats. Tera Flying tera blast could be replaced by tera fairy which provides better matchups into Urshifu, Koraidon, Miraidon, and Raging Bolt. This should be minimum speed if it is your trick room setter.

Slowbro-Galar-This is not very good in doubles since it is not as strong as most other options and lacks strong support moves accept for trick room which you already have Porygon2 for. Much stronger attakcers include eruption Torkoal, either Ursoluna form, or Calyrex-Ice to fit your restricted slot.

Flutter Mane-This can be a powerful attacker for when you can't get trick room up. Running trick room on this is not very good since it is so fast and frail. Taunt would be a better option for support, or Dazzling Gleam for strong spread move STAB.

Moltres Galar-This is too fast to be used effectively in Trick Room, and too slow to be used outside of Trick Room. This could be replaced by one of the strong Trick Room threats listed earlier or be given an Iron Ball if you really want to make it work.

Ogerpon-Cornerstone-This is a good support mon. Stomping tantrum is pretty weak and should be replaced by Follow Me in order to redirect strong attacks from Porygon2 so you can set up Trick Room.

Since reg G is comming back in 2025 I figured I would give a late answer to this. Hope you see this and find this helpful.

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Great answer, but can you explain what to use instead of moltres and give a set?
I said that you could use Torkoal, Ursoluno, or Calyrex-Ice
Torkoal @ Charcoal/Choice Specs  
Ability: Drought  
Level: 50  
Tera Type: Fire  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Quiet Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe  
- Eruption  
- Heat Wave  
- Earth Power  
- Protect/Overheat (if specs)
Torkoal pairs well with Flutter Main to activate its protosynthesis and let it use a different item than booster energy
Ursaluna-Bloodmoon @ Covert Cloak/Life Orb  
Ability: Mind's Eye  
Level: 50  
Tera Type: Normal  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Quiet Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe  
- Blood Moon  
- Hyper Voice  
- Earth Power  
- Protect  
Ursaluna @ Flame Orb  
Ability: Guts  
Tera Type: Normal/Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Brave Nature  
IVs: 0 Spe  
- Facade  
- Headlong Rush  
- Swords Dance  
- Protect  

Both Ursoluna forms are some of the strongest trick room attackers. Regular ursoluna is status immune and eventually stronger, but has to set up first and is weak to intimidate. Ursoluna-Bloodmoon is stronger initially and can spam blood moon and hyper voice for free with tera normal boost.

Calyrex-Ice @ Clear Amulet  
Ability: As One (Glastrier)  
Level: 50  
Tera Type: Grass  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Brave Nature  
IVs: 0 Spe  
- Glacial Lance  
- Seed Bomb/High Horsepower
- Trick Room/Swords Dance  
- Protect

Calyrex-Ice is the slowest restricted and is very customizable whether you want to set up trick room with it, or bring it in later to sweep with spread Glacial Lance plus solid coverage moves.
Oh yeah didn’t see that
I just saw this lol. Your critiques will give me a solid trick room team. thanks a lot! This helps so much.