Well, I know something that can ruin Poli, or if they're a smart opponent, it can set up and kill a Pokemon or two... Volcarona
Since this sexy bug gets Giga Drain, a Super Effective move on Politoed, and can abuse Hurricane AND can set up a quiver Dance before a Scald comes your way, he's a pretty reliable Pokemon for this...
Volcarona @ Leftovers/Expert Belt
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 108 Spd / 248 SAtk / 152 HP
Modest Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Giga Drain
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz/Hurricane
With this EV spread, it helps you outspeed max speed Politoed, and guarantees a safe Quiver Dance (unless it's scarfed) and it adds some bulk to help take a Scald with a bit more ease. Kill off Politoed with a Giga Drain or if you predict a switch, fire off any other attack as you wish.
~Good luck against them rain teams.
Alright, so here are your calcs...
Giga Drain at +1
252SpAtk +1 Volcarona (+SAtk) Giga Drain vs 252HP/252SpDef Leftovers Politoed (+SpDef): 52% - 61% (200 - 236 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
Giga Drain at +1, but landing a crit*
252SpAtk +1 Volcarona (+SAtk) crit Giga Drain vs 252HP/252SpDef Leftovers Politoed (+SpDef): 104% - 122% (400 - 472 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
Giga Drain at +1 with Expert Belt
252SpAtk Expert Belt +1 Volcarona (+SAtk) Giga Drain vs 252HP/252SpDef Leftovers Politoed (+SpDef): 62% - 73% (240 - 283 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
Giga Drain at +1 with Expert Belt, but landing a crit*
252SpAtk Expert Belt +1 Volcarona (+SAtk) crit Giga Drain vs 252HP/252SpDef Leftovers Politoed (+SpDef): 125% - 147% (480 - 566 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
(Please note that this is the bulkiest EV spread that Politoed can run and take the most minimal damage from your Giga Drain. Any other set will take more damage.)
Now, as for Poli hitting you...
A 252 SAtk Politoed hitting you with a Stab Scald in the Rain
252SpAtk Politoed (+SAtk) Scald in Rain vs 152HP/0SpDef Leftovers +1 Volcarona (Neutral): 61% - 72% (216 - 254 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
Crit would obviously be an OHKO xD
Now as for a regular Politoed hitting you with a Hydro Pump in the rain
252SpAtk Politoed (+SAtk) Hydro Pump in Rain vs 152HP/0SpDef Leftovers +1 Volcarona (Neutral): 91% - 108% (320 - 380 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 51% chance to OHKO.
Crit again, would be an OHKO
Now, for the Specs Politoed that is seen around in OU...
Specs Scald
252SpAtk Choice Specs Politoed (+SAtk) Scald in Rain vs 152HP/0SpDef Leftovers +1 Volcarona (Neutral): 91% - 108% (320 - 380 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 51% chance to OHKO.
Crit is OHKO
Specs Hydro Pump
252SpAtk Choice Specs Politoed (+SAtk) Hydro Pump in Rain vs 152HP/0SpDef Leftovers +1 Volcarona (Neutral): 138% - 163% (482 - 570 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
So, this can serve as a StallToed counter, but beware of Specs Poli, as it rapes this fellow bug...