Gen 9 NU Shell Smash

Cloyster @ White Herb
Ability: Skill Link
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Drill Run
Cloyster dropped to NU, so here is a Shell Smash set it can use while you can use it in NU. Cloyster is scary for NU, as there aren't many Pokemon who can stop this thing once it sets up. Realistically, Tauros-Paldea-Aqua can stop Cloyster from throwing a bunch of projectiles at NU. Shell Smash boosting Cloyster's Attack and Speed stats make it a scary Pokemon with attacks most Pokemon don't like switching into. Icicle Spear is used for the Ice STAB since Skill Link makes it hit all 5 times, making it a scary move. Rock Blast is a nice coverage move to hit opposing Closyter, Avalugg and Fire-types such as Chandelure, Arcanine, Salazzle, and Delphox super effectively, hitting all 5 times due to Skill Link. Cloyster gained access a coverage move in Drill Run in Gen 9, allowing it to have a move to break past Steel-types such as Copperajah and Klefki, as well as hitting Pokemon such as Qwilfish and Overqwil super effectively. White Herb is used to get rid of the defense drops from Shell Smash, making Cloyster harder to revenge kill. With Tera Ground, Cloyster can send Copperajah, Klefki, and Qwilfish out of the Solar System with Drill Run after using Shell Smash. In addition to making Drill Run STAB, Tera Ground gives Cloyster an Electric immunity, which is useful to prevent Klefki and Thundurus from using Prankster Thunder Wave against you.
In conclusion: Cloyster is a scary Pokemon for NU, as not a lot of Pokemon can stop this once it gets off a Shell Smash, with its high defense stat helping with that. So, use Cloyster in NU while you still can.