Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 90)

Long Harvest Moon-related wall post time! Prepare to be bored and disinterested. XD

So you know how I've been trying to marry Luke and all that? Well, things have been going well.

First off, he came by my house with a freaking flower and a cake. Nothing like a good present or two to leave you blushing down your neck. Also that cake really helped when I was mining once.

And before I can even catch my breath (apparently it takes me over ten minutes in real life and over a day in-game to catch my breath), he's stopping by the next day. And then he's calling me sunshine (not even making that up), giving me a snazzy gem, and saying it matches my eyes or something despite them being vastly different colors.

So then later on we start up a little competition to see who can collect twenty lumber first. It took me a day, but I did it, and apparently I beat him (I'll consider that payback for him annihilating me when we played a minigame once). So he apparently found that impressive.

And then one day I stop by and he says he needs to talk to me. So I agree and we're supposed to meet up under Alan's Tree. Yes that's an in-game place, Alan is a Harvest Sprite who has turned into a flower or something under the tree. Anyway, guess what I said internally. "Why do I have the feeling that this is something important?" Yeah. Apparently my limited intelligence was right, because when we met under the tree he said he loved me.

And now what? Well he has a few new pieces of dialogue further revealing that he has a good personality and I'm wondering about that stupid Bird of Happiness or whatever its called because something about people offering one of its feathers while purposing or something.

(imagines me dropping the bird on Luke's head while trying to purpose and realizing I just crushed like four of his bones)
Jan 27, 2021 by Gau
Indeed. I like the battle we had last night. It was one of my random strats. Basically, Brandon would gain temporary Light Screen support from Nikki. Luckily for me, you sent out Milotic. Now, with enough Snarls, its Special Attack dropped to piddy levels... well, its damage did. So the only threat from Milotic was Burn damage, which wasn't a problem for Brandon because of Moonlight's healing. This limited you to one attacker because I didn't really focus on Milotic. Though I lost a few Pokemon, Brandon the Survivor stayed alive to annoyingly Snarl you. And then when only Milotic was left, Shadow Ball helped out by having a nice little chance to lower Special Defense, reducing Milotic's special bulk. And then I won. :3

Jan 27, 2021 by Gau
When you make, please post its name on my wall ;) Also I'm no.4! Well as of now there are 6 cores, and i started from 2 core that's why I'm behind.
Jan 26, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
Something you might be interested in. Go to Page 5 in this post, but first read the rules in Page 1 :P
Jan 26, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
Jan 26, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
(or just keep it how it is i'm fine with that)
Jan 26, 2021 by themodernage
sure, go right on ahead, but add a new cereal product to it before using it
Jan 26, 2021 by themodernage
The gravatar was made by me
Jan 26, 2021 by themodernage
I made that
Jan 26, 2021 by themodernage
Jan 26, 2021 by Stephwheel8