Some points about that battle: WTH you sacrificed Lugia and Dusk Mane to Yveltal? Take care to not forget that both wall Sword Dog and apart from that most of your team is beaten by it. Using your own Dynamax Yveltal is more wise. Aeroblast is totally meme. Try Ice Beam, but its for Zygarde, not to attack Yveltal!!!!
Dec 12, 2020
Tensa Zangetsu
Lol thanks :)
I'll be congratulating you soon!
Dec 11, 2020
Grats on beating him! He haxed me to death, do the same to him next time :P
Dec 11, 2020
Tensa Zangetsu
Gen Whee AG team
X x X (X-Primal) (M) @ Bright Powder
Ability: RoseradeRoseradeRoserade
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ah Yes
- Roserade Yeet
- I Love Coco
- Gladion Aether Is Insane
The ace of my team. Bright Powder allows it to turn into its Primal form, and RoseradeRoseradeRoserade sets up Roserain. The EVs are for high Special Attack and decent bulk. Speed, in most cases, would be a waste, as Primal X isn't fast enough to outspeed most of its threats. Modest is for a bit more power. Ah Yes is STAB and its best weapon. Roserade Yeet and I Love Coco are coverage. Gladion Aether Is Insane is a OHKO against all those Primal Gladion Aethers you see around in Gen Whee AG.
Derp (N) (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Lamehead
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Derp Implosion
- Derp Champs
- Parlor Swipple Songs
- Anti Frocky Whee Heads
While I don't like N, it has a strong presence in Gen Whee AG, so yeah. Once I started using it, my elo went way up. Anyways, Choice Specs maximize its power, Timid nature allows it to outspeed Modest Ns, Derp Implosion is STAB, and the rest are coverage.
I Broke Up With N (Parlor Swipple) (F) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Idiot Trickery
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cruddy Songs
- Break Up With Twenty Boyfriends
- Ignore Sense
- Pass Out Stupidly
My special tank. Idiot Trickery is the reason for the Toxic Orb, making your oppnent poisoned instead of you. Cruddy Songs is STAB, and the two-stage drop to your opponent's Attack stats can really be useful. Break Up With Twenty Boyfriends is good recovery. Ignore Sense gives you a nice Special Defense boost. Pass Out Stupidly is great because then your stats can't be dropped for the rest of the battle.
Pikadion (Pika) (F) @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Fangirling
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Defense / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
- Fool Lameheads
- Argument
- Lamehead Terrain
Gotta love Pika. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah is one heck of a move, dealing 80% of your opponent's HP. Fool Lameheads is a priority finisher for after you've lowered their HP to very low levels. Argument disables your opponent's attacking moves. Whee Terrain doubles the power of all Lamehead-type moves. This can really work in your favor when you've got N. It's also what the Terrain Extender's for. Fangirling can help when you're up against attacking Gladions, reducing the damage of their moves by 50%.
Gla-Gla (Gladion) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Edginess
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Edgy Glare
- Knock Out Lameheads
- Brush Off
- Japanese Fighting
This thing hits hard as a truck for being a good staller. Edginess cripples most of your oponents, Leftovers is for recovery, Edgy Glare is STAB and pretty powerful at that, Knock Out Lameheads OHKOs those annoying Ns, Brush Off allows you to manipulate your opponent's selections, and Japanese Fighting hits real hard and recovers some HP. Finally, a good event-exclusive move.
Haueth McHead (Hauhead-Livid) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Malasada Addiction
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Malasada Axe
- Roar Of Lameheads
- Anger
- Malasada Eat
I'm glad(ion) that X can Primal Reversion and Hauhead can turn Livid in the same battle. Sweepers abound. Both Life Orb and Adamant increase damage. Malasada Axe is STAB. Roar Of Lameheads and Anger are coverage. Malasada Eat maximizes Attack but renders Life Orb unusable. The price ya pay.
