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Which entry hazard should I use for cloyster? spikes or toxic spikes? I was thinking of a moveset like this:

ability:skill link
item:choice scarf
-shell break(sweep em' all!)
-rock blast(125 power with skill link)
-surf(STAB/power boost from shell break)
-icicle spear(awesome STAB/godly insane 187 power from skill link)

so? is it good? I would like to know if I should change something or keep it the way it is.(by the way, I'm using this guy for competitive battling) thx fo your help!:D

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how is this related to the question on the title o.o
Flagged for not being relavent to the title. ALso, don't use any cuz its not gonna live after leaving itself in the open for 2 turns. And also, please say shell SMASH , not shell BREAK pls. It's just a pet peeve.
Clearing flags. Please don't concern yourself with stuff from seven years ago guys. Completely different moderation standard back then.
Necroposting is fine if you're contributing insight as above. Uninformative content/ mild observations should be flagged.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Adding on to Trachy's answer:

Another viable item for Shell Smash Cloyster, especially in formats with less powerful Pokemon, is White Herb, as the neutral Defenses can help against Pokemon if they can't immediately threaten Cloyster (or the format has a dearth of hazard removal options, which renders Focus Sash useless.)

Liquidation is now the preferred Water STAB due to its higher power.

Another option for Cloyster is Ice Shard. Even at maximum speed (which is doesn't usually run over maximum attack) it stil struggles to outspeed Booster Energy Iron Valiant, Scarf Darkrai, Scarf Meowscarada, and a whole host of Pokemon. Ice Shard allows Cloyster to at least deal some damage before fainting (or who knows, you might get a crit) along with providing excellent revenge killing against the likes of Dragon Dance Dragonite (with Multiscale broken.) In lower tiers with less speed, though, the standard trio of Icicle Spear, Liquidation, and Rock Blast is preferred.

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3 votes

No this is not the optimal Cloyster set. You'll want your item to be a Focus Sash so that you can pull off Shell Smash for sure. You'll then want to replace Surf with Razor Shell, being the best Physical Water type attack available to Cloyster.

Thank you I was thinking of surf so I could have some diversity against physical walls instead of just using physical attacks, plus I didnt want to waste my stat boost from shell break. thx I will change it to focus sash!:D
After Shell Smash, you won't need to worry about Physical walls. Plus, Razor Shell has an increcible 50% chance of lowering the foe's defense stat by one stage.