PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 55)

are you still giving up on me
Aug 10, 2022 by Chao220
A couple quotes from the olden days, when I was... really something.

"Casey, Casey, Casey, breaking in your face-y..."

"What're you guys trying to do? Pee on the bus stop?"

"Oh god, the Derp Tree Express."

"Hey mom, Hau only has one volume!"

"Slap your mother in the face! Wait, that wouldn't work."

"No, phone. YAAAAAAAAAAAY is not a misspelling of Tapas ASAP Past. What the fricking frock even is a tapas?"

"Le grandeth turtle giveth wisdom to thee."

"Greetings! I'm a super nerd eye face here!"

"Test my toenail."

"Paniola? More like pani oli roni."

"One plus one is two, but nerd plus dummy is lamehead."

As they say, either laugh or go mad.
Aug 10, 2022 by Gau
Aug 9, 2022 by Gau
Got ur mom
Aug 9, 2022 by Amethyst
It's getting slept on tbh
Aug 9, 2022 by Amethyst
The only girls in the group get shipped. I'm predictable, but at least consistent.
Aug 9, 2022 by Gau

Aug 9, 2022 by Gau
Here are my lame descriptions of the characters, complete with constantly overlapping traits and listed in order of creation. Their personalities aren't complete, and if they ever are, it's likely some traits will be removed because it's a little repetitive at times.

A rather rebellious girl. She has trouble taking orders and prefers to be alone. She often hunts by herself, which she knows is dangerous. She's also really stubborn, so getting her to take you along for the ride is difficult. She gets very angry if you follow her somewhere, even if you save her life. She's known to hold grudges, even if they're from ages ago.
[Needs some work, but I'm sure it gets the point across.]

This boy has more scars than birthdays. He always wants to lead the charge, or anything, really, and his somewhat-reckless behavior often results in injuries. However, he doesn't let said injuries get to him much, and will keep fighting even if he's on the ground, bleeding and crippled. He enjoys the companionship of other Wildlings, but has quite a temper.

A collector of anything interesting to him, this boy is known for hoarding plants and meat, even if others need them. While he doesn't really mean any harm, he doesn't like to give others what he finds, as he believes that it belongs to him, and is completely baffled if somebody gives him a gift. Since the other Wildlings are often annoyed by his hoarding behavior, he's not very social. While mostly quiet and peaceful, he can become quite aggressive if anyone messes with his hoard, and if he notices something missing, he'll go around frantically asking if anyone's seen or taken it.

This boy is as curious and playful as a kitten. He gets excited over the smallest things as long as they're new or interesting to him. He's easily flustered and surprised. He's also very loyal to his friends and likes to help them. He has a rather cheerful and jolly personality, but he can be a bit childish at times. If he's worried about someone, he often acts before he thinks.
[Ask Conrad, he knows.]

This sweet girl has quite a friendly disposition. She views all the Wildlings as friends, unless one of them changes her mind. She can get very lonely if she's alone too long, so she loves sleeping next to someone, even if he's not a very close friend. [If you were wondering, the Wildlings in the group all sleep in the same place, and it's common for friends to sleep next to each other, both to share body heat and because frenneth. Plus, it's reassuring. If something tries to kill you while you sleep in the middle of the night, you know you can hopefully rely on your pal to stop it.] She often drags other Wildlings into games, even if he doesn't want to play. But by the end of it, they're usually both in a good mood. While she's quite a joy to be around, she often refuses to hunt because she doesn't like to kill animals.
[haha mary sue doesn't wanna hunt but eats the food the hunters get and can lift anybody's mood smh my Zephyr]

The youngest member of the group, this little lad is determined to be just as strong as his fellow Wildlings. He wants to train almost constantly, and is known to push himself a bit too hard at times. He doesn't think before he acts much, and believes he can fight off anything. He's not good at staying put, and is known to follow hunting parties and Wildlings he likes. If he wants to do something, he'll do it, and nobody can change his mind. However, he can be very kind at times, and is strongly attached to his friends, seeing them as brothers.
[This dumb kid is one of my favorites honestly. He small.]

? [Currently nameless. I need to name him.]
The stealthiest of the Wildlings, this young man is a valuable hunter because he's good at sneaking up on and surprising prey. And despite being normally quiet and watchful, he has a mischievous streak and loves to surprise his fellow Wildlings. He also likes to stay hidden for his own protection, and because he can figure out what's going on all over camp without being noticed.

This boy's climbing skills are unmatched among the Wildlings, as is his repuation. He usually takes 'playful' a little too far, pushing others into rough-and-tumble play and accidentally hurting his playmates. And if he hurts a Wildling or such and he struggles, he just acts more rough. Whenever anyone confronts him about his behavior, he's always confused, as he doesn't believe he's doing anything wrong, just playing. ["You broke my arm!" "I was only playing!"] Another one of his favorite games is to swipe something belonging to another Wildling and flee. It's rare for anyone to catch up with him, which saddens him because there's no challenge. His playfulness aside, he has trouble sitting still, and it's common to see him twitching and stretching if he's not moving around. Climbing is not only his best skill, but a hobby of his. He'll climb trees, rocks, and if they were nearby, likely mountains.
Aug 9, 2022 by Gau
"Is it at all wrong that I just called him Bonkie?" -me being deep
Aug 8, 2022 by Gau
> Why did the answer get downvoted lmao

I opened the question and apparently I'm the one who downvoted it months ago LOL.
And you're right, I think I downvoted it because of the trash Counter-Sash set.
Aug 8, 2022 by xPsydxck