Dec 11, 2020
Battle Of The Bands
It was a great day for N at first. He had just started his new band, Derp Champs. Alongside him was Parlor Swipple and a heavily tortured blue-eyed Gladion clone who was chained to a wall and forced to play instruments. He looked incredibly depressed. It was their first night, and they were singing their song, We Hate Frocky Whee Heads Derp: "OHHHHHH OMG DERPY DORP DORP DORRRRRP! WE! WE HATE! WE HATE THE FROCKY WHEE HEADS! THEY ANNOY GOOD 'OL DERPY US! OH YEAH! WE! WE HATE! WE HATE THE FROCKY WHEE HEADS! OH EM GEE! FROCKY WHEE HEADS HATE ROSERECKS DERP! PREIMAL WATER SPOUTEDED US! IT HURT HURT HURT OUR REAR ENDS! PICKA WENT BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AND I WENT OMG THAT WAS PAINY OW! GLAYDEON WASN'T A LAMEHEAD SO I CLONED A LAMEHEAD WITH HIM DERP! WE! WE HATE! WE HATE THE FROCKY WHEE HEADS!" But then N heard something quiet. Singing. "...Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods...?" He knew it was Pika's voice, and that she was singing a song that wasn't dumb and lamehead-fueled. He ignored it, but some of the audience heard it. They became curious. "FROCKY WHEE HEADS ARE SO UN-LAMEHEADED! HOW DARE THEM! OH DERP! I HAVE A HAU HEAD LODGED IN MY POOPY BRAIN! I ONCE WAS EATING A DEER'S PITCHFORK HOUSE AND I WAS KILLED BY A SCREE CAPE OF THE LA LA LA JEANS! WE! WE HATE! WE HATE THE FROCKY WHEE HEADS!" Again, he heard it. "...Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds...?" He snarled derpy curse words under his breath before singing again. "I ONCE SCREAMED AS A SLEIGH MELTED MY INTERNAL PHANTASM IN THE EVIL RITUALS OF ANTI-POOPING IN DERPY RED'S SPLEEN CASTLE! PARLOR SWIPPLE IS MY EPICAL ALLY WHO WENT 'I BROKE UP WITH N WHILE I BROKE UP WITH N AND DERP TWENTY BOYFRIENDS I BROKE UP WITH TOO AFTER AND BEFORE N DORP'! NOW AN ONION RING IS SNEEZING IN MY BOOT SHOE! AND NOW THE SUN AND MOON ARE HUGGLING ME TO DEATH IN LUSAMINE'S LAWN!" As he sung this, Lusamine flew by on a trapeeze. "...Late at night, I toss and I turn as I dream of what I need..." N would've shouted "SHUT DERPY UP WE'RE SINGING YOU DUMBY-DOOOMB FROCKY WHEE HEAD!", but he didn't want to stop his own song. "LOOK AT ME I WENT HERP LOOP IN THE CLEAN LAND OF GRANNY'S LANE! NOW I'M STUCK DOING THIS DERP LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-RRRRRRRRRRRRR-RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!" He bowed as he finished the song and Parlor Swipple had a breakdancing spaz seizure. "...I need a hero...! I'm holdin' out for a hero 'til the end of the night...!" He heard clapping. But it wasn't for his song. It was for the one Pika was singing in the background. "DERP THAT'S IT I'M TIRED OF LISTENING TO YOU SING YOU STUPID DOLLAR BILL POOP CAN YOU NOT SEE I'M SINGING WE HATE FROCKY WHEE HEADS DERP FOR ARCOOS' SAKE?!" he screeched. This screech snapped the Gladion clone out of the trance he had been put in by Pika's singing. The wall behind the Derp Champs members was suddenly broken, and they were kicked offstage by Pika, Gladion, Hau, and Primal. N and Parlor Swipple stood up and eyed the Frocky Whee Heads Unite members with disgust as people clapped. Gladion began to sing. "Well I do not intend to comply, and you're not gonna push me aside-" "SHUT YOUR FROCKY TRAPS RIGHT DERPING NOW!" N yelled into their ears. "YEAH DERP WE'RE GOOD SINGERS AND YOU AREN'T!" Parlor Swipple screamed. The Frocky Whee Heads Unite members looked at each other and knew exactly what to do: make a parody. The music started, and Pika's voice rung throughout the building. "Ah! Me so lamehead! Ah! Me so lamehead! Ah! Me so lamehead! Me dummy long time! Ah! Me am N! Ah! Parlor Swipple! Ah! Me so lamehead! Me dummy long time! Sittin' on your rears like lazy bums, thinkin' that we're just a bunch of crumbs! Singin' your heads off like we'll be scared, you even damaging the hearing impaired! Tellin' us that we're this and that as we make all your stupid plans fall flat-" N was even more outraged and charged at them with his lance of baked beans. However, Pika ate said lance. "Hmm... could've used a bit more cooking." she said. "DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!" N screamed in terror. Then Hau grabbed something. Pieces of chocolate, which were loaded with butter and sea salt, Pika's secret recipe. However, these pieces had active fire inside of them. He ate one, making him breathe fire at N, whose hair was scorched off. Parlor Swipple then leapt at them while singing "OMDERP I BROKE UP WITH MY THOUSAND-TH BOYFRIEND TWO SECONDS AGO DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!" However, Primal Water Spouted her into N, making their derpiness factor increase by forty thousand points. Some of the children in the audience laughed lightheartedly when they saw. Then Lusamine dropped down from the cieling in a ninja outfit and holding three lamehead happy meals in each hand with one in her teeth. But Gladion suddenly shouted something in Japanese before preforming some kind of snazzy Japanese fighting move on her, knocking her ninja outfit off. They then engaged in Japanese fighting. Gladion won and kicked her off the stage. Then the stage's floor opened, causing the frocky whee heads to fall inside. "DERP DORP THEY'RE SO DUMB THEY FELL IN A PIT!" N laughed. Parlor Swipple laughed with him. But then, out of that hole rose a giant viking ship with the frocky whee heads on board. The lameheads grabbed on and climbed into the viking ship, dragging the very tired Gladion clone with them. "HERE WE ARE DERP!" N said and kicked Primal overboard somehow. In an instant, they were sailing through the ocean after somehow being teleported there. The sun was setting overhead. "NOW THAT PRIMAL IS GONE DERP WE CAN BEAT YOU UP!" Pika laughed at N's words and pressed a button, causing the ship to suddenly be propelled through the water at high speeds due to a motor. "Guess who?" called a voice. N looked to see that Primal was water-skiing with about a hundred senior citizens. "OH DERPING FRICK!" N cried. The senior citizens climbed up into the viking ship and beat up N, Parlor Swipple, and Lusamine before flinging them overboard. The ship sailed off into the sunset, with Primal water-skiing behind it, and the Gladion clone joined Frocky Whee Heads Unite.
The end.
Dec 10, 2020
Congratulation for 4000 points
Dec 10, 2020
Congrats on 4k!!
Dec 10, 2020
Okay cool! And congrats on hittong 4,000!
Dec 10, 2020
Dyla N